Following up on Recent Feedback

I don't even play anymore, I give up
What I think you're not quite understanding is that Harvest was already tradeable via Discord. If you made the changes to which crafts are available, and didn't change the loot system of it, it still would have killed the Discord channel. It's not even so much about the reroll keeping prefix/suffix crafts getting removed that people dislike, it's the "more likely" crafts that got either gutted or removed. Could have easily kept all those crafts in the game and it would have changed nothing. The whole point of the harvest changes according to your initial statement was to get rid of the having to trade with shady people on Discord community groups. Making the currency tradeable, but not really having any good crafts just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I understand how you think this could be an issue but here's the thing. The large large majority of people who are complaining about the Harvest nerfs, are the people who used the discord server. We didn't like using the discord server, so we were excited to have an easier, safer way to trade harvest crafts. I personally (along with probably most players), would prefer the system where we had to use the discord server over the current system. To give a specific example, on the discord server the "reroll keep pref/reroll keep suff" crafts went for around an exalt each. So if you were to make it so the cost of the craft (the lifeforce) was about 1 divine worth of lifeforce, it would be no different than any other league, just without the risk. I personally care more about the more likely crafts then those crafts, but I don't completely understand why this can't be the thing? Why make it so people don't want to buy lifeforce instead of making it so lifeforce is worth more. Hell you could even make it more expensive to where it was closer to two divines for one of those crafts, there's so much you can do while still leaving the lifeforce in the game, and saying there isn't to me just seems a little lost in translation.
Gave it a go. Saw the rage posts and quitting videos but played a lot anyway. After putting in almost 190 levels between 2 characters I was finally gearing up to do boss farming and just quit out instead.

The current gameplay loop feels empty, soulless, and perplexing. My tab of items to craft goes untouched because it's just low probability slot pulls now. The mechanics I wanted to do this league are shockingly undertuned. Fully juiced t16s with all the gravy and every Alva atlas passive result in nearly 0 actual loot. No one enjoys being corralled into a tiny subset of content just to sustain map farming.

Finally put together enough game knowledge to really do some interesting things this league but the 3.19 rug pull completely took the wind out of my sails.

The fun is gone; the game is broken. These sparse, incremental, vague forum announcements have been revelatory. There doesn't seem to be anyone with an actual understanding of how fun works (worked) in this game who has any power to preserve what was built over the years.

What a waste.
bigjp087008 wrote:
Poe it becoming less and less fun for casual players.

not just casuals. the juicers don't like it either and neither do streamers with many of them preferring to give up their income instead of playing [Removed by Support].
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Sep 3, 2022, 4:09:23 PM
tbh, ggg should just give up on 3.20 and re-release ritual league with the new atlas. then start from there.
This league feels like i'm a f2p player in a p2w game. drop chances have become so abysmal for regular players and GGG is expecting people to grind the same thing for hundreds of times to get a single drop necessary for progression. as a casual player with only a couple of hours to play a day, i feel like I make no progression most days. I'm mainly just hoping to get that 1 lucky mob in hundreds of maps that'll drop more in 1 kill than i've grinded all week. Its burning out my fun and reasons to play this game as i go days without making any traction. I still love ya GGG, i'm sure i'll probably play a bit more this league and give the next league a shot, but as a old player I really hope this isn't the direction the game continues to head in.
Mudspire wrote:
If you want there to be more challenge raise the ceiling not the floor.

A glorious fuckin' quote. Thank you for putting into words, probably the single biggest complaint of the community :) I'm sad for now. Playing Hades. Good fun, not anywhere near PoE. Just fuckin' sad.
What about beast craft reforge keep prefix/suffix?
Drop dosnt feel that bad.
Last edited by Primaeus#8018 on Sep 3, 2022, 2:11:16 PM
PLEASE GGG don't forget to adjust CRYSTAL SKINNED mod it needs more visual - audio clarity...

The sound effect is identical to corrupted blood and the visuals are so small cannot be seen in mid of FX fiesta and they detonate too fast to react...

Honestly, I prefer all stuff like lightning mirage and crystal skinned and similar shit to spawn in the sky like the magma or poison orb

too many things going downside to notice those...

when they spawn in the sky it is easier to notice them.

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