3.21.2b Patch Notes

where are these troubleshooting steps?
ziipher wrote:
unplayable for me, no matter what graphic settings i change, always the same happens,

i take some steps in maps, shoot once or twice and my game crashes. GGG why did u had to change graphics.. a change which isnt even noticable. Everything worked 100% before the pacth, now a useless, not noticable patch randomly gets added and nothing works anymore

i also dont have the worst specs

NVIDIA GeForce RXT 3060 Ti
AMD Ryzen 5 5500

so still pretty recent spec, plz GGG, im begging u to fix this and if nothing works, just go back to the previous version so people can play

if this wont get fixed til the new league, u will lose a hefty amount of playerbase

Sounds like you need to do the delete cache folders fix. Theres other fixes as well as far as deleting config files.

The patch didnt change alot compared to what everyone thinks. If you are crashing, it most likely is old shaders or old configs causing the crash. Do the troubleshooting steps. you should not be crashing.

I crashed 4 times day 1. I took steps.

I added the `-dx11 -refresh launch option to steam. that stopped my crashes.

I deleted the cache folders, that made my game even more stable AFTER shaders compiled.

Now its smooth as butter.

Did you update your graphics drivers?

have you done ANY troubleshooting steps?

Read through the comments. People who actually do something are finding their problems fixed.


You got 3 challenges that league, Did you even tried league before that patch? If I trust your reasoning, All my drivers have runned out of date on Monday all at the same time but ONLY on PoE because every other game even some with WAY HIGHER specs requirements than PoE run really smooth. I can play the game atm but don't want to damage my processor because CPU overheat SINCE that update. You just speak non-sense to me, Like what step you want us to do? Want us to learn C++ C or what ever the script they use to make videogames? We are the gamers here, They are the Devs, Why asking some shopworker that lift boxes to help them find their error? When you need to go see a doctor you going at the restaurant?

So anywayz yeah we know how it is with GGG 3 Months League, 1 Month bug, 2 weeks soso, 2 weeks nice playing and another month of this.

And waiting for whats steps, It's been a week since they did that update, Where did you see them posting something on the forum? You got 5 peoples like you who defend them (Like what you getting a cut or something?), You got these 10 people with 20K PC that ain't see difference because 20K PC and you got the rest like what 200 peoples that claim atm having problem with the game.

Sooooooo what you talking about? Games have been runned with the same Settings for almost all the time I've played and then since Monday, I'll had to go change my setting to try other things and this and that, So on every game you play once you log back in the next day you go into your setting to change everything? LOL What kind of gamer are you.
3.21.2 was really rough on my system. Each subsequent patch brought small improvements.

For the first time ever, I attempted using the Vulkan API and upon shader compilation/optimization, I was actually able to run some dense T16 maps. I was still getting serious frame rate drops when the spawns got really thick but culling and dynamic resolution would kick in and keep it above 30 FPM. Both DirectX API's were crashing and performance was mostly unplayable.

I ran 5-6 maps over the past 24 hours, making changes in an attempt to get my old performance levels back and slowly gaining performance each time I would do another test run.

The last change I made was forcing full dynamic range of color in the NVIDIA control panel. I usually do a clean install of drivers and this get's reset most of the time. Anyways, I had forgotten how washed out the colors were and just wanted to see how PoE looked, especially with the new particle effects and SoB, it's running better than it has since this all started.

I'm still getting frame-rate drops but not nearly like it was. Especially, in comparison to the DirectX API's.

Either way, I can't be so sure that configuring full dynamic range is what suddenly caused such a drastic increase in stability/performance but it is an important value to be calculated for good bloom, lighting and I imagine particle effects. I would expect the values to get clamped, no matter what the shader program's output is but you know assumptions.

Sorry about the wall of text. Exhausted. I hope it helps someone.

Technical Specs:

Intel Core i7 4770 - Haswell
Asus Z97-A Mobo
16 GB DDR3
NVIDIA Driver Version 536.67
- Texture Quality: Performance
- Power Management Mode: Prefer maximum performance
- Monitor Refresh Rate: 50hz (Can probably move this back to 60hz)
Windows 22H2 19045.2965
- PathOfExileSteam.exe
- Properties.Compatibility.DisableFullScreenOptimizations: True

Path of Exile - Display Settings:
Mode: Fullscreen
Resolution: 1920x1080
Renderer: Vulkan
VSync: Adaptive
Triple-Buffering: Disabled
So, your post is all over the place lol. Also, google is your friend.

Most games or not like poe, you could argue that a lot of other games are made with unity or some version of the unreal engine. But also a lot of other companies have their own engine or a modified unreal engine or whatever.

GGG's engine being self made and now being updated to the modern age of gaming, there is gonna be some problems here and there. This is prolly the "first" of several updates to come. We're already hade some.

So adjusting settings, clearing shader cache is something everyone should try to do. That or post their specs in the tech forum here.

Also, i can't imagine a lot is gonna happen in forms of patches until after exilecon, most devs are gonna be there.

So in the meantime, enjoy exilecon, play another game and relex things will get sorted.

I'm honestly not sure if my rig will run poe2 that well, so might have to get a new one. Mine is 6 years old atm, tho parts might be a year older, 7th gen intel setup.

Oh, and what does challenges have to do with anything? lol
I never got why people compare those to game knowledge or whatever...
Challenges don't matter.
Except that 3 challenges =

Act 6: Tsoagoth, The Brine King (check)
Act 7: Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows (check)
Act 8: Lunaris, Eternal Moon and Solaris, Eternal Sun (check)
Act 9: The Depraved Trinity (NO CHECK)
Act 10: Kitava, the Insatiable (NO CHECK)

Yeah, the game runs fine in act 8. Is that actually useful information?

If they had 12 or something, whatever. No big difference. But 3 isn't even maps.
Last edited by Qd0t#2065 on Sep 6, 2023, 5:46:27 PM
My pc can run VR game, but if I dare launch this game its too much for it.

It can launch essentially any new game but this 10 years old game is too much for it.

With how badly they are managing this whole thing I guess I shouldn't expect anything from them.

If the bug reports and feedback get 10 times more active than usual maybe just maybe something is wrong. If so many people complain about the sorry excuse of an optimisation this game has, maybe start working on it and give update about it. People on every platform are complaning about this excuse of an update.

Well I guess on the bright side it's going to make people go play game that respect them.
Why am I still here
Andvareel wrote:
Challenges don't matter.
Except that 3 challenges =

Act 6: Tsoagoth, The Brine King (check)
Act 7: Arakaali, Spinner of Shadows (check)
Act 8: Lunaris, Eternal Moon and Solaris, Eternal Sun (check)
Act 9: The Depraved Trinity (NO CHECK)
Act 10: Kitava, the Insatiable (NO CHECK)

Yeah, the game runs fine in act 8. Is that actually useful information?

If they had 12 or something, whatever. No big difference. But 3 isn't even maps.

Sure it does, if your in maps or the campaign the game should more or less run the same. Sure you might have lower fps in mob heavy maps or if you have a very spammy build. But other than that there should be minor differences.

like, i've got 4-5 to t16 maps or so and i got 9 challenges done.. but who cares.
Unplayable. Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs ! Crashs !
CANT PLAY. if they are too busy to debug a patch then why launch it. i guess ill try d4... if nothing is going to be said or done. bye

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