Transfigured Gems Part 4

where RF?!?
RF people are getting trolled so hard...
Hello, this is just a reading/writing account for my workplace.
let me chase my dreams, give me my new RF
Sad day for RF and cold dot mains haha
a shit ton of players who league start RF barely reach white maps then quit due to the FREE and BORING campaign gameplay. GGG decided to make it an endgame gem so players who actually commit to the build can make it good
sad day for the fire bois
Kameloski wrote:
a shit ton of players who league start RF barely reach white maps then quit due to the FREE and BORING campaign gameplay. GGG decided to make it an endgame gem so players who actually commit to the build can make it good

Whats the point of making the game harder for the people that are already on the edge and dont like complicated builds , no game company actually wants to lose players , besides look at the most profiles commenting on RF are people who buy supporter packs , so your logic is not valid .

anyone who played PoE more then one league feels that acts are boring and free .
its just a chore you do while watching something on netflix , so nerfing and slowing down that part of the game for some people makes less sense then your post .
lets gooooo
Where is my spectral elix skill? i need this pls
Where RF?
If u need me for anything u can pm me ingame or send me a private message :)

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