Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

Serwyn#6318 wrote:

I can only imagine that with frostball spamming, CoF and CoC, the mana drain is crazy. What is the trick to sustain mana? Just sapphire jewels with mana on kill? Something else?


Yep, 2% mana on kill. Several of them, like 4. You can anoint "Siphon" too, it's fairly cheap.
yeah, I failed every snakepit chance.
as well as Everlasting gaze..

I was jebaited..

Gaze is pretty amazing. but I wonder...

+3 to all spell skills amulet.
Scepters as well. actually.
Foci can of course get +2 to all spell skills.
(foci can of course also get 99% crit hit, 34% cri damage, 32% cast speed, es recharge, regen, 119% spell damage, AND 119% cold damage (at the same time) and 179mana)

and.. with that +4 to all spell skills wand, or +5 to cold spell skills.
(staves are +6 to all, and +7 to cold, being the same amount as a wand/focus)

so, lets reevaluate this.

what are spells?
all the obvious are of course spells.
blink is a spell.
time snap is spell.
temporal rift is a spell.
time freeze is a spell.
arctic armor is a spell.
marks are spells.
mana tempest is a spell.

grim feast is not a spell.
skel warriors are not.
archmage is not a spell.
cast on crit, cast on dodge are not spells.
elem conflix is not.
raging spirits is not
blasphemy itself is not.
ele invocation is also not.
magma barrier is not a spell.
lingering illusion is not a spell.
and of course, neither are heralds.
offerings and warcrys are not spells.

ps. reviewing this. Snipers mark doesn't seem to care about spell or attack.
I think I found something new to consider.

+ to spell skills.
+4 wand, +3 ammy, +2 focus.
+9. or +10 with a +5 cold wand.

A level 20 frost bomb is 578-867 damage(722.5av), and a +.7aoe size. (1.7base, for 2.4 total.)
A level 29 frost bomb is 1611-2417(2014) and +1 aoe size. (2.7m total)
holy shit.

and if all we run is a +4 wand, and gaze/scepter, all we have is a level 24 one.

A level 24 frost bomb is 917-1375(1146), and .8m (2.5m)

the difference between level 24 and 29 is 75.7% more damage. (and 8% more aoe)
between a level 20 and 29 is 179% more damage.

A level 30 frost bomb is 1803-2704=(2253.5) damage and 1.1 aoe size. an 11.9% damage increase over a level 29.

The damage scaling is so huge, I think we need to reconsider, sceptres and everlasting gaze, if a +skill ammy is on the table.
and its NOT just damage scaling. +aoe on frost bomb as noted. thats flat addition to the base.

level 29 blink. 5.2m. no idea on its cooldown.. which reduces per level.
level 29 mana tempest is 96% gain, 3 chains, and 2 extra.

time freeze,time snap, and temporal rift do not list any level scaling..

level 29 sniper smark is +104% crit damage bonus.

Ammys can get up to +3 all skills, and +65 spirit.
chest, can be +61 spirit, or +91 spirit with an expert shaman mantle.(at the cost of ES of course. 246armr/84es) expert keth is 153es. a loss of 69 base es.
252 spirit. cap without a sceptre.

100AM and 90CoC, leaves 62 spirit. for blink, or blashephy, or 30 grimfeast+10clarity
with absolute max rolls on them of course.

An expert keth is only 226 spirit.
leaving 36 spirit after coc/am. for only grim feast an option.

the ES we lose from going from an expert keth to an expert shaman mantle however, is partially gained by the focus ES.
an expert plumed focus is 63 es. we also get another rune socket.
Casia#1093 wrote:

Gaze is pretty amazing. but I wonder...

+3 to all spell skills amulet.
Scepters as well. actually.

so, lets reevaluate this.

I already did it several pages ago.

The amulet slot is extremely powerful. To a degree, Gaze seems to be a waste.

However, there is a thing. It's the best defensive option for Archmage MoM-EB-CI as of now (which is literally the perfect combo before nerfs). It is perfectly fine to run w/o Gaze if there is no CI or EB (unless we have giga mana pool, like >6k).

The same goes for chests. You either get more spirit with it or more ES. My current chest has 900 ES. Chobi0ne's chest has 600 ES (at least, maxroll shows it), but they have Spirit on it, enough to add CoF.

The same goes for Foci/Staves. They are indeed stronger, by a large margin on top of that. But sceptres allow us to have more spirit in a more efficient (cheaper) way, so we can keep our defense up.

Lvling past 93 is kinda slow (2% per area 80 or so. You can't make every single map being area 82 too). I guess I won't go for 95 for now, 94 is probably my end for the near future.

And the maps I am currently running by no means are easy. If didn't have my current ES/mana/damage, I would die a lot.

Your math and suggestions are absolutely legit here, and we will be back to them after smth in our current state gets nuked to oblivion.

I honestly, would like to follow glasscannon approach if we had 6 portals. But here, dead people fail content.

Edit: after a second thought, scaling gem lvls seems to be one of the more decent alternatives after Archmage gets nerfed.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 4, 2025, 4:03:37 PM
Updated the guide on maxroll:
Also here's showcase video:
Last edited by chobi0ne#5028 on Jan 4, 2025, 4:26:56 PM
Great content, thanks!
Alright, OP is fully updated:

- Added most relevant builds by Casia, Chobi0ne, and Ruz. Fixed my maxroll too (yesterday's stuff).
- Added link to ChobiOne's maxroll page for the mechanics explanation. Decided not to rewrite or copy-paste info from there. You did a decent job, thanks =) Showcase video added too. Nice one!
- Removed a lot of irrelevant things.
- Removed most of lvling section, which needs to be optimized for less traumatic early experience.
- Removed Crafting and Gearing sections. I see no reason for them. Crafting is ugh, and maxroll does gearing things good enough.
- Put early videos under the spoiler. What a struggle it was.
- UPD: Added video guides by Ruz and PaintMaster

Thank you, exiles.

This is it, things would stay like this before the nerfs.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 5, 2025, 2:42:48 AM
Have anyone tryed a Cooldown refresher build with freeze? Bomb+wall+hourglass on some other skill, how you guys deal damage with frostbolts??! mine had an ok damage but only on the "DPS"tooltip, cause frostbolt do not dela the Explosion damage even if you coldsnap it, cause cold snap overwrites the explosion damage as far as i know
Have anyone tryed a Cooldown refresher build with freeze? Bomb+wall+hourglass on some other skill, how you guys deal damage with frostbolts??! mine had an ok damage but only on the "DPS"tooltip, cause frostbolt do not dela the Explosion damage even if you coldsnap it, cause cold snap overwrites the explosion damage as far as i know

I tried hourglass on comet for a while in my setup and it was okay but I transitioned to other things.

In order to make Frostbolt smooth with Ice Walls and explode early you need to have the Snakepit unique ring.
Have anyone tryed a Cooldown refresher build with freeze? Bomb+wall+hourglass on some other skill, how you guys deal damage with frostbolts??! mine had an ok damage but only on the "DPS"tooltip, cause frostbolt do not dela the Explosion damage even if you coldsnap it, cause cold snap overwrites the explosion damage as far as i know

Time Snap is ok to use early for bomb w/ second wind, wall, comet with hourglass, or some melee HotG builds like PaintMaster's.

However, Cold w/ CDs hits the wall at the endless stream of monsters, like in juiced breaches, rituals, or simulacrum.

You can force Frostbolt explosions with the Snakepit ring (basically it's an enabler unique). They will explode after forking.

Frostbolt is very demanding to make it good as a standalone 1-button skill, w/o any support. Chobi0ne made it w/ the support of CoF/Frost Wall setup.

I use it to detonate my Walls atm.
O damn, already added link to video, i finished it yesterday at 2 am and just went sleep.

Wanted to ask today to add it here if its good enough. But in any case, thank you!

Also, how do you think, was Everlasting Gaze interaction intended with Eldritch Battery, or it wasn't and will be fixed?
Because it does seem too strong by going from ~4k mana only to ~4k mana plus ~3k shield, effectively getting ~75% more ehp from single item.

Archmage is surely will be nerfed, and hopefully that nerf will bring buffs for all spell damage as compensation, because without archmage build basically lose ~75% of damage.

Temporalis seems strong on this build, like no cooldown on frost walls and possibly on temporal rift too, so single target can become crazy if you can spam walls non stop and use temporal rift that has no cooldown.
Last edited by PaintMaster#2396 on Jan 5, 2025, 6:16:39 AM

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