What Happened with Items
Well RIP
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" At least in souls-like games you can avoid the well-telegraphed incoming damage; they don't feed amphetamines to the monsters by the truckload like GGG does the shit in this game. You also have the option of running past the trash instead of fighting every single enemy you come across, because the devs of souls-like games don't do everything in their power to prevent you from skipping those fights, unlike GGG which shoves every bit of trash right in your face constantly. You also get infinite retries, not six portals. Also and again, unlike this game, your actual positioning matters in souls-like games, you don't have shit magically popping up right behind you no matter how carefully you approach enemies or position yourself. You also tend to get consistent loot out of encounters, typically based on their challenge, not a lotto ticket. I don't particularly care for souls-like games, but at least they're fun for those who enjoy that genre. PoE, on the other hand, reminds me more and more of the worst sort of tabletop RPG experience, where a toxic game master thinks it's GM vs players; in such a setting, the GM can basically just say "you lose" and that means you lose, they're omnipotent, they define the world and the rules, so it's not even a challenge, let alone a fair one, and completely misses the point of that position: to facilitate a fun experience for everyone at the table. Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
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I thought this league could be fun and I could have the drive to play more than 5-7 weeks but now, I´m already down. I feel like I don´t know anymore how you should play this game.
First of all, I was never good in this game, I`m one of thos casual gamers that just have fun trying something new, playing it for some weeks, forget about min-maxing as long as after a week the build is stable running and you can constantly level up maybe also breaking the "personal record" level of 93 thats enough for us, or at least for me. Every League start learning a bit more about the game etc. hearing new stories, finding some never seen uniques or currency. It always was fun for 1-2 month then taking a break and coming back to the league start, maybe spending some cash for skins etc. but now... I can´t get items for chaos recipe, forget about exalted shards. The market has way less uniques and the items I need are expensive as hell and I can´t afford them, I permanently die on low level yellow maps because gear is missing. Before you had the chance to farm exalted for gear now it´s not possible anymore, my body armor costs 5 divine orbs and its fucking hard to farm 850 chaos or 60 exalted if my best ever was around 50-60ex as I played from start to end of the league? It´s not fun anymore T_T |
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Using the same build as last league(nothing about it was nerfed), have better chaos resist than I did last league....1 shots from chaos dmg non stop with 50 chaos sist. The offensive tuning isn't correct and needs to be addressed. Losing over half the population in under a week should really be a giant red flag that AN wasnt addressed correctly.
The best thing that could be done at this point is revert everything and take the next 3 months to look at where all of it went wrong. Ex back to main currency, harvest reverted, loot figures reverted, AN removed and replaced by a sliding scale of difficulty so that blue and yellow rare mods are based on the mob type abilities...not on some arbitrary build-a-mob league mechanic stacked onto all the different mob types in the game. I don't see AN able to be fixed to something playable at this point...its just broken and places like delve and heist have it the worst due to super high rare density. |
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I don't really see the point of this post. Do you want pity or ridicule?
Archnemesis being added to the core game was not thought through or actually play-tested(like at all). My biggest issue is that you're no longer designing the rares with those mods. Half of them are very, very unpopular for various reasons. Some of them are basically volatile dead. I thought we went through this once; stop forcing it back into the game under a different name, thanks. Also, certain rares can become impossible for certain build archetypes. This was a problem in the league itself, which you did not address whatsoever, and now it is part of the core game. I've been around long enough to know this will take several leagues to fix, eventually give up/call it ''fixed'' by just adding power creep to end up where you were before changes. Constructive part of my rant: 1. make the archnemesis mods actually tell you what they do. I played the league to 40/40 and I have no clue what half of them do. 2. change/remove some of them because they imitate very unpopular mechanics from past fuckups and certain combinations invalidate certain build archetypes entirely. 3. buff the lake to a point where you get ~5 rings/amulets in 83 ilvl lakes. There is no reason to do lakes other than challenges/rings/amulets. The league concept is 4/10 if you're being generous and adding it to the core game would be pointless. Make some crazy jewelry for a couple months! 4. if you're going to do heavy nerf leagues without adding any actual content for 2 leagues straight, for the love of god have 5-10 workers just play the game to red maps solo(while making sure they each play something different). I understand this is probably more than a week worth of work hours for each of them but given context it's probably better than what this league was. |
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Why isn't Chris banned for saying "fuckup" ? Jessus...some people are getting banned for less >.>
"For regular players who are just alching their maps and adding difficulty where they feel they can handle it, we think that drops are in a pretty good place after this week's changes. They should have been like this at release, and I am deeply sorry that they were not." Nope ...but I guess you playtested this also. And archnemesis are still bonkers...A game shouldn't have mobs that are breaking your builds. Because they break the philosophy behind player versus monsters. In diable there are immunities which are fixed by improving your mercenary to help you, or build into 2 elements. In Poe you cannot build 2 elements and be efficient with both, and you cannot avoid things like Temporal bubble breaks your cdrs, rejuvenating makes the mobs regenerated while breaking your regeneration and so on and so on...You just cannot build to avoid everything and in a game there shouldn't be mobs that literally make some mechanics useless. Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party. Last edited by Vendetta#0327 on Aug 28, 2022, 3:01:38 PM
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> find loot goblin
> call in MF group for maximum profit And here I was thinking we play a ARPG about killing lots of monsters and getting loot from them. |
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I do not understand how an old company like yours can evezr think that gating gear behind a difficulty wall that need this gear to be broke throughe will award this exact gear work ?
This game is not about how hard it is to beat ! It's about how complexe and deep the possibilities are so everyone with every way of playing it made it so good. Unlike a D3 were you are just on tracks and will only do what you're able to do advence and not make the most out of everything ? How do you think a regular player with less loot and less market availability will feel in a game that allready ask you to grind to get gear that allow you to grind more if you already need to grind a useless and way to easy content to only be able to grind a something which is the "normal difficulty level content" to may be able to see what could be interesting in the content you give. ALl this while you are just making more and more defensiv layer mandatory while still making em way harder to meet. Justg imagine being a witch playing ES (which the most available ressource of EHP actually being the most easy to get and should be the more relevent in term of lore) and having hard time reaching the same amount of ES as a Life char would reach while still being very sensitiv to chaos damage and having to convert life regen/leech in ES regen/leech and still have to build the exact same defense as a life char because you gain absolutly nothing to go ES opver life ? maybe you loose the Armor/evade base item which, at least, gives you an effectiv damage reduction against physical hits... As a normal player you have to play more (in a game which actually ask you to play over the casual playtime to enjoy it) to get less and may be hope having enough luck to may be obtain enough currencies to allow you to be able to play your build. And in the same time you just made higher end gamer dropping less interesting uniques, rare and currencies... So they sell less and craft lesss making everything way more pricey while availabiliy of everything else is more sctaredred. And i'm not even speaking about the boyz trying to run SSFHC.... Loosing your char on an AN monster that did perfect counter you based on random generation or just is wayyyyy too damn powerfull for you to even stab him.... What's next step ? Giving Maven AN mods ? So you will never be able to drop awakened support gems or even maven orb so you won't be able to play anymore with Atlas mods ? Like cutting in half the whole capacity of your game to offer an environement were every one can creates things and have FUN ! Even an ungraduated first year GD or LD wouldn't have made this mistake. I loved PoE for years now and i actually feel like playing a bad D3 game.... This is the worst thing ever... Just stop the crack man and try to concentrate on how every archetype build work and could work. I'm ok of having less armour as en ES char but at least gives me enought ES increase so having a large amount of ES counter the fact that i won't have Fortify and armor... Or anything like having less life but easyer acces to other defensiv layer... And thios is only a tiny rock in the whold pyramid in the lake of mistake you did take over the last fez mounths and years actually. |
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The problem isn't the loot. The problem is that we don't like your 'vision' for the game, but you made it quite clear that your vision matters more than our enjoyment. The loot feels worse, and you can say whatever you want, but we trust our feelings more than we trust you at this point.
The general loot feels fine to me. Except for the lake. That's still bad. |
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