3.21.2 Patch Notes (part 2 - restart)

3.21.2 Patch Notes (restart)

This patch contains some general improvements and bug fixes that are the remainder part of the 3.21.2 patch and require a restart of the realm.

General Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed environment and lighting problems introduced from the 3.21.2 client patch deployed earlier today.
  • First to enter system messages no longer occur for Hideout areas.
  • The "Destroy Item" button on the Item Display Case Hideout Decoration has been removed. Attempting to remove an item from the Item Display Case that cannot be removed in the current League now displays a confirmation window, where an item can only be destroyed after typing a confirmation phrase.
  • Fixed a rare bug that caused some characters to be unable to remove a Cluster Jewel from their Passive Skill Tree.
  • Fixed a bug where Acid Rolling Magma's explosions were visually smaller than the actual size of the damaging area.
  • Fixed a bug where Ancestral Warchief Totems using the Iron Maiden Ancestral Warchief microtransaction took more damage than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where the Orion Portal Effect microtransaction was transparent.
  • Fixed a bug where lower tiers of the Bloodsoaked Character Effect were soaking your character more than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sapphire Crystalarium Boots microtransaction were using the wrong model when equipped to the Ranger.
  • Fixed a wonky visual interaction between the Igneous Emperor Body Armour microtransaction and Steelskin.
  • Fixed a bug where the effect from the Indomitable Aegis Aurora microtransaction was not aligned correctly when equipped to the Templar.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Astral Portal Effect microtransactions open and close animations to be incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to cancel Guild invitations sent in Controller Input mode.
  • Fixed three client crashes that could occur in Controller Input mode.
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2023, 8:41:31 PM
Thanks for the hotfixes. Will be tested vs DX12. If this post isn't updated, bugs fixed.

400KB PATCH? Yeah, that isn't right, 100% of this patch got missed.
Last edited by bvanharjr#5617 on Jul 24, 2023, 2:57:29 AM
Please buff Explosive Totems to deal 1200% DMG :) Why we have to wait for it to anohter patch?? I love my totems!!
wheres my hoodie and t shirt
:P greetings!!
AintCare wrote:
yeh, imma wait 24h till 4th iteration of this since you guyz aren't even aware of half the shit this 'patch' did.

well done

they probably just want us to update to the newest whatever, since some people said it runs better now

oh boy how i wish those were trolls
Good day ggg. May you check the graphics bug after this patch when fighting solaris and lunaris, the screen turns to gray. Thanks
Well. I just came back from the workplace.
I updated the patch and found some weird freezing issues.
Thanks for the quick response.

Anyway, where can I find Auckland realm these days? I can only connect on AUS server.
It continues to work badly, when before it worked totally fluid for me.
AintCare wrote:
Blubbey wrote:
AintCare wrote:
yeh, imma wait 24h till 4th iteration of this since you guyz aren't even aware of half the shit this 'patch' did.

well done

they probably just want us to update to the newest whatever, since some people said it runs better now

oh boy how i wish those were trolls

well if this is their approach towards poe2 they can shove it as i'm not buying a new rig to play a 12y/o game.

game worked just fine before this patch and i was running it on gtx970 at 1440p

yuck, that's too old lol, just buy a new PC, ez

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