What Happened with Items

chefcartman wrote:
Thank you for the more in depth response to what has been going on with the game. I am a more casual player, but I would like to say that I have been having a great time this league. The challenging mobs are fun and if I find them to be really scary I just don't engage them (which is ok). The 1% players are always going to complain no matter what you do and reddit is toxic. So please keep doing your thing GGG I still love you and support you.

BTW the new supporters packs this league are awesome!!!

All you have to do is scroll through these pages to see it is not the 1%
the community seems to be split 60/40 or more with the majority of us not happy with the current state. For every post like this there are 5 or more about people not content with the current state of the game.

It's cool you are still having fun, but you are either in denial or not paying attention.

and yes the supporter packs are neat, I would love a reason to buy one of them.
let by honest here normal player drop a divine each 8h or something like that
big party group with 3rd party drop 100+ divine a day

so why not change the economies to ex again, why simple ex pieces cards and pure drops divine are just pure drop chances and the price continue to skyrock player cant not buy item whiteout wasting 7-8h to find 1 divine 6 link item are like 5+ divine -_-
Bla bla bla frogs complaining about their lack of bird's eye view and demanding power. Sad & tired.

Not to say i'm happy about the release state of kalandra, nor the current state. But all this screeching has tipped me over into schadenfreude. Chill out screechbros.
Oh so you think you will go "towards that way in the future"? ok go towards it, ive played for 7 years and if this is your vision gl im qutting your league, i rather pay like 8$ for a new d3 accountand play d3.
Gl bois with your vision i hope your game crumbles.
iguanaattack wrote:
let by honest here normal player drop a divine each 8h or something like that
big party group with 3rd party drop 100+ divine a day

so why not change the economies to ex again, why simple ex pieces cards and pure drops divine are just pure drop chances and the price continue to skyrock player cant not buy item whiteout wasting 7-8h to find 1 divine 6 link item are like 5+ divine -_-

group play is a big problem i think, but this change just made it worse for GGG. maybe just remove the quantity and rarity buffs tbh
<3 Stay strong Chris <3

DragonSound wrote:
chefcartman wrote:
Thank you for the more in depth response to what has been going on with the game. I am a more casual player, but I would like to say that I have been having a great time this league. The challenging mobs are fun and if I find them to be really scary I just don't engage them (which is ok). The 1% players are always going to complain no matter what you do and reddit is toxic. So please keep doing your thing GGG I still love you and support you.

BTW the new supporters packs this league are awesome!!!

All you have to do is scroll through these pages to see it is not the 1%
the community seems to be split 60/40 or more with the majority of us not happy with the current state. For every post like this there are 5 or more about people not content with the current state of the game.

It's cool you are still having fun, but you are either in denial or not paying attention.

and yes the supporter packs are neat, I would love a reason to buy one of them.

people who are fine with changes or don't care about them don't write posts here, they don't care. So scrolling through this post's comments is not showing the real numbers or situations.
The only numbers that matter is daily active users which we can check, for example, at steam stats. And it is pretty fine. So yeah, 1% will always complain no matter what.
Last edited by PunkGagarin#6350 on Aug 26, 2022, 11:19:48 AM
1)Remove the loot goblin Archnemesis and spread the loot across all Archnemesis mods. This is bad game design, and you need to admit it. If I wanna gamble, I'll play poker.
2)Cap the damage and speed of archnemesis. They shouldn't move like lightning and hit like a truck at the same time. If they do - killing such a monster should be rewarded. There is no counterplay to Archnemesis monsters, they either kill you, or you kill them. It depends only on your luck and the type of monster that got the Archnemesis mods.
3)Buff tainted currency
4)Give us more harvest recipes back
5)Buff more skills so players can choose something except RF, Lightning strike, Lightning conduit, Spectral helix, or other meta-skills. Just buff skills for 20 or 30% of the game won't break because of that. There is no balance in this game anyway.

Please, GGG, stop nerfing stuff that we like and give us something back.
Tbh i never complaigned about the game and i've always trusted GGG's design intel but this post fears me. You wanted feedback so here we go.

1 - making rares stronger :

Rares are actually stronger than bosses (wtf?). "Boss" means he's the top, the master of all other mobs in the area, how can he be a sh*t vs almost any average Archnemesis?

Imho the actual GD problem of archnemesis is that rare monsters spawn is random. No one cares about finding an insanly strong monster if they can actually see it's coming and why. This is simple : dying from a 6 shrieking essence is waaaaaay less frustrating than dying to a random archnms. You released it, you know the danger and so the rewards.
I mean, this is how every single league mecanic was made over the past, and this is why how Poe-player contract was made all this time -and probably a significant part of poe's success : the fairness.
For me, archnms is breaking this contract and this is the main problem. Adding more loot wont change the feeling of "no, i dont want to be challenged NOW"

2 - league content vs base game content :

There is a realy big problem in this statement. If you make this, then players will be struggling vs the same things and the same way in every single content in the game. Doesnt that sounds terribad for you?
Actually except boss farming, every single player is struggling because of achnms mods, this means you actually CANT escape them. I personaly hate expedition monsters so i never farm it unless it is the most rewarding content for solo play, but i dont care i dont wanna do it ; i'll just do harder in content i like and its ok.
THIS is great gamedesign.
Player has visibility over what they can do, they makes their choices to set the cursor between fun and rewards : eureka, player feels both confident and compelled plus the game appears fair for them.

3 - Rare Monster "Normalisation"

I really feel nothing sounds good in this whole part.
Firstly "very valuable outcomes if combined in the right combinations" this sentence is a liar as you are not the one who do the combination, so it should be "very RANDOM outcomes".
Then "create moments of excitement as valuable rewards drop", wtf? This kind of gameplay already exist in poe. This is called blight, or bossing, or tormented spirit, or juicing, or opening chest, or etc... Do you really feel the game lack of exciting moments?
Same for "create more random interesting encounters that add variance to gameplay", dont be so hard towards you GGG. The gameplay variance of poe was already really high, you worked hard -and well- for it toward years. Their is no need to break game rules consistency to add more.

4 - Reworks

Firstly lets address Harvest. Atm Harvest has zero fun, factually.
I understand that you needed to take back full control of it after the dramas, but the garden will need a real rework or the death it deserves after being the best league mecanic for years. I suppose you know it but when you ask for feedback i cant skip this one.

Beyond rewards were stupid, even for single player, even without crazy juicing.
BUT as a cold dmg builds player i can't understand smthing : why are ALL OF THEM freez immune? This is just too boring and this is nerfing only a small amount of builds, rly i dont get it. They still are trashes, but having to change your playstyle every 5 secs in a map is really boring tbh.

5 - Final words

Archnms being baseline is a massive disrupt over poe's game rules imho. I mean the balance between chill nobrain mapping and rewarding challenging content is 'meh' atm. Idk if we are many but you know there are players that juste like to be hypnotized by OSing trashes during hours and prefer not being randomly challenged, nerf their loots if you want but dont kill their fun.

I realy think that archnms being baseline can be good, but it needs a rework imho.
I mean, there is nothing dynamic in archnms atm. What about making thoses affixes dynamic? For exemple at 100% health the mob has 1 affix activated, and then when it drops in hp% he activates the other (you can invert it and go for all affixes at 100% and then disable them over droping hp%, w/e). Atm the fights feels rly linears (and so, boring). Plus i feel that Bestiary affixes on red beasts are more stylish and feels more fair than most of archnms ones tbh (i'm talking about this huge Rhoa wave for ex). Atm Archnms feels more like a huge bunch of stats randomly assigned to random monsters than anything else.
If you make rare rarer what about some visibility QoL for them? Icon on map, icon system over their head or auras to allow us to see what they do without mouseovering them cuz tbh i'm a boomer and i dont have the apm (and build) to do that.

PS : LoK looks funny, but scriptural generation looks a bit fucked up, dont you think? I feel there is way too many obstacles, too many pathfinding issues and land shapes and hitboxes feels hard to read, making the gameplay unsmooth in it as a ranged player.

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