Effects Feedback Thread (Spells ,Waterfalls ,Falling leaves ect.)

i like the realistic feel of the overall graphics and therefore i think that the amount of light effects of especially auras are way too much.
i just doesn't fit so well in the environment.
Maybe it would be better to have self reflecting objects moving aroud the character like some bone structure or a blood puddle for vitality instead of light source objects if you know what i mean.

Next point is stacking of spells via multiple projectiles, fork and so on. Stacking freeze pulse for example is way too bright and stacking poison arrow or fireball reduces performance a lot.
Maybe you should divide the particle amount of each effect by the amount of projectiles coming from one source. And if it doesn't look good you could maybe change freeze pulse to a longer more curved projectile when stacked and poison cloud to one elongated cloud and so on.

Hey Russell. I'm really enjoying my Water Nova, good job!
Disregard witches, aquire currency.
randi wrote:
i like the realistic feel of the overall graphics and therefore i think that the amount of light effects of especially auras are way too much.
i just doesn't fit so well in the environment.
Maybe it would be better to have self reflecting objects moving aroud the character like some bone structure or a blood puddle for vitality instead of light source objects if you know what i mean.

Myself, I rather like the appearance of the auras -- I'm sure they could be improved, but the current designs convey powerful magic rather well in a way that I don't think solid physical-looking objects could. When you carefully design your build in order to be able to reserve a lot of mana and/or life to run several auras, it's nice to have this epic cloud of stacked effects making your character stand out.

One (simple?) thing which could be done is to just adjust the alpha channel according to the gem level, so that on level 1, the auras are quite subtle, and as you level them, they look more and more like their current appearance (or some could go beyond that even). This might hurt recognition somewhat at lower levels (I don't think it should apply to auras that monsters and totems have, particularly) but it would also produce a lot of variation in how combined auras look when levelled to varying extents.
Piety's multi-projectile ice skill totally destroys my laptop. I have no problems with all the skills in the game except for the ice ones. Ice shot still pauses when it hits on my machine too. Arctic Breath is hardly used at all because of this.

If you can't fix these please make an option to turn down the complexity of the effects.
I can confirm that I currently avoid Arctic Breath almost entirely for the reason that it lags too much, which is unfortunate because it's a pretty interesting skill. I at first thought it was a problem related to Wine (and to be honest, the performance is probably at least 50% worse still for that reason, my FPS under Wine is quite low given my computer's spec), but it turns out that a lot of Windows users seem to have similar issues.
I've also got some problems with the skill effects.
In act 3 I barely saw something other than effects.
On top of that i lagged to much.

Will there be an option to turn off skill effects of monsters and or party members?
like the visuals from spark and cleave now very well done but

poison arrow is too much you cant see anything under it in party dont like a spell making me blind under it as tank
I think Pools and Streams need more flowing water effects after the update, the waters texture being flat looks pretty weird when it's going downhill.

Russell wrote:
We are silent about how the micro transactions work because it pretty much hadn't been discussed :P Not because we are evilly scheming how to steal everyone's money War Z style.

With the weapon elemental effects : Yes I hope so. We just added the ability to add micro transaction effects to weapons so maybe this is somewhat related. A system however no doubt will need to be made for this. The only reason this hasn't been done is because our graphics/game feature programmer hasn't had the time. As you imagine bigger things have been on his list like : chat working for 30k people , Server stability and so on. Things much more important than light glows on weapons.

Also I don't know why that areas laggy. I suspect something on the programming optimization end needs to be looked at. I just do the effects so I cant really answer that question.


Just adding that I do not make business decisions so no I do not know how the micro transactions will work. Though I believe it has been discussed recently.

Also, for elemental effects, I think you should make the basic lightning, fire and cold effects free and just be on any weapon with elemental damage, the highest roll will determine the effect maybe? But then you could sell colour variants. Red or green lightning would be amazing, or lime green or purple fire, etc.
Last edited by oBLACKIECHANo#6895 on Jan 26, 2013, 5:57:18 AM
How about making weapon effect that work on the whole staff?? When the weapon effect is applied only on part of the item it just doesn't look right... sword or bow on the other hand have effect applied at whole item and looks awesome. Any chance to change weapon effects so they can be visible on the whole staff, please, please
I may be alone here (but I hope I'm not!), but I want to pay you money, buy some Poe Points, and turn my Whirling Blades purple and flamey. I'm not joking in the least bit. I want to do a Psycho Crusher, and don't lie to yourself, WB is Psycho Crusher and I love it. All it would take is a brief call for the burning effect without the damage associated, and a hue change on both the WB and newly-called burning effect making them purple. Bam, instant money. BAM.

Now I know what you're thinking, "although you're right LoJackATK, and quite handsome at that, it's too much of an expense to change only 1 skill. Nice work though." Well, how about this then, everything I stated above, but have it work similarly to how the shop weapon graphics work, just on a different (and more expensive! :D) scale, where the additional graphic and hue alterations are applied too all skills you use while you have the effect turned on (exactly the same as the cosmetic shop stuff). And if that's TOO broad, maybe constrict that which is effected to "skills classified as 'melee' get blah (purple sex flames), and skills classified as 'projectile' get bloop, etc...". My name is not Will, but for damn sure THERE IS A WAY!

Let me have another reason to give you my money.

Edit: I am far too excitable, and completely forgot about the current alt. skill effects. Now however, you have no reason for not doing this other than to make a grown man cry. For the price of just one skill graphic a month, you can help stop grown man tears. Together, we can put an end to this terrible epidemic. Together, we can make a difference.
Last edited by LoJackATK#3911 on Jan 29, 2013, 6:56:43 PM

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