3.21.2 Patch Notes (part 2 - restart)

Biggest giveaway for me that something is wonky: Usually i only hear my gpu fans when delving, because that's probably more taxing than regular mapping or something? Has been like that for the last 2-3 leagues. But now the fans also spin up while mapping in a rather uneventful map. It takes a few packs before the game shows my skill effects (celestial moltenstrike). Floor tiles are sometimes missing for a bit. FPS seem to be a tad worse also.

1440p, cap at 120 fps, vulkan, triple buffer on.
GPU AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (16GB VRAM; drivers are up to date)
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Win 11

I would love to be able to compare it with before tbh. Because i didn't play for ~3 weeks.

Edit: After a few maps it seems to be fine now. Cache needed to be rebuilt or something?
Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
Last edited by Alrightythen#3384 on Jul 24, 2023, 4:21:07 PM
Grinding the entire league to have a smooth farming experience and then this. Huge performance drop hurting my eyes. No warning or talking from ggg side - straight skinner box style. What a bitter ending of the league.
I just noticed that my GPU power consumption is way up even though the framerate is the same as before (when it's not stuttering like mad due to CPU issues), capped at 60hz.

Idle in hideout used to draw ~140W, since patch it's ~200W.
During mapping it used to draw 150-170W, since patch it's 200-250W.

(Vulkan, Radeon 7900xtx, 2560x1600, Every rendering option on max except DoF=disabled)

Reaper_of_Lyfe wrote:
No issues found on the 3080ti works pretty much the same

Same here.
Tested one map before work and everything was fine, did a blight and a crucible real quick, no hiccups no freezing no stutter.
~ There are spectacular moments.
revert please, unplayable right now
"The Hate continued exactly as before, except that the target had been changed." ~ Orwell, 1984
Is anyone else having trouble opening tier 16+ maps with delirium?

Here it is crashing a lot and the game is closing
happyz1988 wrote:
Before whining here try testing different options. Triple buffering, DX12,11 or Vulkan. Had performance issues on DX11 which switching to 12 solved.
This seems to solve most of the troubles I had. But I'm not tested all Areas of the game so far. Playing on DX12. Also I didn't know, that a RTX 3060 Ti is a slow GPU by now. Never mind, I'm a noob with this. :)
Bought my PC three months ago so I will not buy a new one in the next five or six years. :)

i7-12700F 2.10 GHz
RTX 3060 Ti
Last edited by PacklFalk#5536 on Jul 24, 2023, 4:22:14 PM
happyz1988 wrote:
Before whining here try testing different options. Triple buffering, DX12,11 or Vulkan. Had performance issues on DX11 which switching to 12 solved.

I switched to DX12 (beta) and the shudder/bloom/junk graphis effect appears to be gone. But it feels that it takes a bit longer to go from area to area.

Even after the hotfix for the new patch my graphics card is only running at half load (under 50%, before the patch it used over 90% load) and very low GPU Memory Usage (under 500MB). This is causing the game to run at approximately half frame rate. Tried Vulcan, DX 11 and DX 12 with or without Triple Buffering or the different VSync Options on quite low graphics settings.

Last edited by Levshin#5525 on Jul 24, 2023, 5:47:19 PM

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