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I hope the issue with Kirac unique map missions not giving the completion bonus gets fixed soon.
Just tried doing the mines... It's a no go, crash with report on PS5.
this league is so unrewarding and boring its wild
Time to fix "Haunted remains" nodes from delve. It is starting to be a pain now...
Colonnade map, Monster level 72.

Expedition gives me 5 small explosive even when "Extreme archeology" is allocated. Gwennen.
Is the intended effect of Autoexertion supported Warcry's supported with Corrupting Cry supposed to be a Mana Reservation of 150% (which is unusable for essentially any and all characters to my knowledge)? This is a substantial change from 3.24's Call To Arms support.

My testing is Lvl 1 Generals Cry + Lvl 20 Brutality + Swift Affliction + Corrupting Cry.

This effectively makes any Autoexerted + Corrupting Cry supported Warcry's dead in the water and I just wanted to make sure that this was the intended effect and not a bug with the current implementation.
Seems that No forgiveness and Measured Retaliation have some weird/broken interaction with each other. Multiple people have tested it including myself. Would be nice to have this fixed asap as it kinda sucks for us all doing retaliate builds.
While doing blight, if league mechanic tree is on top of blight spawn pod, the monster stuck under the tree and cannot surface. Meaning blight cannot be completed.

Top right corner you can see monsters on minimap and in the middle you can see blight monster spawn pod and tree on top of it.
can we please increase verisium spawn rates slightly?
Intelligence Dancing Dervishes does not work !!!
Broken intellect Dancing Dervishes

After being summoned, they stand still and do not move.

Rarely attack the enemy

No stones help, Hungry frenzy doesn’t help either

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