3.21.2 Patch Notes (part 2 - restart)

AintCare wrote:
Blubbey wrote:
AintCare wrote:
yeh, imma wait 24h till 4th iteration of this since you guyz aren't even aware of half the shit this 'patch' did.

well done

they probably just want us to update to the newest whatever, since some people said it runs better now

oh boy how i wish those were trolls

well if this is their approach towards poe2 they can shove it as i'm not buying a new rig to play a 12y/o game.

game worked just fine before this patch and i was running it on gtx970 at 1440p

everything runs a lot better now after the server restart a few minutes ago. i would look into upgrading your 10 year old gfx card eventually anyway.
im using same game settings. after this patch I GET BIG FREEZES. GAME IS TOTALLY UNPLAYABLE!!!


I cannot do any map. im waiting in my hideout afk for a quick fix for this
yes. using same game settings! from having constant 30-40 FPS, now i have around 1-5 FPS. im using SAME SETTINGS!
Last edited by POEGuy007#2677 on Jul 24, 2023, 3:22:15 AM
Nothing was fixed or made better for me after this recent patch. Even tried it after the most recent server restart. Game still 'stutters' and is unplayable.
Well this game is now unplayable for me. Its like 2 frames per second in town now. I don't know what these updates did, but I guess its time to look for a new game.
Using same settings as before the patch. I'm having massive graphical and FPS issues.
Huge FPS problems and resolution downscaling issues since this patch.
Hello, new here... have been playing 2 weeks time.

After the patch, the latest patch 30 minutes ago.
*** 3.21.2 Patch Part 2 ***
+ Normal FPS like before, somehow feels more fluid

- Around 5 minutes playing in white map, the games suddenly closes. It just suddenly freeze and closed the app. (3rd times happening)

My Spec
- Ryzen 5800H
- RTX 3060
- 16GB of Ram
Tried both Vulcan and DX11 no change to other settings, and my CPU is getting crushed after patch. Loading into town, hideout, maps, are all taking 10-20 secs...

Patch needs PATCH XD
I think I just have to go to bed and wait until they hotfix the FPS issue. GGG expects everyone to have a $1000+ graphics card or something.

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