What Happened with Items
What happened with items?
They're gone. That's it. Get your magic find characters ready. Goodbye 4000+ hours. Last edited by WilliamCZE#1368 on Aug 26, 2022, 11:58:52 AM
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Was really looking forward to this league based on the preliminary info. Not a fan of archnemesis going core, but I guess I can just skip them - assuming they don't chase me down and kill me. Never liked it. Tolerated the difficult mods when opting into them during Archnemesis league, but was never crazy about it.
Metamorph is untouchable at this point, at least for me. Even on tier 1 maps, I can't scratch them. I was excited to spec into harvest in 3.19. I anticipated getting maybe one reforge craft per patch in low tier maps (Edit: before heavily juicing) -- two in high tier, and maybe up to about 5 per patch at heavy investment (very rarely more than that). I'm not seeing anywhere near that. With no investment in Harvest nodes, there are some patches that drop no lifeforce at all (Note: 0 lifeforce * 100,000,000 IIR * 100,000,000 IIQ = 0 lifeforce), and the drops from harvest monsters got nerfed heavily also. I am ignoring minions this league. I was running minion builds before ascendancies were even a thing. To be frank, even in those dark ages where I was one of very few rocking Zombies through the acts when it was pretty hard to do, I think I had an easier time back then than I would now... Tons of streamers and mega juicers who are a million times more dedicated, experienced, skilled, and passionate about PoE are quitting the game. Things need to change for the better and soon. The only content worth running gets boring pretty quick (Heist, Expedition). Overall, I like the direction - having IIQ and IIR have more influence, QoL for Harvest that has been begged for by the community forever, the return of Scourge... so much good stuff (all unrewarding unfortunately), but it was not communicated... The only communication we received with regard to this change was "get your magic find characters ready." It is a PR nightmare that needs more than a 'we messed up' post at this point. Many players cannot even sustain Alchemy orbs and chisels, and the patches have not particularly helped in this regard. People need guidance on how to navigate such a massive change to how loot works in this game. If IIQ and IIR are going to have such a large impact on drops including currency moving forward, that creates some real tension on gear, particularly with how painfully difficult some of the content has become which is not necessarily a bad thing, but definitely something that is worthy of consideration. Last edited by IAMZERG#1953 on Aug 26, 2022, 12:37:17 PM
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the BP meme from south park :D we're sorry... empty words. it doesnt change the fact that you went after the loot, thinking we would be happier with less currency....
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" dude, can you imagine PoE started as a relative "clone" of D2 (Diablo was the definition of ARPG for god knows how long), then the game morphed into the best ARPG on the market and now they are copying the WORST ideas of D3... like whyyyyyyy???? PoE is the best in class, becuase you didn't follow these D3 hunt rares ideas, loot goblins and other crap, what GGG is thinking??? who is actually doing this non-sense? 3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
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"We broke it on purpose, and plan on continuing to ruin the game"
sick, was nice while it lasted i guess. someone at GGG must have missed that there are a millions games we could go play to kill a couple monsters for nothing. there is no other game where i can put thousands of monsters on my map to make it hard and rewarding. RIP poe, was nice while it lasted. so sad to see someone's bad idea (archnemesis, universally hated) turn into the ACTUAL archnemisis of all poe players, and the game its self also feel completely lied to, i felt that by buying supporter packs i was supporting continued development of the game i love, not paying to have it taken out back and murdered. Last edited by Buktenicj#2460 on Aug 26, 2022, 12:04:11 PM
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" 1% lol okay. Taking a look on your characters explains your post. |
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Always appreciate your honesty Chris, thank you. My take as a solo player is that not much has changed really apart from a slight loss to the amount of alc's!
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No real difference to me, but it's really cool that devs are still trying to listen to players and fix smth. But there always will be crybabies, no matter what.
All the best to Chris and the devs. |
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hey there, pretty casual player here - here's what I'm experiencing and its not as fun as you think it is.
https://imgur.com/rVj8YFE As you can see in my above image, the highs do not make up for the 99% of the lows. I feel like I NEED to do specific mechanics to progress or pray to RNGesus I run into a AN mob with the right modifiers on it to get currency/gear to have any form of significant progression. I'm being told how to play in order to get efficient loot/progression by design instead of merrily doing whatever I want and still make headway in progression. Also, not sure if its the same for anyone else, but I'm juiced up for connected map drops and tier higher drops and the chance of me getting uncompleted maps is basically a negative percentage when running maps connected to ones I have not completed. Maybe its just my shit RNG. Also, rares whether it be pre-changes to AN or not I treat the same - I kite them along as I run through the map and that is never going to change no matter what you do. AN as a mod on rares just doesn't mesh as a core mechanic - it might be better if it was an opt-in mechanic or applied to bosses and not rares. It was a cool league though because you could opt-in to do them or not, but when its forced upon you - its not cool and oppressive. For what its worth and I'm sure I am not alone in this - harvest was the best mechanic although over-tuned, but the ability to have access to a digestible form of crafting is the bees knees. I don't think there will ever be a world through just the sheer number of modifiers where rare items are picked up and you go "uuuh, this will work nicely on my build" - Every league I primarily look for bases and just reroll whatever it dropped with. I can say that I do get a considerable amount of more rare items and less trashy items, but I still reroll and recraft them 10 times out of 10. Now for my batshit crazy idea - you take archnemesis and make them statues like essences and you get a currency item that modifies the maps boss. Similar to how you would craft onto a map with delirium orbs, but for specifically bosses. Now THAT would be a omega poggers mechanic because if you know you have a strong bossing character and you want to solo juice a boss for poggers loot - that would be the way. It would make boss encounters difficult and if you group finder it, it will multiply the difficulty. Or better yet, bring back the crafting statues so you build-a-bear your rare, defeat it and get the currency item to juice map bosses. This ones for free - I might consider quitting my job for 100k a year :P |
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I completely agree with the three philosophies concerning loot. Specially the second and third one.
The full implementation of them, I think, it's not there yet. But this is certainly the direction I'd always hoped the game would get. I understand it'll take time to get there. I'm happy you didn't listen to those saying to take out AN mods, as it does, as you say, values the use of appropriate combat tactics; skill; gameplay; rather than just power/wealth. This a move away from the mindless casino-wall-street-simulator the game was unfortunately in, and into, well, an actual arpg pc game. Of course; those that actually want to turn off that gameplay and just zoom-zoom everything and count experience-and-items-per-hour running the game as if it were a business casino tycoon simulator -that have come to be a lot in the community- are not going to be happy, and are going to storm; but, other players like me that like actual pc arpgs will eventually love it. So lose some; gain others. Rough times ahead, but good reward when job done. On the third phylosophy: "There shouldn't be a large gap between the difficulty and rewards of league content and base game content"... This means we can have more of the "extra" content into maps, even return some that were deleted, right...? RIGHT...? I loved every single expansion, the only bad thing about them is how rare they are after their leagues end. They absolutely add that variety in gameplay, taking the boredom out of it. Please, please, please consider it. I hope you also have the same "variety" focus on builds in the future; because right now, that's not so good... Please note that your "harder" game perspective isn't really that and is currently opposing that variety, which isn't good. But overall, thank you for this. I like the direction, even if it's not there yet. But it's a start. |
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