What We're Working On

Dont know if its been mentioned but I would love if league mechanics, be it past, present or future ones, would use the metamorph bodypart auto pickup system and instantly puts the currency into the "league bank". This would imo make it alot more smoother and enjoyable as you dont have to spend ages picking up all the pieces and stash it before you can get into the actual window for the intended league mechanic.

No idea if this would be a coder's nightmare but considering it is working for metamorph it would, imo, be an incredible change to the game.
WoT_Seanchan wrote:
Too extreme? You think?? Mana cost and multiplier isn't even the worse of all the changes but you went with that? While the player damage nerf is bad, what makes it worse on top is that you did NOT nerf monster & boss damages or defenses to balance out.

You weakened the players but kept the bosses' defenses AND offensive attacks strong from the power creep boosts, then wonder why players are frustrated and quit. Go figure. Pretty sure some other things will eventually be rolled back but we'll see.

On another note.........Arctic Armour will have freeze immunity?? That's great to hear BUT why even bother when you're gonna turn around and nerf it!? It's always 1 step forward and 4 steps backwards with GGG; I don't get it. Not a good track record.


100% agree
Good luck!
i will pay a lot of money for a 3.13 offline version.
Chris with his non-answer nonsense again.
C'mon Blizzard time to release D2R
Too late.

I wrote this league off when the nerf notes were out, i'm not coming back now.

See you in 3 months!!

is there a way to add the "excavation chests" to the loot filter? so we can change its color and not overlap it with some basic magic items. Like changing it to green as the same base filter color for quest items
lol i think they shit themselves at the player numbers, they never make reverts this fast

We've been really enjoying watching the community play

Patch too rewarding, must nerf.
Thank you for your continued work on this game that I love so much.
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Power Siphon Locus Mine Trickster in Settlers of Kalguur

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