Path of Exile 3.15 Expansion Teaser

We want a league teaser, not new spells teaser, wtf is this
Yo dawg,

I heard you like announcements so I made an announcement to announce my announcement of the final announcement.
from youtube.



for now.

GGG, maybe it's time to back to trailers, like before. these teasers' 18 seconds long is not what people want.
It’s Dave, Dozy, Beaky and Mick. They have lost Titch and they need your help to search the atlas to bring the Dave Clark five back together. You have to collect enough vinyl from monsters to be able to make your first record and use the sounds of “baby I want your love thang” to summon Maven and free Titch.
New NPCS? they look good

unlike the playable characters that haven't been updated in years
cgexile wrote:
Looks like some mercenaries in the end there. Imagine if they are for hire...

Or could be some warez dealers you can trade or barter with. I can't imagine that one dude keeping up as a mercenary. He would need like 120% ms boots to take 1 stride. There is no way he could proc elusive.

After seeing all of the negative comments on here I really appreciate this elegant way of stating that the npc on the left at the end is a freaking load. Thanks for giving me a laugh man.
Looks neat!
cgexile wrote:
Looks like some mercenaries in the end there. Imagine if they are for hire...

Or could be some warez dealers you can trade or barter with. I can't imagine that one dude keeping up as a mercenary. He would need like 120% ms boots to take 1 stride. There is no way he could proc elusive.

After seeing all of the negative comments on here I really appreciate this elegant way of stating that the npc on the left at the end is a freaking load. Thanks for giving me a laugh man.

No worries. The left dude will be riding on Harley Davidson.
Poggers !

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