PoE2: One death in map and its bricked.

I dont think anything will be changed till a large portion of the player base is actually in End Game so they can feel the backlash lol. Thats when this thread is really gonna blow up.

I think you’re right, over 5000 view and a couple of hundred replies so this is even before launch the #1 trending topic, and after people reach endgame it’s going to go through the roof (either pro of con replies).
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
First posted updated for recent ideas for community
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
What happens if you get disconnected once, is your map ripped? Getting punished for losing to a boss isn't a problem, but if disconnect = map ripped, then that's total bullshit.

I like that PoE2 is anti-glass cannon, that's going to incentivize people to make well-rounded builds. I don't have a problem with "You can't clear a map if you're dead!". 6 lives, like wtf, I don't remember grabbing any 1up shrooms along the way, is this super fucking mario? GIT GUD.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Dec 5, 2024, 10:58:48 AM
What happens if you get disconnected once, is your map ripped? Getting punished for losing to a boss isn't a problem, but if disconnect = map ripped, then that's total bullshit.

I like that PoE2 is anti-glass cannon, that's going to incentivize people to make well-rounded builds. I don't have a problem with "You can't clear a map if you're dead!". 6 lives, like wtf, I don't remember grabbing any 1up shrooms along the way, is this super fucking mario? GIT GUD.

No a disconnect will count as a pause once the server sees you’ve disappeared (supposed to be like 100ms+ping), if you are off for more than (estimated) 8-15 mins you will be considered portaled out but will also probably lose your remaining portals as well.

As for your second paragraph, we have been ‘immortal’ since the very first beta of the first game. If we weren’t it would be Hardcore.
I like the boss resetting a lot, I like the one portal concept (as an option at character creation) a lot as well. I detest with a visceral passion that it’s a forced default change to softcore (the easy mode for casuals, new players, less experienced players and for all to learn all these new mechanics and bosses).
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Dec 5, 2024, 11:04:50 AM
the 6 portal system worked just fine for that , there was no need to go with this path.

As for your second paragraph, we have been ‘immortal’ since the very first beta of the first game. If we weren’t it would be Hardcore.
I like the boss resetting a lot, I like the one portal concept (as an option at character creation) a lot as well. I detest with a visceral passion that it’s a forced default change to softcore (the easy mode for casuals, new players, less experienced players and for all to learn all these new mechanics and bosses).

"We've been immortal anyway" sounds like cope.

Theoretically, you're not wrong, but using such a statement as rhetoric that obviously does not apply to how the overwhelming majority of players are going to approach the game is just silly.
It's an infinite mapping system that never stops, that node is dead the actual map itself is not... how HARD is this to understand.

Your wisdom in your contribution to this thread has been quantum
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Dec 5, 2024, 12:34:21 PM
I find it just fine. If there's no thrill then there's no point, 6 portals is far too many.

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