(Stormweaver) Max projectiles cold converted fireballs. Cheap, easy, powerful, FUN! (T16+ ready)
" Actually Iam not 100% sure how stun from mobs in poe 2 works, if anyone does have more info about the mechanics please let me/us know. but let me guess. I think why energy barrier synergies so well is because its about physical dmg, which hits our build quite hard and almost always stuns us. obviously, other damage (hits) can stun too, but we got capped resistances which helps to not get easily stunned from elemental attacks (which is unfortunate sometimes with energy barrier lol). even tho Im not sure if its about how hard a mob hits or how much stun buildup he has. when you got the typical packs of mobs attacking you (white), my energy barrier is almsot always active because I get those peaky little stuns all the time especially when casting and it helps a lot to not get destroyed by a lot of white mobs. somehow, sometimes like I mentioned it wont be triggered and Ive no clue why (if its just a specific type of monster or their attacks). lets say im going straight into a big pack of monsters while casting, I can see how my energy barrier just goes up and down (it reminds me of oldschool aegis builds from poe1) instead of just down until I recharged. im not sure how it exactly works, but sometimes I dont even need to cast and its still keeping me alive (probably because some fireballs are still flying around offscreen). You could try it with like fireball without wildshards. pull a few white mobs (or even just two) and shoot to another direction while mobs are attacking you. you should see that those mobs almost always cant kill you due to energy barrier. and surely, you need to be stunned for that (you can hear it quite loudly from your sorc, happens quite often). there are some situations where white mobs dont trigger energy barrier, Im not sure why (might be because those are elemental attacks). blue mobs and rare mobs quite often trigger it too while casting, but their attacks are sometimes super punishing and my hp pool is not big enough even with energy barrier trying its best. but the most edgy situations are when I try to run aways from a too strong pack and got no energy (just HP). since im just running away and dont cast, my energy barrier gem wont start my recharge asap. and since Ive 0 recharge nodes in my tree, it can take a while until its start. so it can be confusing, sometimes the best strategy is to keep press dodge and keep casting instead of just running due to energy barrier). but overall this gem gives me the advantages of really rushing into packs which gives me overall more speed. sometimes I even think about how to not run MoM (would be such a relieve mana wise) because I think MoM hinders quite often a stun. but on the otherhand, MoM helps to not get oneshotted and thats anyways the bigger problem in poe. maybe important: I got 1.1k hp, 4.2k energy and mom (my aim would be 6k es, kinda easy achievable with better gear and more ES nodes) Last edited by crackred#7106 on Dec 17, 2024, 2:14:08 PM
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Energy barrier only triggers if stunned while the supported skill is being used, right?
I can see it maybe being useful for defensive skills like Ice Nova or channeling skills, but even then there's a fairly sporadic time window for it. EDIT: nvm, I see you know that. I guess it's unclear what it counts as 'active'. Last edited by King_Haart#0812 on Dec 17, 2024, 2:33:50 PM
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" Ah, okay, yeah that makes sense. If it could help with phys damage big hits as well, that would be pretty awesome. " Oh my gosh, okay, I need to get my ES up. Thought I was doing all right, but I'm nowhere near that. Edit: you may have mentioned this in an earlier post, but since you are prioritizing defense for higher maps, what are your spirit skills you are using? Last edited by Scotchfist#1987 on Dec 17, 2024, 2:51:38 PM
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" yes I guess there is a timeframe of around 2 seconds each time you cast (might be the bolts which are flying) so its almost permanent activated, you "just" need to get stunned " Yea, which kills me still the most are fast heavy hitter mobs. and indeed, defensive helps a lot lol. actually im currently trying new stuff and I think I really really like this setup: fireball - wildshards - scattershot - controlled destruction - arcane tempo -energy barrier (only useful in lategame, use rising tempest instead for more dmg) Yes, I ditched unleash which first seems to be like dumb since it gives a lot of projectiles, but somehow my dmg is way more consistent like this and lets be honest: we are looking for the wildshards trigger. so my plan was to try as often as possible to trigger wildshards while it still hits hard. especially since unleash is 150% mana penalty and its often not that strong when you spam your cast. arcane tempo was always too expensive mana wise, but without unleash its more sustainable (I went from 445mana to 330mana per cast). and from 1.81 casts now to 2.3 per second, which should translate to more wildshards trigger. but I can imagine that unleash is still superior in boss fights where its more like "hide, dodge, prepare, attack and repeat" I will give it more testing, but so far its very smooth *edit I use cast on freeze, archmage+clarity and used arctic armour but since I changed my armour I cant afford it right now (its very nice, but also might work against energy barrier). *edit2 after testing: I tried it without MoM and damn, its so fun. I get way more often stunned and energy barrier triggered, while no more serious mana problems. this makes my gameplay way more smooth. mom can be super squishy sometimes which also occurs to death (no mana no freeze). so yea, try it out guys. oh and look at my freshly dropped shield (insane dmg boost due to archmage) https://imgur.com/a/ezEyFHZ Last edited by crackred#7106 on Dec 17, 2024, 5:16:51 PM
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Only started leveling in Coop and this is hilariously fun :D
My Hideout -> https://hideoutshowcase.com/hideout/show/2881 (PoE1)
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Incoming Heavy Frost/Whildshards nerf. Will this affect us much?
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" Oh my god, just saw it. I hope its not over. I dont think its a good sign :( Heavy frost isnt that huge of a nerf, but wildshards might be. lets hope *edit after testing yes its a nerf, but its still viable. it kinda feels like it does less burst dmg now. but still fine I guess, need more testing Last edited by crackred#7106 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:16:11 PM
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Those of you in end game, do you find yourself spamming fireball or waiting for unleash stacks?
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so idk if the pattern change to wildshards unintentionally changed how the projectiles behave but they seem to have a range limit now. Just seems weird that a going from a spiral to a circle would cause such a drastic change without being noted in the patch alongside the pattern change.
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" We got buffed. LOL! One of the weird behaviors of wildshards was always how it pooped out everything over the course of like a second or so. It was kind of fun to run around and aim it, but now its much more consistent. BTW I've sort of figured out how to get consistent boss damage. In short, instead of running fortress frost wall, we giga buff our frost wall damage, put spell echo on there, and ingenuity (cooldown) and do this: Frost wall -> Fireball -> Frost wall -> Fireball Repeat. This pattern lets us recoup 1 extra charge on unleash between frost wall casts with no downtime. Frost wall has really nice damage this way also, and spell echo is great. We want it to explode under the bosses feet if possible, but even if that doesnt happen our fireballs detonate most of them. Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 17, 2024, 8:39:57 PM
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