Effects Feedback Thread (Spells ,Waterfalls ,Falling leaves ect.)

LoJackATK wrote:
I may be alone here (but I hope I'm not!), but I want to pay you money, buy some Poe Points, and turn my Whirling Blades purple and flamey. I'm not joking in the least bit. I want to do a Psycho Crusher, and don't lie to yourself, WB is Psycho Crusher and I love it. All it would take is a brief call for the burning effect without the damage associated, and a hue change on both the WB and newly-called burning effect making them purple. Bam, instant money. BAM.

Now I know what you're thinking, "although you're right LoJackATK, and quite handsome at that, it's too much of an expense to change only 1 skill. Nice work though." Well, how about this then, everything I stated above, but have it work similarly to how the shop weapon graphics work, just on a different (and more expensive! :D) scale, where the additional graphic and hue alterations are applied too all skills you use while you have the effect turned on (exactly the same as the cosmetic shop stuff). And if that's TOO broad, maybe constrict that which is effected to "skills classified as 'melee' get blah (purple sex flames), and skills classified as 'projectile' get bloop, etc...". My name is not Will, but for damn sure THERE IS A WAY!

Let me have another reason to give you my money.

Edit: I am far too excitable, and completely forgot about the current alt. skill effects. Now however, you have no reason for not doing this other than to make a grown man cry. For the price of just one skill graphic a month, you can help stop grown man tears. Together, we can put an end to this terrible epidemic. Together, we can make a difference.

So you want a purple whirling blades that leaves purple fire behind?

I think that's what I got from that? : P
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Russell wrote:
LoJackATK wrote:
I may be alone here (but I hope I'm not!), but I want to pay you money, buy some Poe Points, and turn my Whirling Blades purple and flamey. I'm not joking in the least bit. I want to do a Psycho Crusher, and don't lie to yourself, WB is Psycho Crusher and I love it. All it would take is a brief call for the burning effect without the damage associated, and a hue change on both the WB and newly-called burning effect making them purple. Bam, instant money. BAM.

Now I know what you're thinking, "although you're right LoJackATK, and quite handsome at that, it's too much of an expense to change only 1 skill. Nice work though." Well, how about this then, everything I stated above, but have it work similarly to how the shop weapon graphics work, just on a different (and more expensive! :D) scale, where the additional graphic and hue alterations are applied too all skills you use while you have the effect turned on (exactly the same as the cosmetic shop stuff). And if that's TOO broad, maybe constrict that which is effected to "skills classified as 'melee' get blah (purple sex flames), and skills classified as 'projectile' get bloop, etc...". My name is not Will, but for damn sure THERE IS A WAY!

Let me have another reason to give you my money.

Edit: I am far too excitable, and completely forgot about the current alt. skill effects. Now however, you have no reason for not doing this other than to make a grown man cry. For the price of just one skill graphic a month, you can help stop grown man tears. Together, we can put an end to this terrible epidemic. Together, we can make a difference.

So you want a purple whirling blades that leaves purple fire behind?

I think that's what I got from that? : P

Yes Russell my friend, yes I do. OH MAN do I want that. Making an awesomely stylish etch a sketch painting of death. Mmmmm.
Any chance of remaking the Ground Slam visual effect into something with more... pizazz?

As it is now, it's not very visceral. You limp-wrist your weapon into the ground, and an underwhelming-looking translucent texture appears on the ground.

My only idea for a rework is perhaps some kind of refractive wave (like a shockwave) that blasts from the point of impact.
brgillespie wrote:
Any chance of remaking the Ground Slam visual effect into something with more... pizazz?

As it is now, it's not very visceral. You limp-wrist your weapon into the ground, and an underwhelming-looking translucent texture appears on the ground.

My only idea for a rework is perhaps some kind of refractive wave (like a shockwave) that blasts from the point of impact.

I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Make the remake a premium effect available in the transaction shop.
Thats the plan haha.

2 monsters are getting variations of it as well.
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Russell wrote:
Thats the plan haha.

2 monsters are getting variations of it as well.

Oh while you're here, in Act 3 some monsters apparently have a variation of whirling blades. Is that going to make its way into the shop?
When is the next big shop update happening, by the way? My credit card is itching.
Russell wrote:
Thats the plan haha.

2 monsters are getting variations of it as well.

As you probably already know, Cleave needs some work too ;D I would gladly pay for an alternate (better) effect for Cleave and Leap Slam :D Maybe a Leap Slam that grows plants on impact, or a pink puff of smoke like those used on stage or or or, I dono D:
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Different effects/animations/movements for melee characters in the cash shop is something im waiting to spend my points on :)

The spell effects so far look sweet, but theres not much for the melees yet, apart from glowy weapons.

Some kind of setting to tone down the quantity of spell effects would be very appreciated.

When grouping you just need 1-2 people that play the wrong spec to turn your entire screen into a permanent firework, which makes it a bit hard to follow what's going on.

Also, to counter the mobs/other players being covered under explosions, would an option to enable permanent outlines around friendlies/enemies be something that could be considered? I'm a bit desperate sometimes for some way to see what's happening under the spell effect spam :P

(and sorry if this has already been answered and I didn't search in depth long enough!)
IGN: EthInvictus

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