Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Any info about the Black Morighan Bug? It is sitting in my blood altar but it wont be shown. And I am 1200 fusings deep, still no luck. When may I use that chest, please dear GGG?
"There is a issue about update. It says that it can't overwite executable with new pathed executable. I have reboot my computer and done the packcheck. But the issue still exist."
The same
Any news about Black Morrigan fix?
Please lower the gold costs or increase the drop rate, I want to have a life beyond farming gold all day.
"There is a issue about update. It says that it can't overwite executable with new pathed executable. I have reboot my computer and done the packcheck. But the issue still exist."
The same
GentleBenjamin wrote:
Playing on a mac via Steam. Still cannot login: "Failed to connect to login server" happens immediately when I click login.

PLEASE address this.

We're on day 5 of reporting this issue GGG for Mac OS users, can you please acknowledge that this is a problem.
haoge99i wrote:
There is a issue about update. It says that it can't overwite executable with new pathed executable. I have reboot my computer and done the packcheck. But the issue still exist.

Run game as admin. See if OS not blocking overwriting exe file.
Anybody experiencing lag spike after the new hotfix? Getting up to 10k ping all of a sudden.
My Youtube channel guide:
Why is it so difficult to post an update on the MacOS player issues. Both Steam and standalone clients can’t login. There’s been absolutely no updates but there has been 12 hot fixes for other stuff. Was under the impression this was on the priority list. I guess the low, not high priority list. You can’t seriously expect people to buy supporter packs and other stuff if this is the response we get when issues happen.
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