Nerfing Defensive Archnemesis Modifiers

Lets see what happen next :)
I just realized you took away the jewel implicit mod crafts from Harvest... Like wtf, that was too OP to keep too? This is just sad
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
None of the stuff in that post gives us enough data about the full context of these changes - lowering some stuff with no indication of what it was before, and even for the few things you did include some before data, there is more to all of these monster modifiers than you listed here. Not enough data - will the patch notes just pull the same-old-same-old?

BTW - Some of the stuff typed before the numbers and pseudo-specifics is the typical "yes this feels bad" (ok, since you claim you know what you're doing - you wanted your game to feel bad?) sort of stuff, mixed with vagueness - this does not help and is not actually making people feel better (just look at all these posts and the downvotes on reddit).

Do you even have a plan - because it reads like you're going to slowly tune things and use flowery language until the complaints drop below some line. Or is it actually ALL according to plan?

Feel likes more anchoring and smoke screening.

You are also continuing to ignore certain feedback about Harvest and the use of Archnemesis is league content where it gets even worse than it is on normal rare's. Do you plan to do anything about any of this at all?

PS - That bank account you once mentioned - perhaps you were unaware that you had a different balance with different types of PoE gamers and many people have been on their last cent for many leagues. Or maybe it's worse than that and it's part of the plan and/or you don't care - too focused on the top.

If it weren't for DI, no one would be fooled into thinking you are better than Blizzard.
Last edited by BINARYGOD#2440 on Aug 25, 2022, 10:56:31 PM
thanks to
MLGonthorian wrote:
I just realized you took away the jewel implicit mod crafts from Harvest... Like wtf, that was too OP to keep too? This is just sad

oh damn, really? I didn't even noticed with all the crap, but damn, thanks GGG
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
GGG, why the fuck was Archnemesis made core instead of an optional league mechanic like everything else and replace Metamorph? Playing with Archnemesis literally everywhere is the same as all monsters being replaced by metamorphs without being able to turn it off.

Remove it from being core and let people turn it off. No one like is, but it would be a better replacement to Metamorph at a minimum.
I really don't know how you come back from this one, GGG, especially since we, the community, aren't worth listening to and making a game around in your eyes. I hope you find a community who you think is worth your respect. This song and dance of you completely ignoring the community and then having to bend the knee against your will just to go back and do the same stuff that got you in hot water in the first place is so insane to me. Why are you doing this? Stop pouring gasoline on yourself and then smoking a cigarette 5 minutes later like you forgot you're covered in gas.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ and stalker schizos lost. Zaccie had to delete 90k discord posts to save his job. Never forget.
Last edited by jrv209#2500 on Aug 25, 2022, 2:03:48 PM
_aummo_ wrote:
I'm an older player, in my 50s - had an original 2600 kinda lifelong nerd - last year I got Covid and hit hard, then immediately had a stroke. I accept I will probably not do Uber bosses, can't really see Sirus well enough or react fast enough, and I'm fine with that. I've given up other games, having to withdraw from Raid teams because I was becoming a liability. I'm fine with that, you get older.
But since your nerfs, I've played 1 map, 2 Lakes, and 3 unique heists, a pretty small sample size. My character comfortably took down Maven's 10 (I died once for being dumb), can take down tier 16 bosses without a hiccup. I was one shot five times over those six instances. One heist had two Innocence rares and something that melee killed me from flying in off screen. I didn't die to the robot dude that drops a jewel, but I was just destroyed by the rares in the run up. I did a Metamorph encounter in the lakes (level 80 map at a difficulty 5 or 6), it dropped 1 white, 1 blue, and one one socket rare bow.
In the hour and a half I played today, I had disappointing loot and disheartening one shot or just overwhelming deaths from the mobs that shouldn't be the main threat in the game.
Life has been hard, two years ago I was the General Manager of a top rated bar in Austin Tx, now I struggle with all aspects of life. I can't do a lot of things I used to. But if I was smart, and planned, and grinded, I could still enjoy one of my all time favorite games. And you've taken that from me this league.
I understand you as a team have a vision of what the game should be. I understand that sometimes your customer base don't want what you want to be. I just want to feel my failures in this game are earned. That my successes are rewarded. And you've taken that from me.
I don't buy as many supporter packs as I used to, I can't afford to any more, but I'd say I've spent as much if not more than any subscription based game in the past. I've always been happy with that, you were the good guys. But to read how you've 'fixed' things and log into an hour and a half of failure feels like a betrayal.
I'll probably keep playing, because it's the only game I really have left, but I will end with the famous line, "I'm not mad, I'm disappointed."

I'm 46 myself. Terrible player, no doubt: I stick to standard and continue to play making my own goals, because PoE gaves me a sort of routine that my ocd-ish personality appreciates (or needs, rather).

As much as I agree with what's being posted here in terms of negative changes made to the game and utter disconnection between the developers and the community (something I also experienced in d2), I get the feeling that, three months from now, the next league will launch and GGG will get their support pack money from another 150k souls. This is the internet, and even if it weren't, people forget. I mean, weren't we here before, with 3.15? Weren't a bunch of complaints made before the launch of Kalandra, as the patch notes were released in advance? And yet it was one of the most populated league launches ever.

Granted, I'm a naturally pessimistic person, and I hope to be wrong here, but beyond another PR-oriented tldr by Wilson (or maybe, a "manifesto" - Marx would be proud) and more band-aids-over-gaping-wounds, as has been said before, all I see is business as usual.

At least, these are my two cents on the matter.

At any rate, hope nobody gets offended, greetings to support and its removals (if appliable), and sincerely, the very best for you in particular, in game and otherwise.
I'm assuming that 10 cent already knows what's going on here and there might even be a request from them for chris to step down
Any chance you can just remove Archnemesis entirely? I understand you put in a lot of time and effort into making it, but it just sucks. Hard things are good, if they are fun. Archnemesis ain't fun. Why force it?

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