Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

Kind of newer to PoE. Is an expansion a whole new league or just an expansion of the current Necropolis league?

Kind of newer to PoE. Is an expansion a whole new league or just an expansion of the current Necropolis league?

whole new league
Again timed right at holiday season, looks like another skipper...
pls help chris wilson the only body i have in my morgue is necropolis league
do we have a name for the new league?
is it confirmed to be able to purchase wheel of pain map device as a single item? (the one that lets u track how many normal/rare/magic/unqiue monsters you slain in the map
One good thing about this league is I got reacquainted with overtime at work because I wasn't playing the league.
Fuck that, that is vacation time, do you want lower numbers than Necropolis or what?

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