Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters) (1-Button, HC SSF, Pure Item Freedom)
"Great question and post tsedaka! My builds are definitely what you're looking for, but whether you'll like the playstyle of them, I don't know. I have four to choose from. The minion build, Slow-Mo zombies is likely the most brainless from start to finish (in regards to gear). The RF Happy build is by far the tankiest (the most mindless endgame), but RF can be tricky to level. The Curse Happy build can be tricky to level with CI as well but it's also very brainless once you have the build setup. Trigger Happy is the easiest to level with but requires you to be on the lookout for a better weapon over and over. The playstyle is all the same though. I try for one-button builds without any flask mashing. So as long as the concept and skill(s) of each build interest you, I don't think you'll choose poorly. Let me know if you have any questions about them. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thanks for the fast answer.
So I guess I'll choose between minion and RF. Which one has the fastest clear? Thanks again :) |
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"Ummmmm...I actually think they are pretty equal with average gear. I think the only reason that Slow-Mo would be a little faster for 3.11 is because RF uses Cyclone which lowers your movement speed a bit. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hey wrecker, nice build you posted and the write up as well. Does this build clear all end-game bosses? How often do you die on higher tier maps?
I like how you've made the playstyle simple but I also really dislike dying. I tend to just stop playing the game for weeks or months when I die too much. Any feedback and advice would be much appreciated! |
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"Hey iloveblondes! You're very kind! I appreciate your kindness :). Currently, I have 4 builds posted and I'm not sure which build you're specifically referring to. All of my builds are defensive first, offence second. So if the build suits your playstyle, you won't die much at all. I also do my best to make my builds as customizable as possible so people can make the tweaks they need to make the build as comfortable as possible. I use all four guides in all the same content. They can all clear all the content in the game (except for Hall of Grandmasters). If there's a specific build you have questions about, feel free to reply on that build's thread as you'll likely get answers from more than just me (which is always edifying). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hi Wrecker! I'm a big fan of your guides, and a long-time lurker. Congrats on finally making me post!
Here's my question: What's the value in having both the Summon gems linked to CwDT? I don't think that's been asked/discussed here yet, but pardon me if I missed it. It seems like it would be more beneficial to swap Summon Stone Golem with Enduring Cry (and put Immortal Call before Enduring Cry in the 4-Link). I haven't been able to test this yet since I'm not far enough along in-game, but I often get things wrong with CwDT. I'm thinking CwDT would proc Immortal Call (consume Endurance Charges, grant bonuses) and THEN proc Enduring Cry (restore some Endurance Charges, etc). Which makes the build even more automatic than it already is and makes it stack a TON of bonuses during intense fights. Anyone have thoughts on that? EDIT - Okay, I'm a bonehead. This was supposed to be posted on Wrecker's Righteous Fire (Marauder) thread. I can't seem to move or delete this. My bad. Last edited by timcooper#2707 on Aug 2, 2020, 3:36:35 PM
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"Ha ha! Don't worry at all timcooper! I'll copy this over to the other thread :). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I just wanted to say thank you for the guides and the way to play!
Although I just started the RF happy guide and I´m just at the end of act two, I enjoy the game so much more. I was always wondering, what it is in leagues that makes me feel uncomfortable and now I know it – It´s the time element. In leagues, I always was rushing through the content and try to run through as much stuff as possible, follow guides as strict as possible, because of the limited time that’s available. At the same time though, I never really cared about the league mechanics and didn´t cared much about my chars, since they are in retirement after three months anyway. And alyways worried to spend currency on crafting cause it could be used for trading (which I never did anyway) But know, try SSF standard for the first time – it´s a whole new game. I walk through the acts, explore everything (want to get the achievement of reading all the lore), examine every piece of gear and I love it. Knowing I can play at my own pace and the char won´t be obsolete after three month makes such a different. So thank you so much for advertising a difference way of play – It made the difference to me so far :) Last edited by Morb_84#9037 on Aug 21, 2020, 6:04:07 AM
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"That's great Morb_84! That's 100% the reason that I play Standard as well. It's just nice to play this massive game in MY OWN time. The theory crafting is the challenge that I like; not the time challenge. So I'm glad that you gave it a shot. For some reason, people have a negative perception of Standard. So good for you for trying it out. Thanks for taking the time to be so honest and thoughtful. I appreciate the encouragement and am really happy to hear that you're enjoying the game so much more! Thanks for the note :). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Main problem here is enduring cry is a warcry, and can not ever be triggered by CWDT |
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