3.21.2b Patch Notes

Oddly im not running into issues anymore. Every now and then, when I encounter a large group, I get a stutter..Could be new shaders? Idk..
But I capped my fps to 90 and it runs smooth.
6650xt / ryzen 5-3600 / 32gb ram / strix b550f-gaming wifi mobo
But I play at 1080p max settings.

Stutters do suck though. lol
Try capping your fps gamers! Maybe that will help..Because It was horrible for me yesterday, couldn't even play. But I had v-sync on 144hz , it was cooking my rig.
Turned off v-sync and problem went away.
I would have to agree with some posts made here about going over to the tech support forum portion and checking the troubleshooting thread. There are several steps to try to determine the issue.

I would suggest starting with the first step and go down from there. In the end I found that one of the steps, which has you deleting config files in the POE folder, was essential in helping me. Be sure to make backups of the folders and take note of your key binds and other settings as all of these will be reset. Basically just follow the instructions there for the most detail and it should be easy enough to give it a shot.

It suggests that for a time the game will seem to have lower performance, comparible to the issues people have been experiencing I would say, but in time it will improve as the game relearns the shaders and various other configurations. Personally I would suggest running some slightly more trivial content at first just to get some of the shaders so you don't have to risk death as much.

The game seems to be smoothing out the more I play now. I hope this helps
Last edited by Durf#2997 on Jul 27, 2023, 12:26:32 PM
still sluggish and stuttering.

also LAG.
The fix didn't change anything for me. I tried everything to fix it
GGG plz fix this patch, I'm BEGGING u to find a solution...
I rly want to play the game next league but if it stays like this I wont be able to.
Im sure plenty of ppl that play this game cant afford to buy new pc parts like me. Its unfair, the game worked fine bfr this!!!!
my setup...

cpu - ryzen 7 5700g 8 core 16 thread
ram - 32gb
gpu - built into cpu with 8gb ram allocated
mb - b550m aorus pro-p
cooling - 4x - 120mm case fans - oem wraith coolor(came with cpu)
m.2 ssd with os and poe from same drive
all system drivers up to date
fiber optic internet with 100MB/s sustained download <----- good stable internet is key here
vsync - locked
t-buff - disabled
everything else - set to default

temp has yet to exceed 50c and no noticeable change to the gameplay. graphics are still massively bloated for what the game is with little to no options for adjusting that part. so far, even with high quantity maps, all runs fine. the cpu and gpu dance like visual sound meters, even sitting idle in HO, but no issues
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
Last edited by Qd0t#2065 on Sep 6, 2023, 4:29:50 PM
Idk if I have same issues as every one else, game ran like shit after patch, got alot better after like 20 cemeteries. Main issue for me is particle collision in dence packs. For example molten stike with VC and 9 projs, it just drops to 30fps from my capped 60 and even starts to drop rez via dynamic option. Tried all AMD and game settings. Tried spark, intereesting thing that all 3 mtx i have used to be same impact on my pc, now spiders almost no impact, celestial and void both cap gpu usage. I can only assume more proj/particle the harder you will feel the impact of this patch.
People who claim their game runs good either have nasa rated pc or play low impact build or fall in very niche pc specs that this patch balanced around, just my guess.

Platun4 wrote:
Idk if I have same issues as every one else, game ran like shit after patch, got alot better after like 20 cemeteries. Main issue for me is particle collision in dence packs. For example molten stike with VC and 9 projs, it just drops to 30fps from my capped 60 and even starts to drop rez via dynamic option. Tried all AMD and game settings. Tried spark, intereesting thing that all 3 mtx i have used to be same impact on my pc, now spiders almost no impact, celestial and void both cap gpu usage. I can only assume more proj/particle the harder you will feel the impact of this patch.
People who claim their game runs good either have nasa rated pc or play low impact build or fall in very niche pc specs that this patch balanced around, just my guess.

It's definitely what you stated, for me its when I have coc Ice Spear or toxic rain going it drops to 30 and below for me. It becomes unplayable when I have legion going with all the projs going everywhere
What in damnation have you done?
IDK, I just checked juiced map with deli and other league mechanics - for me game working pretty fine and smooth.

Windows 11 (64 bit)
CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Speed: 3696 MHz
12 logical processors
6 physical processors
Driver: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
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RAM: 32683 Mb
Audio device: Speakers (2- FiiO K5 Pro)
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