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Pirates hijacked my crew. After clicking Save, a portal appeared.
After clicking the portal, it said that this area cannot be entered and disappeared.
Then my ship was kidnapped and there was no way to save it. I could only pay a ransom or abandon them.
Kirac missions for unique maps are not completing, however using a unique map with the portal device will complete it, is anyone else experiencing the same issue?
PS5 bug list

1. Mesa map boss is completely broken and will not let you get atlas completion due to instantly crashing your game when you enter the boss arena.

2. Not able to use refund points to reallocate passive, ascendancy passives and atlas passive nodes.

3. The "act 11 adversaries" challenge for killing arakaali is not working and keeping you from completing the challenge.

These have all probably been brought to light but just in case thought i would share here. ETA on when a ps5 patch might be coming would be great as well! <3
Omni_Cross- wrote:
PS5 bug list

1. Mesa map boss is completely broken and will not let you get atlas completion due to instantly crashing your game when you enter the boss arena.

2. Not able to use refund points to reallocate passive, ascendancy passives and atlas passive nodes.

3. The "act 11 adversaries" challenge for killing arakaali is not working and keeping you from completing the challenge.

These have all probably been brought to light but just in case thought i would share here. ETA on when a ps5 patch might be coming would be great as well! <3

Clearly whenever they feel like it.

Xbox already got the first round of bug fixes, but atleast we got the virtual keybord back, 8+ hours late!
The state of this game on PlayStation is really sad, since the end of Necropolis, almost unplayable. I never played a game so full of bugs on PlayStation. The league start was just the Cherry on the top of the shit pile.
Please fix the bug that when wielding The Surrender Unique Shield do not Grants Level 30 Crushing Fist to you as the patch note mentioned.
Alexmurador wrote:
The state of this game on PlayStation is really sad, since the end of Necropolis, almost unplayable. I never played a game so full of bugs on PlayStation. The league start was just the Cherry on the top of the shit pile.

Ps4/5 3.25 hot fix patch notes:

BendOver, your collective MTX sales did not reach the required amount in the previous league, as such we don't care how many things we broke, we don't care to create an enjoyable gaming experience, and no, we absolutely don't care that you couldn't login for league start. Now bite down on the bit, Chris's going in dry.
can't log in the league, my standart character is working fine! Please check it out!
Mightcrawler wrote:
can't log in the league, my standart character is working fine! Please check it out!

same here
"You have been kicked for perfoming too many actions too fast"

Death's Oath build, i have literaly 1 active button with cd. What can i do too fast?

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