3.21.2 Patch Notes (part 2 - restart)

Not sure what happened, but load times into zones seem to have multiplied by a factor 10. It improves by having been in the zone, so perhaps textures have been de-cached? Same goes with mob types. They don't seem to load in until after they (or you) are dead.

Perhaps this will sort it self out once everything is properly cached, but yea, it ain't good right now.

On the plus side, rather have this patch now then on league launch, so they have time to adjust what needs adjusting.
If this helps anyone let me know.

Had the same issues, shuddering and crashing. Basically could not play the game.

I entered -dx11 -refresh into the launch options of steam.

That fixed it for me. Might not be a fix for everyone but I crashed twice before trying this. Been in game for an hour now with no further issues.

If you don't know how to enter launch options do a quick Google search.

If it works for you, great! Let me know. If it doesn't, let me know and I hope they get you a fix soon.
Please roll back this patch, CPU usage is too high.
Last edited by JamesLee9000#5995 on Jul 24, 2023, 8:22:31 AM
Normaly my fps got in the range of 90~120, now it's it downgrade to 35~50. This patch is a complete messy to overall perfomance.
Man, I am just gonna comment here as well since this one is the latest patch:
The game got a whole lot worse for lower end players.

For me the game is not crashing rn, but its really hard to test a lot since the performance went down at least 50%, fps wise, at least that is how it feels like.

I understand that most people with high end pcs are fine (well most is not good), at least that is what I have read about on the site, but for people that have a weaker computer/laptop (might be still not optimized correctly) its REALLY-REALLY BAD. Unplayable! :(

Ps > (I have checked out all the new performance options, not good enough, dx11 did not fix performance issues)
Last edited by Sztomi228#2858 on Jul 24, 2023, 8:38:07 AM
Getting some weird game behavior with this patch. Long load screens and what feels like systematic packet loss every 20 seconds no matter what is happening on screen. Also noticed my variable pc fans have been on full blast since this patch.
Same boat as everyone, I still can't play.
For HC or high leveling players, this is an absolute no go.
i5 13400 - 6650xt - 32GB - could play ez in High settings before, can't play in low now.
Start was good, but now I'm just getting kicked out of the game whenever I enter a portal to a map! Unplayable at the moment!!!

Now it works again but I lost 4 portals for nothing.
Changed VSync from Adaptive back to Locked, so maybe this was my problem. Very wired and not relay play ready it seems.
Last edited by PacklFalk#5536 on Jul 24, 2023, 8:53:33 AM
Stuck in a perpetual new update -> patch validation loop. Help.

(On MacOS, Steam)
Having noticeable frame drops.
What is the value of my own life when it is taken from others so easily?

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