3.10.0d Patch Notes

Nice !
Bad Seed
Keep up the great work!
Nubatron wrote:
I'm personally enjoying the difficulty, but I get it.

Also this, but I don't think my chars will survive T8+.
Epsynus wrote:
Sigh, another league where the difficulty is fine, but instead of Reddit learning how to deal with the mechanics they just cry and cry and cry until they nerf it. So sad to see just how much control that shit subreddit has on this game.

Maybe the babies on Reddit are crying because they're... well, they're not good at this game and always whine and GGG always capitulates to said babies... seemingly ALWAYS, and they really need to stop listening to those petulant idiots, that does not mean that there aren't problems with the league mechanic, and there are and it has zilch to do with "difficulty."

AlexanderNaN wrote:
GGG seriously doesn't get it. The issue with the league isn't the damage itself. It's the visibility and backtracking issues.

People complain about the damage when they're forced to pick up items during Delirium because you'd have to backtrack the entire map to pick them up since you have to be fast. While you're picking up the loot, there's shit tons of explosions going off on top of you and you can barely see them until it's too late.

Just make the Delirium permanent and people have more than enough time to dodge those explosions, pick up the loot and move on.

This is correct.
Last edited by JamesMMA on Mar 18, 2020, 10:47:38 PM
BigFrog49 wrote:
So performance is still sh*t?

And the league design is still go as fast as you can, cover as much ground as you can, and then go back and pick up the loot?

And the color scheme is still dark grey, darker grey, and black?

Oh, and I forgot to suck up: Nice! Awesome! GG GGG!

They already have plenty of sycophants who praise everything they do and try and shout down anyone who dares offer constructive criticism. :P
Love the hard of it but I guess the easier one would be fine also, keep it up GGG.
Sorry if this has been asked already but does anyone know if the patch has been released already?
Please give Split Arrow a VFX update so we can actually see the skill, It's even worse now in Delirium.

Forcing the purchase of MTX just to see the skill is not cool.
:( bone armor still refuses to stay on my action bar slots...it's really hard when you have gone for so long with it on one button then had to change because fubar. I keep hitting spirit offering instead. sad.
The nerf to Delirium was too much! even breach has more density than delirium now. Plus the mobs were nerfed to the ground, it doesnt feel exciting anymore, its no longer delirious!
No to conditional challenges on top of RNG pure luck mechanics.

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