What Will Happen When The Necropolis League Ends

okay bye!
I'm not normally a crafter and have only made a few "endgame" items in 10+ years of playing (i.e. I always trade for my gear), so I enjoyed having a fairly deterministic way to make my sword this league. It felt good.

Pure RNG crafting is just no fun to me (massive currency dump and click spamming plus PhD level knowledge via craftofexile, no thanks). This is why I like the hideout bench, fractured items, and essences. Necro crafting was a good idea, but just poorly executed (much like OG harvest). Please don't shy away from trying to add more crafting systems like this. Or add more "limited try" crafting like LE has (and now D4). It feels good to make items in an RPG. I'd much rather do that than farm piles of currency to trade for items.
No, my allflames:( I had fun with the Lantern of Arimor.
great league
Warvald wrote:
Thank god this thing isn't going core.

That's what I thought
Finally. No more seeing streams of people spending hours organizing their 10 quad tabs worth of coffins. Now I'll see streams of people spending hours organizing their 10 quad tabs worth of -REDACTED-.
only played for 2weeks
i seem to play less and less
drbokorkati wrote:
Ty for a great league. Crafting was fun af. Item editor was indeed too op. Can’t wait for 3.25!

Worst league ever it was and everyone knows it. Disgrace aura.

I love the game, and the options you have when it comes to building.
I might enjoy some leagues more than others..but saying its the worst league..thats a little harsh...all leagues has pros and cons to them :)
Ye, the league RIP long time ago, still thanks for that hardwork league.

Now lets hope next one will bring something more intresting to keep us going and have fun like old days.

We want to play more and not less each league.

GGG use to deliver high end stuff, keep upp the good work thank you.
If GGG would have added anything from the worst league of PoE history it would have been an offense to anyone who cares the game. Just delete it and forget it, like it never happened. Cant wait for patch notes and next league content.

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