(Stormweaver) Max projectiles cold converted fireballs. Cheap, easy, powerful, FUN! (T16+ ready)

Biggest problem, for me at least, are the dang skill sockets.

I've got one unsocketed ring, mostly be coincidence, which means I can run a boss swap for my Cast on Freeze without having to actually physically swap, but I can't run blink or anything like that without having to physically swap which is a huge nuisance.

Not so bad when you're going into a specific bit of hard content of course, but still irritating.

@scotchfist There's been a few mods I've had a bit of trouble with. The "Releases Volatiles on death" in particular, since they seem to be able to stun? At least I'm 90% sure I got stunlocked to death because of them.

I'm way too scared to try the invulnerable shade one, as well as grasping vines, tether+stun and petrify. No idea if they're actually bad, but they sound very annoying so I've avoided them completely lol

Definitely feel like I'm missing something key to the shock version of the build though, unless Cast on Shock gets energy significantly faster against Rares/Uniques then it just felt... really really slow. I hadn't specced over to crit or anything, since far as I know that'll just scale up damage and stuff and I was trying it out on a lower level map.
Cast on shock DOES work significantly better on rares/uniques. Otherwise, cast on freeze would be optimal (but switching sucks). So, once fireball can just mass-clear everything, he talks about not needing to really switch for anything.

I could see it possibly being worth it on a breach map though.

Also, I got rid of some skills. Tempest is gone. I may even get rid of flamewall. I hardly use it.

As to trials, I found that many are really good for us or at least tolerable. Death rings are easy (I think it's becoming common knowledge that you can stand in the center to be safe). Cannot be stunned is great so long as your dps is high with fireball. Anything adding chaos/poison damage to the enemies or no flask recharges is a freebie. Even tether is fine, just annoying. One's I stayed away from were bosses doing more damage and taking less just because getting 10 trials in and dying to something stupid sucks, enemies getting more crit, and I tried to stay away from the shade (just because it sounds scary). Annoying, but doable is the tethers, slower projectiles, and lightning rings (but I don't combine lightning with tethers or death rings.
Hmm okay, I was worried because it was never proccing at all. I guess I'll wait until I'm either low xp or a new level and take it for another spin with that in mind.

Tempest I got rid of ages ago, solely because I just... didn't need it. It added too much to the rotation, and stuff was already liquifying. Only specific bosses were lasting more than one freeze cycle.

I suppose in this scenario I'd be swapping out Blasphemy for Blink, and not doing that CoF-to-Blasphemy swap on bosses, so it's still fine.

Good to know which ones are the scarier ones, I was initially avoiding the reduced mana regen one until I was forced into it one set and realised it was just lumped in with all our other additions and not a total reduction, so it was only like a 30 mana per second drop.

Hi hightimer,
I am trying to read back the note, couldnt find where to activate blink.

Could you kindly point me to where?

As I have 197 spirit atm. Really want to have blink

All you have to do is basically set your abilities to only be casted by your 1st or 2nd weapon set.

Click the arrow on your abilities, and then click the right set for usage. All of your abilities should be set for weapon set 1 besides Conductivity (curse), and Blink.

Not sure if 197 spirit works, you need 200 for the full build with arctic armour (not sure if you're running this with 197 spirit it would be impossible with CoS and Archmage).

If you did the above correctly, when you swap to your staff on weapon set 2, your blink should be available because you turned CoS off.

You can see there blink is active because I'm on weapon set 2 and CoS is turned off, saving me 60 spirit and allowing us to use blink.

I switched my weapon swap to my side mouse button, so I basically hit side mouse, then hit space to blink around. Soon when I get temporalis on, I'll be able to blink around infinitely without a CD!
Zephryl#5929 wrote:
Hmm okay, I was worried because it was never proccing at all. I guess I'll wait until I'm either low xp or a new level and take it for another spin with that in mind.

Tempest I got rid of ages ago, solely because I just... didn't need it. It added too much to the rotation, and stuff was already liquifying. Only specific bosses were lasting more than one freeze cycle.

I suppose in this scenario I'd be swapping out Blasphemy for Blink, and not doing that CoF-to-Blasphemy swap on bosses, so it's still fine.

Good to know which ones are the scarier ones, I was initially avoiding the reduced mana regen one until I was forced into it one set and realised it was just lumped in with all our other additions and not a total reduction, so it was only like a 30 mana per second drop.

I made a small list for people following the build on my maxroll guide.

Ultimatum free/best nodes to choose:

- Damaged Defenses (we don't have any)
- Drought (we don't really care about flask/charm charges)
- Chaotic Monsters (we are chaos immune)
- Toxic Monsters (we don't care about poison or bleed, it doens't affect us)
- Heart Tethers (super easy to avoid and even if you do get hit, it's not bad)
- Time Paradox (I don't believe any buffs or debuffs are going to be that harmful or hurtful in a run vs other things)
- Stormcaller Runes (I think this one is pretty easy to avoid, just try not to go full lvl 3)
- Blood Globules (easy to dodge/avoid)
- Any turret one (they don't do much damage and are way better than lots of other choices)

Nodes we cannot handle:

-Reduced Recovery (mana regen is our life blood)

Nodes that aren't great:

-Reduced Resistances (if you have extra, this is fine, I just don't prefer it if we can pick something else)
-Resistant Monsters (just doesn't help us considering all of our damage is elemental, we do have lots of pen and -res though, so it's not the worst)
- Volitile Fiends (annoying and deadly)
- Deadly Monsters (not preferred, but if you're strong enough, no mob is really going to hit you that hard, because they won't hit you at all!)

Any not mentioned are just whatever, choose good ones listed or do your best with the choices after that. Also, while picking, always try to diversify your picks and get as many different good/decent choices you can, so it will then give you level 2 versions of those and not other harmful nodes. We can handle level 2 of all the safe/mid-tier ones, so it's best to max them out before picking a new node. Picking nodes that don't have upgrades like Bleed/Poison are also a must take, as it's less likely you see them again, where as once you pick a level 1 node, you're actually more likely to see the level 2 version, so we should prioritize those after single level/not leveling nodes (flasks/charms one being another example, only having one level).

I've personally noticed it's a bit of a strategy with how to run these as well, like I described above. Make sure you're taking the single nodes without upgrades before you take a level up of another. That level up version will most likely come back, as the single one (bleed/poison for example) has a less likely chance to.
Last edited by HigherTimes#6965 on Jan 6, 2025, 3:32:19 PM
Zephryl#5929 wrote:

I suppose in this scenario I'd be swapping out Blasphemy for Blink, and not doing that CoF-to-Blasphemy swap on bosses, so it's still fine.

Oh man, having blaphemy running as well would be amazing. I'd have a problem with it on my swap just because I lose so much mana when I swap for conductivity, sigil, or blink.

I did finally have some good drops/sales last night to eventually upgrade my wand from +to fire skills to +to all skills. It is the first upgrade that has a considerable impact on the playstyle, and I'm having so much fun.
Last edited by Scotchfist#1987 on Jan 7, 2025, 8:26:04 PM
Does anyone have endgame tips for upgrading amulet. They are so expensive that concessions have to be made.

My idea is to not go for any +skills and prioritize high rolls of mana and %increased mana with some sort of respectable mana regeneration roll (for a more defensive item and try to reach 5.5k mana).

Right now, I have an amulet with +1 to all skills, high mana, and okay mana regeneration with some small mf. Is it even worth it to aim for this? Or should I just hope rng someday gives me a bis amulet?
Guys does temporal chain curses makes our chill, shock, and freeze longer on mobs?
Just wanted to show my T18 with modified Fireball build, very similar too this, but I have quite bad gear only 4.9k mana and 1.3k mana regen


Just wanted to show my T18 with modified Fireball build, very similar too this, but I have quite bad gear only 4.9k mana and 1.3k mana regen

I'm interested in your build! Do you have a maxroll or mobalytics build guide?
Last edited by lepidoctora#2438 on Jan 8, 2025, 9:42:57 PM

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