Effects Feedback Thread (Spells ,Waterfalls ,Falling leaves ect.)

After waiting for almost a year to get into the Beta, I finally caved in and bought a Credit Card just to play this game.. yes 13 days before open beta. Yes you won.

The game looks amazing, just what I had been waiting for, and I have a few questions if one of the dev's wouldn't mind answering.

So what is the list of effects you guys are using currently? Anything big like SSAO or is it baked on textured? Also would emissive materials be added or is implemented in game? Any basic effects like flare?

Hope not a bit personnel, sharing the info involved with the game engine and all. Would love to know more about it!
In my opinion many spells, auras and skills have a very big animation in size. When playing in a group of 3-5 people, there's a havoc of spells and skills, screen looks in a complete mess, you can't tell who does what. For example, Lightning arrow explosion is ok in size, but that lightning pillar effect from above is completely unnecessary, it outshines other effects and you can't discern what's happening to the target other than it being surrounded by lighting around it and above it. Plus to that, this lightning pillar covers your sight you can't see what's behind it. It's not a big concern when playing solo, but when three people spam the same skill, you can't think of any strategy. The sparks spell is also too big in size, each spark takes more than a torso size of a humanoid, and each spark is a ball of lightning, which already is a very big thing, but they come in unthinkable quantities, which make the screen barely readable.

Auras could also benefit from a reduction in size. All and everyone around are running blue circles. You can't tell how each guy/girl looks, auras cover everything. And only in town you notice, "oh, this girl had a velvet coat on". The characters are very hard to recognize. That in party play makes people say "Someone took my chisel" instead of "You took my chisel".

Those endurance/frenzy/etc charges are also soo big in size, you can't discern the monster behind them most of the time.

On the other hand the elemental hit skill lacks animation. I really would like to see some lightning, burning, ice arrows depending on what element will hit now; and a specific glow on a melee weapon during the strike.

If the skill effects were reduced in size this game would have a much much sleeker look of a modern game.
IGN: Winxie
Last edited by enceos#1350 on Jan 10, 2013, 7:28:45 AM
Russell wrote:
thanoz wrote:
Love the FX for the most part, keep up the good work.

Got one problem though. Act 2 at the female bandit (akira? asira?) The FX on her little cauldron are causing massive FPS drops. I'm running steady 63 fps everywhere else in the game (3rd gen I5 processor 3.1ghz, geforce 550, 16 gigs of ram) Even after killing that bandit woman and all her minions, just walking over close enough for cauldron to show up on screen causes instant FPS hit.

Hmm I just checked it and there's nothing laggy going on in the FX end. I have got a good pc though so its hard to say if it is laggy or not but I don't see anything wrong with it. Theres no mass amount of particles or big see through particles to eat fill rate.

So im not sure how to help man : /

He just has a GTX 550 its not exactly a high end card.

There will be fps drops here and there just like anyother game.

Even people with GTX 570 claim they get FPS drops in certain parts of Diablo 3.
Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks

Im pretty sure its the huge shadow cast over the whole camp from the fire. Not sure how to fix that though : <
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Make this fire dont cast shadow or smth?

Its not only camp issue.. whole map is laggy as hell (and its only map ingame that have this issue) - there are numerous topics about this in whole forums. Something is really screwed there (Western Forest).

Its really annoying that i can get 40-60fps in party everywhere but in WF i get 20 when im solo.

I rememmber time in beta when Dark (Spider) Forest have similar performance issues - you fixed that... i dont see the reason why you cant fix Wester FGorest performance since beggining of my playtime in PoE (patch 0.9.1).

PS. In recent movie with Kiwis we saw elemental green weapon effects.. im preety sure that they will be microtransaction thing.. OK. But do you create subtle elemental effects that will be 'default' for weapons like you promise someday (i even give feedback on thi matter and give you examples from Skyrim mods that you agree are col and fitting)? I masking because HnS without this.... you know. Not everything preety should be for cash.
Atm charsacters look just bland and some free Visual Effects for weapons or armors will be welcome. Alsdo im preety sure that glows like this one showed in movie will be one time use or character bound = extra expensive -= i will refuse to spend cash on something like tak (unless im wrong but i doubt considering how extremaly silent you guys are when it comes to this mythical "ethical" Item Shop.

Thanks in advance for any answer.

Last edited by Kabraxis#1526 on Jan 15, 2013, 5:19:25 PM
We are silent about how the micro transactions work because it pretty much hadn't been discussed :P Not because we are evilly scheming how to steal everyone's money War Z style.

With the weapon elemental effects : Yes I hope so. We just added the ability to add micro transaction effects to weapons so maybe this is somewhat related. A system however no doubt will need to be made for this. The only reason this hasn't been done is because our graphics/game feature programmer hasn't had the time. As you imagine bigger things have been on his list like : chat working for 30k people , Server stability and so on. Things much more important than light glows on weapons.

Also I don't know why that areas laggy. I suspect something on the programming optimization end needs to be looked at. I just do the effects so I cant really answer that question.


Just adding that I do not make business decisions so no I do not know how the micro transactions will work. Though I believe it has been discussed recently.
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Last edited by Russell#7270 on Jan 15, 2013, 6:45:01 PM
Ok thx for answer. Looking forward to these new effects and all.
I dont know if someone talked about this before but you will understand that im not going to read 20 pages :D i have some problems with ICE SHOT

here is my spec :

q6600 OC 3.2 ghz , 4Gb ram GTX 460 1Gb OC

I know that is not a high end pc nowadays but it is still good i use to play full everything and my fps are quite good but with ice shot im getting drops of fps from 90 or 100 to 10 or 15 when the skill hits the pack of mobs and explode leaving ice on the ground is when the drop comes , this is even worst when im using chain or fork , is this going to be fixed ? i dont have any other problems with any other skills in the game , just ice shot .

keep up the good work guys !.
Zaerion wrote:
I dont know if someone talked about this before but you will understand that im not going to read 20 pages :D i have some problems with ICE SHOT

here is my spec :

q6600 OC 3.2 ghz , 4Gb ram GTX 460 1Gb OC

I know that is not a high end pc nowadays but it is still good i use to play full everything and my fps are quite good but with ice shot im getting drops of fps from 90 or 100 to 10 or 15 when the skill hits the pack of mobs and explode leaving ice on the ground is when the drop comes , this is even worst when im using chain or fork , is this going to be fixed ? i dont have any other problems with any other skills in the game , just ice shot .

keep up the good work guys !.

Just did a bit of a fix for this. Should speed it up by like... 50% or more hopefully. What I really need is some more tech... Im working with a plastic toolbox and super glue here : <

Thanks for the feedback
I like all the fluffy animals[img]http://i.imgur.com/mO8dR.png[\img]
y im slept?
Glad to hear that, the ice abilities that leave ice on the ground were the worst performance parts in the game. Hope you fixed artic breath too. I also had a dropped frame or 2 on Glacial Hammer.

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