Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

The OP rewrite is looking good, thanks for your work!

I have a question regarding Soul Offering: in your Slowmancer maxroll link you have that skill but you have no minions to sacrifice, and your sceptre passively gives Malice aura as well (so no minions from it either.) Am I missing something?
monik390#5560 wrote:
Alright, OP is fully updated

Great job, thank you!

Tbh, my build ended up basically as variation of yours, only main difference is CoF Frost Wall, which is only a QoL thing, since you don't have to cast frost walls manually with it. Looking at your video - you don't have any problems with clearing as soon as you got back to Frostbolt again. I guess basically it's the same clear speed for both versions of your build, only difference is 1-button vs 2-button xD

My first non-crit version was cheaper and much weaker (especially with bossing), but it was a standalone build. However, after trying multiple different things, I ended up with same or similar solutions as you did. Bossing is basically the same as yours, just without EoW.
you have no minions to sacrifice, and your sceptre passively gives Malice aura as well (so no minions from it either.) Am I missing something?

It's in the second weapon set. And second weapon set has special passives and unique shield which extend skill and offering duration, so you get longer Soul Offering, longer Time Freeze, longer Conductivity, etc.

Temporalis seems strong on this build, like no cooldown on frost walls and possibly on temporal rift too, so single target can become crazy if you can spam walls non stop and use temporal rift that has no cooldown.

Tbh, Temporal Rift cooldown is not a problem you can always restore your mana with Temporal Rift as is. Burst the boss, press temp rift when run out of mana, repeat. Sometimes just have to wait couple seconds, but it still gets you back to full mana every time if used right.
Last edited by chobi0ne#5028 on Jan 5, 2025, 6:26:52 AM
O damn, already added link to video, i finished it yesterday at 2 am and just went sleep.

Wanted to ask today to add it here if its good enough. But in any case, thank you!

Also, how do you think, was Everlasting Gaze interaction intended with Eldritch Battery, or it wasn't and will be fixed?
Because it does seem too strong by going from ~4k mana only to ~4k mana plus ~3k shield, effectively getting ~75% more ehp from single item.

Archmage is surely will be nerfed, and hopefully that nerf will bring buffs for all spell damage as compensation, because without archmage build basically lose ~75% of damage.

Temporalis seems strong on this build, like no cooldown on frost walls and possibly on temporal rift too, so single target can become crazy if you can spam walls non stop and use temporal rift that has no cooldown.

Every build is strong with temporalis. its just absurd. I wouldn't even talk about it, as everything is a temporalis build then.

zero cd blink breaks the game. see all that cast on dodge discussion.
zero cd frost bomb. zero cd mana flare.
elemental discharge has a 1s cd I think?

It seems strange to me industry vets made these "mistakes" with temporalis, and gaze, etc. there is a reason other forms of CD reduction are rates.

"The Adorned" is additive.

I was sleeping on timelost jewels in general.
you can get 1-3% CDR on Notables on a time lost emerald.
A medium or large radius, time lost jewel can hit pliable flesh. 30-130% effect on pliable flesh...

The jewel socket by reverberation hits a ton of small notables. aoe size, mana regen, crit damage. very prime for increased effect, added effect to small passives, and possibly 4-5 notables.

for SSF, trials are the place to farm Jewels. Royal chests are jewels. Time lost are time lost jewels.
ultimatium is of course soul cores.
chobi0ne#5028 wrote:
Tbh, Temporal Rift cooldown is not a problem you can always restore your mana with Temporal Rift as is. Burst the boss, press temp rift when run out of mana, repeat. Sometimes just have to wait couple seconds, but it still gets you back to full mana every time if used right.

Ye i get that, thought it will be just higher dps, since you can use walls with no cooldown and use temporal rift right after. Not that it really needed.

Also another suggestion, Controlled Metamorphosis jewel with Medium-small radius, with good roll of elemental resists it cost like 60-80ex.

So basically, it saves 2 points, and you getting 10% extra curse effect from Lingering Whispers.

Plus there's Power Conduction in radius for shock magnitude.

And maybe Stormbreaker too with 15% inc damage per elemental ailment on enemy, so always 30% with shock and chill, or 45% with freeze.

While you can get 10% aura effect on normal jewel in that slot, which would be same as 10% curse effect from Lingering Whispers for Temporal Chains, but curse effect would also work for self cast Conductivity.

Or i guess just time lost jewels across the tree will be even stronger than this, with Adorned.
Last edited by PaintMaster#2396 on Jan 5, 2025, 7:35:52 AM
Casia#1093 wrote:
O damn, already added link to video, i finished it yesterday at 2 am and just went sleep.

Wanted to ask today to add it here if its good enough. But in any case, thank you!

Also, how do you think, was Everlasting Gaze interaction intended with Eldritch Battery, or it wasn't and will be fixed?
Because it does seem too strong by going from ~4k mana only to ~4k mana plus ~3k shield, effectively getting ~75% more ehp from single item.

Archmage is surely will be nerfed, and hopefully that nerf will bring buffs for all spell damage as compensation, because without archmage build basically lose ~75% of damage.

Temporalis seems strong on this build, like no cooldown on frost walls and possibly on temporal rift too, so single target can become crazy if you can spam walls non stop and use temporal rift that has no cooldown.

Every build is strong with temporalis. its just absurd. I wouldn't even talk about it, as everything is a temporalis build then.

zero cd blink breaks the game. see all that cast on dodge discussion.
zero cd frost bomb. zero cd mana flare.
elemental discharge has a 1s cd I think?

It seems strange to me industry vets made these "mistakes" with temporalis, and gaze, etc. there is a reason other forms of CD reduction are rates.

"The Adorned" is additive.

I was sleeping on timelost jewels in general.
you can get 1-3% CDR on Notables on a time lost emerald.
A medium or large radius, time lost jewel can hit pliable flesh. 30-130% effect on pliable flesh...

The jewel socket by reverberation hits a ton of small notables. aoe size, mana regen, crit damage. very prime for increased effect, added effect to small passives, and possibly 4-5 notables.

for SSF, trials are the place to farm Jewels. Royal chests are jewels. Time lost are time lost jewels.
ultimatium is of course soul cores.

Until now i didn't know that Adorned work this way, holy sh**. It's sure strong even without bug for time lost jewels, but this is totally crazy, want to try it!
Have anyone tryed a Cooldown refresher build with freeze? Bomb+wall+hourglass on some other skill, how you guys deal damage with frostbolts??! mine had an ok damage but only on the "DPS"tooltip, cause frostbolt do not dela the Explosion damage even if you coldsnap it, cause cold snap overwrites the explosion damage as far as i know

for frostbolt you basically NEED snakepit. the explosion damage is not just much higher, but its also AoE and shotguns.
This aoe pops walls, which then also aoe shotguns. this is how Monik is vometing out cast on crit comets.

hourglass cd is just too long to be viable on any damage skill imho.

I have a 2.1s cd on Frost bomb, in my cooldown based build.
(I swap ingenuity back and forth between bomb and blink.. I can't decide which I like better..)

I'm in t11 maps now. not hitting the fully juiced stuff. so maybe. I can't directly refute, as Im taking my time getting to that content.
I was actually having a harder time with breach/delirium when I first entered maps. but spell echo on bomb, massive aoe size, and a 2.1s cd is clearing breach, and delirium pretty solid for me now. aoe size is the biggest factor here.

I have coc atm. but its not doing for me, what it does for monik. I get a comet periodically. no constant 2-6 comets... atm don't have enough spirit for coc and AM. AM would be doing more for me, atm. (this is partially less crit chance, and partially how snakepit pops frostwalls for mega crit energy generation)
CoD is quite useful, the ability to pull up a cast on dodge on call. bombs on cd? blink+comet.

I barely use timesnap anymore honestly. rare occasion on bosses. I was using it far more when I had second wind on frost bomb. But, I decided a short consistent CD on frost bomb was more consistent, then the 2 charges, but longer cd option. Also, obviously second wind takes up a support slot.
I still want that 6% cdr though, so won't spec out of it, even if I never use it.

Ye i get that, thought it will be just higher dps, since you can use walls with no cooldown and use temporal rift right after. Not that it really needed.

Also another suggestion, Controlled Metamorphosis jewel with Medium-small radius, with good roll of elemental resists it cost like 60-80ex.

So basically, it saves 2 points, and you getting 10% extra curse effect from Lingering Whispers.

Plus there's Power Conduction in radius for shock magnitude.

And maybe Stormbreaker too with 15% inc damage per elemental ailment on enemy, so always 30% with shock and chill, or 45% with freeze.

While you can get 10% aura effect on normal jewel in that slot, which would be same as 10% curse effect from Lingering Whispers for Temporal Chains, but curse effect would also work for self cast Conductivity.

Or i guess just time lost jewels across the tree will be even stronger than this, with Adorned.

and yeah, thats another juicy spot for a time lost jewel.
O damn, already added link to video, i finished it yesterday at 2 am and just went sleep.

Wanted to ask today to add it here if its good enough. But in any case, thank you!

Also, how do you think, was Everlasting Gaze interaction intended with Eldritch Battery, or it wasn't and will be fixed?
Because it does seem too strong by going from ~4k mana only to ~4k mana plus ~3k shield, effectively getting ~75% more ehp from single item.

Archmage is surely will be nerfed, and hopefully that nerf will bring buffs for all spell damage as compensation, because without archmage build basically lose ~75% of damage.

Temporalis seems strong on this build, like no cooldown on frost walls and possibly on temporal rift too, so single target can become crazy if you can spam walls non stop and use temporal rift that has no cooldown.

You did the video guide better than I ever could, so why not xD

About Everlasting Gaze - we have to see what GGG will do about it. There are lots of discussion if it is intended or not. Personally, I don't give a heck, honestly. My opinion - it's a waste of the amulet slot, we just forced to use it simply bc it's too great with Archmage MoM-EB-CI + Grim Feast. Ez defense. Ez damage. Ez life (/ES).

Personally, I think they will nerf just numbers. From 30% to 15% or so.

I have 0 problems if it will contribute to EB instead of flat ES. I saw MoM-EB-CI builds with 0 ES - just 6k mana and 1 life. Kekw.

If they will shut it down - ugh, whatever. Cry a bit and try again. +3 is sweet. Spirit is sweet. Asis amu is sweet. Choir is sweet. So on.

When they nuke Archmage - we have to scale gems lvls, or smth. Although, I don't think Archmage would get nuked to oblivion. 20-30% nerf is fine.

Temporalis... Will be accessible for too low player count to do smth about it. Ever.

chobi0ne#5028 wrote:
monik390#5560 wrote:
Alright, OP is fully updated

Great job, thank you!

Tbh, my build ended up basically as variation of yours, only main difference is CoF Frost Wall, which is only a QoL thing, since you don't have to cast frost walls manually with it. Looking at your video - you don't have any problems with clearing as soon as you got back to Frostbolt again. I guess basically it's the same clear speed for both versions of your build, only difference is 1-button vs 2-button xD

My first non-crit version was cheaper and much weaker (especially with bossing), but it was a standalone build. However, after trying multiple different things, I ended up with same or similar solutions as you did. Bossing is basically the same as yours, just without EoW.

Initially we didn't have a general approach on how we should build our toons. There were several notable interactions and that's it. (Casia drops a bomb ocassionaly).

PaintMaster is kinda right in his discussion under his video about being "copy of Ruz's build". Chronomancers highlighted strong points are very similar to build around.
Heck, I discovered CoC-Temporal Rift accidentally, a day or two before someone mentioned Ruz's video. Casia mentioned CoC, I decided to try. That's it. Came to similar conclusion - it's OP vs bosses.

Personally, I yoinked only two things for Ruz - Soul Offering w/duration offset and Conductivity (although I slowly approached this idea by myself too). And I still decided to go with Duration shield bc it feels better on maps to have 16s buff instead of 12s.

So what if you think about your build being a variation of mine? It's still your build, you made it by yourself. Saw some shit works - applied it to yourself. Why not. It feels and plays different 99% of time anyway.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 5, 2025, 8:25:07 AM
Which bonus you chosen in act 3 cruel quest?
-10% chaos ress
-15% reduced slowing potency od debufs on you

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