Act 1 Boss: Overdoing It, or Intended?


WHY did u guy make this into a f**king hard elden ring game i played poe1 was fun and diabloish 2

Drops were great and this man..... i really hate dark souls, ELden, souls like genre

What has poe2 become...

Its not even fun Anymore
Last edited by Rainowar#5051 on Dec 17, 2024, 12:32:27 AM
i killed gregor on 2nd attempt at L19.

Sorc. used Raging Spirits and fire.

Leveling to 19 helped a lot.
Kelvynn#6607 wrote:
PoE 2 Act 1 Boss has more phases and different skills than Uber Sirus. A number of which are either going to instantly kill a new player (i.e. not a twink) or get you freeze/stun locked and then you die anyway. This feels a lot more like Dark Souls than Path of Exile.

I remember an old interview with Chris where he said that most of the new players in PoE 1 quit before completing Act 1, typically around the time they met Brutus. Well, compared to this new guy, Brutus is a toddler.

Multiple GGG people also mentioned how important were the first impressions. So, is this the first impression you are going for with PoE 2? There is absolutely no way a new player is going to beat this boss unless they are pretty damn good. Are you trying to cull the influx of new players that way? If that's the case - good job. Otherwise you might want to reconsider a boss more complex than Sirus serving as a gatekeeper.

I agree the number of phases vs what you see prior to visiting him is a bit overkill initially, however I disagree with the dark souls and elden ring comparison people keep making.

I agree this fight has you pushed to your limit without any warning but its not intended (at least in my opinion) to be completed blind without knowing the mechanics. If you (the community not specifically you) feel like its a darks souls fight, then it should be treated as such. Learning the mechanics through your fight with him.

Here is a couple of tips for the fight, if you are still playing or even for those who are struggling with him.

- Cold resistance on gear helps a ton (exactly the same as Mervil in ACT 1 of POE1).
- All his attacks are telegraphed, not only visually but audioably. Which is very important for some of the phases, mainly the mist one.
- Gear stats are important, more damage is needed to lessen the time in the fight but defences are important to maintain those moments where you miss a dodge or decide to tank something.
- Take your time, look at his movements and listen to the dialogue. If you struggling to hear the dialogue, check chat, as his dialogue is shown there and reduce the music. As great as the music is this fight it can make it a little more harder.
- Bring a friend or two, if you like. Just keep in mind, enemies scale with more players to balance the fact you have more damage. I killed him solo, as a minion warrior (going for a titan ascendancy), took a while noting I mainly used chaos damage, and with a friend. That was while playing monk and he a witch. I never killed him first go, but the more a fought the easier the mechanics became.

Below may help you with the phases.

Phase one - Human
All his attacks are slow and can be dodge simply by side stepping. His charge attack may (if your speed is slow) require a dodge roll. Besides that simply wail at him with your attacks until 40% health when he hits phase two.

When he slams his sword into the ground, don't stand in it. Its chilled ground and will freeze you. He turns wolf here as well, this is not phase two but still a bit of a pain and showcases some of the attacks you will need to deal with in phase two.

If you see his body getting sucked up into the air, he is going for a slam attack. This will hit for anywhere between 50 - 90% of your health depending on defences of course. Simply walk around until his body completely disappears. When you see the blood circle under you appear, walk (move as fast as you can) to the edge and dodge to clear the range needed to exit the circle. Practice your dodge outside the fight to see how far you roll.

He will summon wolves here as well, kill them as fast as you can while still dodging any major hits he does.

His charged attack his a hard hitting side attack. He will growl and aim in your direction. A small blood circle appears under him, when this happens move to get behind him otherwise look to dodge as his moves past you to not get him by the blood splatters.

That's it for his human phase. Keep at it until his dialogue with Oriana and releasing the beast. Survive the onslaught as his dialogue continues, when it is done he will hit phase two.

Phase Two - Wolf Beast Phase

Here is where the fun begins. He hits harder than anything and will knock a large portion of your health with a lot of his attacks. You want to save your flasks for him and him alone. Using them during the mist phase will make it harder to last.

If at any point you are at his rear, he will always use his back swipe attack to put you in front of him. This hits hard so you want to actually spend most of your fight around his front and sides.

His sword slam into the ground and ice attack is easy to dodge. Take a moment to find a patch that doesn't have an ice patch on the ground and it will miss you every time.

His body phase into the sky and slam is the same as phase one. Just move and dodge to clear the gap. (if your movement speed is greater than 15% at this time, you can literally walk out of it).

Freezing Gale - His ice breath will last on the ground until he uses it again, so try to avoid walking into it again during the fight. I find it best to fight him along the sides rather than middle as his mist phase is always middle of the field. If you get him to use it along the side of the arena it won't be an issue during mist phase.

Requiem on high - He raises his sword up to the sky and calls down pillars of ice. An ice pillar will always form on your last spot so just keep moving but don't dodge. Dodge rolling may cause you to roll into the next round of pillars which will slow you and then after two hits, you are frozen.

Mist Add phase - This hurts a lot of players. Your main focus here is to kill the adds as fast as you can, if you leave them alone they will overwhelm you and kill you. As for the boss, Listen (or read) his dialogue during this phase. 1 second after the end of each sentence he will charge at you from the mist. Its semi random but his charge is generally (95% of the time) going to be from a 180 degree arc of the direction you are facing, when you see his body or just after 1 second, dodge to the back right or left.

25% Health is his last stand. All his attacks are now infused with blood and deal increased damage.

He will start off with Requiem on high infused with blood as the indicator for when you have hit this threshold. Same rules apply with every attack except for one last mechanic you need to deal with.

After his first blood infused Requiem on high, every 5 seconds another bloody ice pillar will spawn, Just keep a timer going and look out of the blood pillar spawning on you every 5 seconds. The pillars from this are random so they wont always spawn on your.

Yes this is where the chaos becomes unbearable for a lot of build but its a skill check. Take your time and learn the timings and the boss will go down in no time.

I do agree the mist phase can be very overwhelming if you don't have the damage to take the ADDS out in time. If we are looking at balancing the fight, I would suggest GGG look at either of the following:

- Reducing the damage the wolves do so allow you to take the additional hits
- Reduce the overall health of the adds to allow slightly weaker builds to kill a bit quicker
- Or reduce the total amount of wolves that spawn during that phase.

Besides this, the fight overall, at least for myself, felt balanced.

I hope this does help and you get past it. I do warn though, the following act 2 boss as many have mentioned is honestly worse. If there is balancing on act bosses to occur, I would start with ACT 2. Again though, once you know what to look out for, it kind of becomes a walk in the park.

This wasn't a Get Gud post, but this is an early access build of the game and has been marketed as such. If you struggling at the moment. Give the game a week or even a few days (noting the patches occurring daily) and give it a go again. This is not a feature complete game and I expect this to become easier once people have had the time to see all the little things that have been put it to help.
only issue i have with the last boss of act 1 is...

the fight is pretty long.

Overall his skills are pretty well telegraphed, apart from the phase where there's a circle of ice-mist and he charges through the center every now and again.

his ice breath is warned

his aoe is easily avoidable and so on.

i just think he has too much HP. it took like 20 minutes to kill him on my defensive-focused warrior... that is a bit much, IMO.
Update: my wife and I stacked cold resist and managed to get past him a week ago. I wish I could say it felt victorious but it did not. We beat our head against him for waaaaaay too long. We were 22nd level and had to grind the manor for a couple days to get there.

Now here’s the capper. I started a ranger and have been leveling it. Not really wanting to have to worry about Geonor again, I asked her to join me and help. We’ve wiped five times so far. SHE’S LEVEL 31!

This is ludicrous. She knows what to do; we’ve done it before. But one wrong step and the ice kills her. Or she gets swarmed by the mist wolves. I want to emphasize we are far into Act 2 with no real problems (the collosus boss is giving us fits, but that seems normal, and it’s also a different topic).

I think the problem is a combination of factors that make the fight miserable - a lot of it not in the fight itself. (git gud people and elite players, please don’t bother replying with tips (we already know them) or anecdotes that you killed him in a second with your starter weapon. You’re clearly better than the “average” player, which is who I’m worried about.

Phase 2 is too long. You could cut his HP in half and it would still be a fair fight. But that would be going too far for an end of act boss, so maybe 30%.

He does too much damage. At level 31, my wife (playing a witch) should be able to let her minions tank him, or she should be able to face tank him. She’s over-leveled by 100% and it’s still a stupidly hard fight. I am suspecting that he does % of max health damage and not flat HP damage. The fact that she can’t squash him like a bug is silly. You want a harder version? Then make an Uber version that higher levels can fight. Who cares if that meant she could carry me through the fight? It’s my second character. Anyone unprepared for Act II will get stomped there anyway.

He does too much all at once. There are no “breaks” in the fight. The mist section might supposed to be the ‘farm mobs to refill flasks” stage, but there’s no break before or after it and the wolves are too hard. That wouldn’t be a problem in itself, but…

It’s impossible to res a teammate during the fight. Even a single tick of damage interrupts the res and you have to start ALL OVER. If a couch coop person dies, you may as well just wipe the fight, because then that person has to sit there for 10 minutes while you futilely plink away at the boss before you die.

Larger issues:
You can get stuck here. If someone can’t beat him *there’s nothing else to do.* Low level mobs barely give any exp so your only choice is to rerun the manor over and over and over and over and over and over. My wife’s feedback in this situation “I would never pay money for this game.” I’ve seen people say “but he’s a DPS/skill/gear check!” So what? Why does that matter when the alternative to killing him is extreme boredom and abandoning the game?

Vendors don’t reset. They’re supposed to reset when you level but the vendors in town had the same garbage when we were level 19 as when we were level 21. I guess we could gamble, but grinding gold and getting no exp sounds boring as hell. Don’t say the words “player market.” That’s not going to help 99% of the people stuck here. We should be able to reset the vendors for 500 gold, or maybe an orb of augmentation because we have 100 of the damn things and nothing to do with them.

The fight funnels people’s builds into certain directions. Want to play a cool but unoptimized build? Well I hope you like Act 1 because you’re stuck there, buddy!

1. Tone him down a little. Reducing his HP and/or damage would be great. Or maybe make him weak to something. Or don’t, but give us breathing room between attacks.

2. Fix rezing. It takes way too long, can be interrupted too easily, AND you have to start all over once interrupted. Let the res start from when we were interrupted, or don’t let us be interrupted by normal attacks. I don’t get interrupted channeling spells, why does I get interrupted trying to rez someone?

2. Give us something to do other than the story. In D4 if I get stuck at a boss fight, there is a metric shitton of stuff I go do instead. Not here.

3. Drop better loot in general. Let the vendors be refreshed.

For the record, we love this game. We know it’s early access and that’s what it’s for, so I hope if GGG reads this, they consider our feedback.

I decided to try stun Warrior build...
4 hours trying - failed, left for the next day
4 hours trying - barely made it

Swapped to Mercenary for similar melee build
4 hours - barely made it

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?????? Why this boss is so broken and hard to kill?
It is EARLY GAME, how are we suppose to endure the boss mechanich and their speed? It is COLD = hard CC + Bleeding + Boss if fast AF + jumps and teleports

Kelvynn#6607 wrote:
I remember an old interview with Chris where he said that most of the new players in PoE 1 quit before completing Act 1, typically around the time they met Brutus. Well, compared to this new guy, Brutus is a toddler.

They will have to cut the difficulty massively when their analysts will tell them how many players quit. It's inevitable. At the end it's a profit-oriented company.

New player to POE/2 here, I've little to no experience in the souls-like genre, but have a fair bit of experience with ARPG's in general. I went with a Witch (minion focused).

I agree with the OP. When I got to the Act 1 Final Boss I was shocked how many phases there were, nothing up to that point had prepared me for the slog that was to come.

Don't get me wrong though I enjoyed the fight, died maybe 3-4 times, each time learning how to avoid some of his mechanics.

The problem with that fight is the length, it was a marathon. You're going probably an entire 5minutes chipping away at his health while avoiding all the mechanics.

Currently I'm in Act 2 and none of the bosses there so far have posed a challenge like that, so I'd say he's definitely gate-keeping.

I'm imaging Act2's final boss will be where I have to stop and grind for hours to get some better gear and perhaps follow a build guide.

The moment I'm cornered into having to follow a build guide, I'm out! I didn't like that about POE1 and nothings changed.

long time poe1 fan here. Thought I went minions on a witch. Explored all Act 1 areas, did all side quests, but did not grind for equip - just went through the campaign. I just gave up on Act 1 Boss - really long fight, a lot of phases, quick deaths.
I don't mind learning mechanics - but the game play for minion witch even if I learned boss mechanics:
Dodge roll, dodge roll, dodge roll, dodge roll endless dodge roll occasionally running circles and then dodge rolls again, while minions try to do bits of damage. (not as enjoyable as hoped)

Apparently I need all rare equip and be lvl 20+ and be better at avoiding the corruption lasers at the end...

For campaign game play in first play through: Not as fun, as I hoped it would be.

Also I hope the intended game play for minion witch is NOT dodge rolling/out-running mobs until minions kill them after quite some time. I understand that necros must take damage in some way - but having minions mostly ignored and bypassed by all mobs, is like sorcerers having their direct damage spells ignored and bypassed and constantly forced to run for their lifes...

However, I do not regret supporting GGG with their efforts in POE/POE2, just hope feedback is read and maybe taking into account to some extent :)

Leveled one more to 18 and spent my gold on a couple items - I guess I got lucky there.
One more try with the boss did it then and it was - to my surprise - an enjoyable boss encounter, as it should be as necro ;)

I discovered that the final dialogue with the hooded blue-eyed figure heavily hints at to brace oneself for the boss fight. If somehow this "ingame warning sign" can be made a little more obvious to the (new) player, than maybe the frustration-challenge-ratio can be more tilted to "challenge accepted".

Last edited by Insultax#5788 on Dec 26, 2024, 6:07:08 AM
act 1 boss is so easy it almost hurts...whats wrong with you guys? for reals?
I've just started to enjoy poe2 and I'm level 65. Until now it has been a complete disaster filled with utter suffering.

I would've given up and quit this game hundred of times already if I didn't really love PoE 1.

It is way to difficult in the beginning and the setbacks for a minor failure is way too harsh. It makes people angry, frustrated and pissed. That's not why we play games, we play games to enjoy and have fun.

The is literally at its best in acts and the least punishing. What are you talking about?
One cannot help but wonder how such a lust for loot can affect a persons mind. Although these exiles appear to be our salvation, it would not take much for them to turn on us as easily as they fight gods and demons.

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