Hard crashing PC locks up

I've had two PC shutdowns since the big patch and no issues prior.

Both were on bosses: Xyclucian, the Chimera and Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun.


Ryzen 7 3700X

Radeon RX 5700 XT


Win 10 22H2

Juxx2013#4168 wrote:
It's listed in the "Known Issues" post that is sticky atop this forum so they know about it, they are working on it, and they gave feedback that they do.

You dont find it distasteful that whilst this issue is ongoing, they're posting about "skills in an unacceptable balance state" on twitter?

There are two threads in this forum about this gamebreaking, hardware-damaging issue with a combined post count of 1,200 and combined views of 95,000, and its only got a one liner mention in a sticky, no staff responses anywhere yet. This is the single biggest issue with the early access - the lack of recognition these threads are getting from GGG is very disheartening.

It not being fixed is frustrating sure, but the bigger issue that people here have is there is no communication that anything is progressing. Sure they've said they're aware of the issue, but it appears to the community who are affected that "Its a bit too easy to detonate Gas Cloud" has taken priority over them.

Is it hard to put an update somewhere along the lines of "To aid in investigating a resolution to this issue please keep posting your system specs, specifically cpu/windows version/motherboard manufacturer/internet speed/ambient temperature/colour of your socks".
Update BIOS solve to me.

I have a PRIME B350-E Asus Motherboard.
Rmfgyn#4424 wrote:
Update BIOS solve to me.

I have a PRIME B350-E Asus Motherboard.

if you're on win11u24 just exit the game and start again couple times. For me after thinking its fixed cause I followed things people posted it still then freezed.
Sometimes it freezed on 2nd attempt, sometimes on 4th but it always froze on one of those consecutive restarts of the game.
Also for people that rolled back to win10 is it crashing or freezing that is the main thing. On win10 I dont get freezes at all but occasional crash to desktop (which I think is normal for EA) but on win11 i got complete freeze.
Last edited by piotrektt#6808 on Dec 10, 2024, 7:21:46 AM
MegaAero#3721 wrote:
The way to work around this problem for me is that, every time before loading into another zone, I disable 'Engine Multithreading'. As long as this was disabled, I never got a freeze. Could you guys try this and let me know if this also works for you? If so, I might as well just keep it disabled all the time till there is a fix.

This works for me so far but is quite annoying in acts. I hope I dont have to do this everytime I enter and leave a map. Playing with multithreading off is just so bad, it is like 5x less performance and fps
Temeraz#7154 wrote:
Juxx2013#4168 wrote:
It's listed in the "Known Issues" post that is sticky atop this forum so they know about it, they are working on it, and they gave feedback that they do.

You dont find it distasteful that whilst this issue is ongoing, they're posting about "skills in an unacceptable balance state" on twitter?

I didn't say anything about taste, but: No.
Last edited by Juxx2013#4168 on Dec 10, 2024, 7:40:58 AM
Ryzen 7 5800 (non x)
RTX 3090

Limiting to -5% using BES worked until the patch yesterday that made everything worse.

Why are we getting updates on Twitter about “unacceptable “ balancing issues and nothing but crickets about something that’s as serious as hardware damaging and game breaking? What happened to the transparency? I know it’s on the high priority list but even the way it’s worded is belittling the issue by the saying “some players are having to restart their PCs.” There’s a lot more than “some” and we’re not having to RESTART our PCs we’re having to SHUTDOWN our PCs by holding down the power button to turn off our machines multiple times per session. (when we can even get past the login screen) There’s a major difference there. ‘Some” people are reporting damage to their machines because of this. This is a major issue and the people that have spent their hard earned money to support GGG during the EA process are currently feeling gaslit by the devs. The community shouldn’t have to be desperately working together on this forum to try and find a fix ourselves. Do you think you could chime in here GGG? I know you’re busy but this is, correct me if I am wrong, the only issue on the high priority list that should be being worked on right now. What is going on here?
I think I may have figured this out (at least for my rig)...

I'm thankful enough to have two PC's, one with a 5800x/RTX3080, the other with a 7700x/RTX4080. Both machines have the newest Windows 11 updates, NVME drives, etc (they are good machines, well tested over time).

The game runs like a dream on my 5800x/RTX3080 setup, have played for hours and hours with zero problems, no crashes ever... but I want to be able to play on the faster machine connected to a higher Hz monitor - unfortunately, this one is experiencing these dreaded "hard freezes" when loading zones. Happened 3-4 times before I started getting freaked out.

I spent a good deal of time monitoring temps on both machines after this. Both are low when playing. The 5800x maxes out around 75c when loading zones. The 7700x was pushing 90-93c (way higher than I have ever seen it). I began looking at the wattage of both as well, noticing that the 5800x ran much lower, and the spikes were far less severe than with the 7700x.

I had previously tried limiting the game performance with BES, turning off cores, changing all settings, etc. Nothing was working.

Then I remembered I put the 5800x in "Eco Mode" when I first set up the machine years ago (more stable overall), so I put the 7700x CPU into "Eco Mode" in the BIOS (going from 105 watt TDP to a lower 65 watt TDP)... The game runs like a dream now on the 7700x machine. Temps max around 80c loading into zones, no performance hit at all, and noticeable improvement in lowering random stuttering (the gears always turn smoothly, load times are quick, map loads in a second, etc). Best yet, no crashing (2 hours so far, but I feel confident).

I have multithreading on, DX12, Vsync off (manually set in Nvidia control panel to monitor Hz), and am not using any upscaling. The game runs like smooth butter now on both machines.

Some people may scoff at needing to do this, but the game clearly is taking too much advantage of the beefier CPUs, and I like the feeling of limiting the CPU itself for safety purposes, rather than doing it from the software side.

Hopefully this helps someone.

Enabling ECO-MODE in bios seems to be working for my setup. Thanks for sharing! Do hope GGG can identify the root cause and resolve with a client update soon.

Glad to hear... They do really need to sort this out. The fact that this noticeably increases stability means something screwy is going on with how the game utilizes available system resources.

If anyone else is doubting Eco-Mode, here is a thread about why it is good overall for system health. Worth the read if interested, made me remember why I did it in the first place with my other computer - https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/xp5yj5/eco_mode_is_very_good_performance_increases_for/
Latest patch
Still getting crashes to desktop. No hard crash since yesterday but haven’t played many hours. Usually I gat 1 hard crash a day, have to press reset pc button.
Almost 90 pages and no devs answer to this post. It’s strange that the devs don’t want our crash reports and pc config files ?

Win 11 up to date
9800x3d latest chipset drivers, latest mobo bios, stock cpu
4090 latest drivers
64gb ram 6000 xmp
Cpu, gpu no thermal throttling, stable temps. Gpu around 50 C, cpu 55-65 C in game and around 70-78 while loading maps.
Last edited by Seba2007#3315 on Dec 10, 2024, 8:22:36 AM
3rd freeze loading maps this morning...

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