Let me break down some key issues:
1. Slow Doesn’t Mean Better
A slower-paced game can be good, but it doesn’t automatically make it better. If you’re tired of POE1’s "zoom-zoom," I get it. But removing movement skills entirely, especially in massive maps that often require multiple trips through the same areas? That’s not challenging—it’s tedious. Even with rolls and movement speed buffs, traversing the world feels like a slog.
2. Difficulty Isn’t About Tedium
I keep hearing that POE2 is “more difficult.” But is it? Difficulty isn’t about giving enemies inflated health pools and forcing players into a boring loop of poking, retreating, and poking again. That’s not engaging—it’s frustrating. True difficulty should come from well-designed mechanics and meaningful decision-making, not from artificially drawn-out combat.
3. Flasks and the “Vision”
Yes, flasks now refill on kills, which is better than the original POE2 reveal. But the addition of refill wells still feels unnecessary and redundant. The whole system feels like a solution to a problem that didn’t exist in POE1. Instead of adding depth, it just slows down the pacing. It’s another example of the “vision” overriding what’s actually fun.
4. Crafting Is a Mess
No deterministic crafting is a joke. The devs say they want us to craft more, but how? Without reliable tools like crafting benches or alt rolls, crafting feels like throwing currency into the void and praying for a miracle. If the idea is to encourage players to build items from scratch, it’s not working. The lack of control isn’t engaging—it’s exhausting.
5. Drops and Vendors
If you like the current loot drops, more power to you. But even if you do, they’re still poorly designed. Vendors have been given more power, but drops feel so sparse that crafting currency barely exists. The balance isn’t there. You can’t expect players to engage deeply with crafting when you’re starving them of the resources to do so.
6. The Skill Tree Is Disappointing
The new skill tree looks like POE1’s tree but feels hollow in comparison. The nodes are uninspired, and the restrictive layout makes it harder to create unique or unconventional builds. The inability to travel across the tree freely stifles creativity. And the absence of masteries? It’s a huge loss. Masteries gave builds flexibility and depth, allowing players to specialize and fine-tune their characters. Without them, the tree feels rigid and unexciting. Even basics like Life nodes, which helped define different defensive strategies, are missing, limiting creativity in ways that hurt the game.
7. The Gem System Isn’t Fun
The new gem system isn’t engaging. It’s clunky, and the fact that gems don’t stack just highlights how half-baked it feels. The uncut gem mechanic might seem like an interesting idea, but in practice, it’s just another layer of grind. Gems should feel like an integral part of progression, not a source of frustration.
8. The Campaign Is Too Long
Some players praise the longer campaign, but for leagues, this is a disaster. Every league, we’ll have to slog through this overly long campaign multiple times. POE1’s campaign is already considered a chore by many veterans, and POE2’s is shaping up to be even worse. A longer campaign doesn’t mean better retention—it just means more burnout.
9. Ascendancies and Trials
Why can’t we change ascendancies anymore? Is this supposed to be a challenge? It’s just restrictive for no reason. And Trials… who thought combining Ultimatum and Sanctum mechanics was a good idea? Trials are tedious, clunky, and far from enjoyable. It feels like GGG took the least-loved mechanics and doubled down on them, which is baffling.
I Want to Love POE2, But It’s Hard
As a veteran, I want to see POE2 succeed. I want it to be different, but it also needs to respect the core systems that have kept players invested in POE1 for years. Right now, it feels like GGG is prioritizing their “vision” over what actually works.
To the newer players defending these changes without understanding their long-term impact: you’re not helping. Ignoring valid criticism isn’t supporting the game; it’s enabling bad design. Constructive feedback is what helps games improve. POE2 has the potential to be great, but it needs to address these issues before it alienates the very players who’ve been its foundation for years.
+1000 for all points
I couldn't have said it better than you said, I have barely 4000 hours in PoE 1.
And if I may add some personal feedback to yours I would like to say that even my hardware is better than recommended I have performance issues, especially using summoner builds.
And GGG is in "Silent Mode" for this issue.
Posted byBabonzo#0016on Dec 19, 2024, 3:56:11 AM
100% agree with the OP !
I'm not playing anymore to PoE2 and i'm playing at PoE 1.
PoE2 is not fun and it's too much limited and i'm playing to PoE1 since early 2014.
PoE 2 is a sad game who will die like Ruthless if they don't change what they are doing.
PS: Someone know when we will have the new league on PoE 1 ?
Posted byhereatha#1693on Dec 19, 2024, 4:01:57 AM
Everything you're talking about in PoE 1 is unfortunately a consequence of freedom. The deeper the game and the more mechanics it has, the stronger the builds will be, because a lot of synergies lead to a lot of damage and stuff. Zoomers appeared in PoE 1 because the depth of the game allows it
You know why everyone in PoE 1 is actually obliged to play super-fast builds?
i think you may have missed out the part where i mentioned how poe1 started. it was never this fast and ggg never was fond of nerfing anything because they needed players to remain in the game and support them.
that's the real reason.
if was financially stable, they would be able to nerf any overperforming skills as you say theyre doing now.
players go fast because its arguably the best way to play.
think of it like mario but with rpg elements. some players found ways to permanently gain the flower buff (throws fireballs).
in poe1, the devs made more monsters or made tougher monsters to accomodate to the fact that you gained a flower buff. if you were NOT having the flower buff? too bad for you.
then players found a way to double jump. so ggg let players have areas that required you to double jump.
this list of player "innovation" and GGG catering to this innovation ends up where mario now can ascend to supersaiyan god form and kupa now is a grand demon that devours worlds.
in poe2, ggg instead just reworked it so if you have permanent flower power, your fireballs would have a short range and might have a cooldown and keep everything in the game still the same as ever.
if players discovered how to double jump, it would probably come with a cooldown and maybe the player would have a movement penalty once he lands on the ground and everything else would be the same.
i understand what you meant by the nuclear bomb. but this is not real life.
this is a game where limitations are set by the game designers.
poe1 ended up the way it did because ggg was not in the position to nerf. they needed players to play their game and keep giving them money and that worked our VERY WELL for them. poe1 is not necessarily a bad game for the zoom. people enjoy it and thats good for them.
poe2 on the other hand, is a fresh start. players are more accepting of limitation because it means we dont have the crazy amount of powercreep and zoom we have in poe2. if we wanted that, we would be playing poe1
if ggg wanted that, they would never have split the 2 games.
The problem is that Mario's goal is to beat the game, and in Poe there is no such goal. From a game design perspective, it makes sense to limit the ways in which Mario can play, because Mario's experience is very specific. As a developer, you want the player to play the game in a specific way and not go beyond that. However, in an Action RPG, the opposite has always been the case - to find a thousand ways to play, and try each one. After all, the whole point of the game is to kill monsters, and killing monsters is pointless if you always do it the same way. Am I wrong? Isn't that the only reason we all come back to a new league every time?
Третьего дня, по совету проверенных комрадов, приобрел мегадевайс - пробку "Кудуку3000". По приходу домой жадными цепкими лапами распаковал и заюзал мегадевайс. Размер - моё почтение. Даже мой привыкший к рфу чифтейн отказался принимать с первого раза.
Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 4:05:19 AM
Everything you're talking about in PoE 1 is unfortunately a consequence of freedom. The deeper the game and the more mechanics it has, the stronger the builds will be, because a lot of synergies lead to a lot of damage and stuff. Zoomers appeared in PoE 1 because the depth of the game allows it
You know why everyone in PoE 1 is actually obliged to play super-fast builds?
i think you may have missed out the part where i mentioned how poe1 started. it was never this fast and ggg never was fond of nerfing anything because they needed players to remain in the game and support them.
that's the real reason.
if was financially stable, they would be able to nerf any overperforming skills as you say theyre doing now.
players go fast because its arguably the best way to play.
think of it like mario but with rpg elements. some players found ways to permanently gain the flower buff (throws fireballs).
in poe1, the devs made more monsters or made tougher monsters to accomodate to the fact that you gained a flower buff. if you were NOT having the flower buff? too bad for you.
then players found a way to double jump. so ggg let players have areas that required you to double jump.
this list of player "innovation" and GGG catering to this innovation ends up where mario now can ascend to supersaiyan god form and kupa now is a grand demon that devours worlds.
in poe2, ggg instead just reworked it so if you have permanent flower power, your fireballs would have a short range and might have a cooldown and keep everything in the game still the same as ever.
if players discovered how to double jump, it would probably come with a cooldown and maybe the player would have a movement penalty once he lands on the ground and everything else would be the same.
i understand what you meant by the nuclear bomb. but this is not real life.
this is a game where limitations are set by the game designers.
poe1 ended up the way it did because ggg was not in the position to nerf. they needed players to play their game and keep giving them money and that worked our VERY WELL for them. poe1 is not necessarily a bad game for the zoom. people enjoy it and thats good for them.
poe2 on the other hand, is a fresh start. players are more accepting of limitation because it means we dont have the crazy amount of powercreep and zoom we have in poe2. if we wanted that, we would be playing poe1
if ggg wanted that, they would never have split the 2 games.
I have elaborated on my point of view here if you are interested
Третьего дня, по совету проверенных комрадов, приобрел мегадевайс - пробку "Кудуку3000". По приходу домой жадными цепкими лапами распаковал и заюзал мегадевайс. Размер - моё почтение. Даже мой привыкший к рфу чифтейн отказался принимать с первого раза.
Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 4:11:15 AM
Felt the same until I played the game longer for a 100 hours and tried different characters and build through the campaign. Crafting is great once you get access to rituals. I personally don't find it fun to gamble 10000 currency to craft an item like in poe1.
I don't understand complains about not having a crafting bench. Most people who complain about it, haven't even finished first three acts. In poe1 you would never use bench in the early game anyway.
Skill tree is good enough after you get used to it. Maybe not perfect, but nothing is perfect, and changes can be made.
Complaining about gems is ridicules. There is just 6 classes out of 12. So many things are yet to come. The system itself is fine once more support gems be added to the game.
Maybe the only thing I can agree with is the "slow-paced" gameplay. The only one who feels slow is me and zombies. All other monster moving and acting just as fast as in poe1. It feels especially frustrating when you play a melee character with two-handed weapon. I would personally prefer all monsters to be slower and do more purposeful attacks, so the rolling mechanic had more sense in the end-game. But as though all quick character builds should also be slowed down.
Posted byskorm04#2048on Dec 19, 2024, 4:13:46 AM
i feel like half of those points are you just complaining about it being too hard and wanting a feeder box to make you feel good.
If the game is that hard and that tedious, by all means play something else.
MLP: Friendship is Magic always needs league players, but you are going to be the guy to complain Twilight Sparkle is overtuned so maybe that's not even right for you either...
how about a nice game of checkers?
Posted byxechostormx#5789on Dec 19, 2024, 4:24:24 AM
i feel like half of those points are you just complaining about it being too hard and wanting a feeder box to make you feel good.
If the game is that hard and that tedious, by all means play something else.
MLP: Friendship is Magic always needs league players, but you are going to be the guy to complain Twilight Sparkle is overtuned so maybe that's not even right for you either...
how about a nice game of checkers?
i feel like half of those points are you just complaining about it being too hard and wanting a feeder box to make you feel good.
=> That's called constructive criticism, and I'm very sorry for you if you don't have the maturity to understand it.
If the game is that hard and that tedious.
=> Op didn't say the game was too difficult, go back and read the whole post before commenting...
by all means play something else
=> Exactly the kind of behavior that is denounced at the end of the original post and that makes your comment ridiculous.
=> By the way, your account with only one standard character, no challenges, and no supporter pack leads me to believe that you didn't contribute to the creation of PoE2, and suggests that we won't be seeing you in games for a few weeks yet either...
goodbye freerider
Posted byTalamor1#0630on Dec 19, 2024, 4:52:08 AM
[...] However, in an Action RPG, the opposite has always been the case - to find a thousand ways to play, and try each one. After all, the whole point of the game is to kill monsters, and killing monsters is pointless if you always do it the same way. Am I wrong? Isn't that the only reason we all come back to a new league every time?
You're talking to a guy playing exclusively flicker on the most zoomy way (nothing wrong with that). The problem appears when he starts blaming the game for that.
What you are talking about here is something beyond his comprehension.
Posted byrob_korn#1745on Dec 19, 2024, 4:56:41 AM
[...] However, in an Action RPG, the opposite has always been the case - to find a thousand ways to play, and try each one. After all, the whole point of the game is to kill monsters, and killing monsters is pointless if you always do it the same way. Am I wrong? Isn't that the only reason we all come back to a new league every time?
You're talking to a guy playing exclusively flicker on the most zoomy way (nothing wrong with that). The problem appears when he starts blaming the game for that.
What you are talking about here is something beyond his comprehension.
I've built at least 4 different flickers in different configurations in this league (check my char xd), so I can understand it. In fact, my favorite hobby in Poe is building a flicker strike in the weirdest way possible (like Poison-Flicker Strike Assassin) and then complaining about life because it doesn't work.
Третьего дня, по совету проверенных комрадов, приобрел мегадевайс - пробку "Кудуку3000". По приходу домой жадными цепкими лапами распаковал и заюзал мегадевайс. Размер - моё почтение. Даже мой привыкший к рфу чифтейн отказался принимать с первого раза.
Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 4:58:17 AM
I’ve been playing Path of Exile since its beta days. My Steam account alone shows over 6000 hours, and with the standalone client, I’m well above 8500 hours.
I’ve seen every league, every major patch, and every meta shift. I want POE2 to be different. I want it to evolve beyond POE1. But it also needs to respect the core elements that made the original game successful. It feels like some fundamental missteps are being made, and they’re hard to ignore.
One of the most frustrating things I see lately is new players, many of them ex-D4 players or people who barely touched POE1, saying GGG shouldn’t listen to veterans who want POE2 to hold onto certain aspects of the original.
These players also argue that POE1 veterans "don’t understand Souls-like games" or "slower, more methodical gameplay." This is just laughable. Many of us have played and loved games like Elden Ring or Dark Souls. We fully understand what makes those games great.
But comparing them to an ARPG like POE2 is like comparing apples to oranges. Souls games are about tight, deliberate combat, exploration, and immersive design, whereas POE is about progression, loot, and player creativity. Slowing down POE2 doesn’t make it feel like Elden Ring—it just makes it feel tedious.
Here’s my Steam profile, just to put things in perspective:
We’ve been playing this game for years. We’re the players who’ve kept coming back, league after league, supporting GGG with time and money.
This isn’t about “clinging to the past.” It’s about wanting POE2 to succeed while still respecting the core of what makes Path of Exile such a beloved ARPG.
Let me break down some key issues:
1. Slow Doesn’t Mean Better
A slower-paced game can be good, but it doesn’t automatically make it better. If you’re tired of POE1’s "zoom-zoom," I get it. But removing movement skills entirely, especially in massive maps that often require multiple trips through the same areas? That’s not challenging—it’s tedious. Even with rolls and movement speed buffs, traversing the world feels like a slog.
2. Difficulty Isn’t About Tedium
I keep hearing that POE2 is “more difficult.” But is it? Difficulty isn’t about giving enemies inflated health pools and forcing players into a boring loop of poking, retreating, and poking again. That’s not engaging—it’s frustrating. True difficulty should come from well-designed mechanics and meaningful decision-making, not from artificially drawn-out combat.
3. Flasks and the “Vision”
Yes, flasks now refill on kills, which is better than the original POE2 reveal. But the addition of refill wells still feels unnecessary and redundant. The whole system feels like a solution to a problem that didn’t exist in POE1. Instead of adding depth, it just slows down the pacing. It’s another example of the “vision” overriding what’s actually fun.
4. Crafting Is a Mess
No deterministic crafting is a joke. The devs say they want us to craft more, but how? Without reliable tools like crafting benches or alt rolls, crafting feels like throwing currency into the void and praying for a miracle. If the idea is to encourage players to build items from scratch, it’s not working. The lack of control isn’t engaging—it’s exhausting.
5. Drops and Vendors
If you like the current loot drops, more power to you. But even if you do, they’re still poorly designed. Vendors have been given more power, but drops feel so sparse that crafting currency barely exists. The balance isn’t there. You can’t expect players to engage deeply with crafting when you’re starving them of the resources to do so.
6. The Skill Tree Is Disappointing
The new skill tree looks like POE1’s tree but feels hollow in comparison. The nodes are uninspired, and the restrictive layout makes it harder to create unique or unconventional builds. The inability to travel across the tree freely stifles creativity. And the absence of masteries? It’s a huge loss. Masteries gave builds flexibility and depth, allowing players to specialize and fine-tune their characters. Without them, the tree feels rigid and unexciting. Even basics like Life nodes, which helped define different defensive strategies, are missing, limiting creativity in ways that hurt the game.
7. The Gem System Isn’t Fun
The new gem system isn’t engaging. It’s clunky, and the fact that gems don’t stack just highlights how half-baked it feels. The uncut gem mechanic might seem like an interesting idea, but in practice, it’s just another layer of grind. Gems should feel like an integral part of progression, not a source of frustration.
8. The Campaign Is Too Long
Some players praise the longer campaign, but for leagues, this is a disaster. Every league, we’ll have to slog through this overly long campaign multiple times. POE1’s campaign is already considered a chore by many veterans, and POE2’s is shaping up to be even worse. A longer campaign doesn’t mean better retention—it just means more burnout.
9. Ascendancies and Trials
Why can’t we change ascendancies anymore? Is this supposed to be a challenge? It’s just restrictive for no reason. And Trials… who thought combining Ultimatum and Sanctum mechanics was a good idea? Trials are tedious, clunky, and far from enjoyable. It feels like GGG took the least-loved mechanics and doubled down on them, which is baffling.
I Want to Love POE2, But It’s Hard
As a veteran, I want to see POE2 succeed. I want it to be different, but it also needs to respect the core systems that have kept players invested in POE1 for years. Right now, it feels like GGG is prioritizing their “vision” over what actually works.
To the newer players defending these changes without understanding their long-term impact: you’re not helping. Ignoring valid criticism isn’t supporting the game; it’s enabling bad design. Constructive feedback is what helps games improve. POE2 has the potential to be great, but it needs to address these issues before it alienates the very players who’ve been its foundation for years.
Thank you for taking the time to type this up.
1)Agreed, I still don't understand why when we uncover a mechanic like an altar and leave its location it disappears from the map. I may be alone, and would love to know your thoughts, but I often clear maps to ensure I can progress or take out boss etc then go back for these. The size of the map means i end up rolling around searching for them all over again. Its just more waste of time.
3) Exactly - what is the point in a well. Just auto refill when in HO. This is ridiculous.
4) This may be the MOST SIGNIFICANT point here. Crafting is just gambling. I am becoming increasingly frustrated having no luck. My only option is to find what i want in an increasingly inflating Market. This is just NO GOOD.
6) This is also massive. I remember them saying they wanted to dumb it down and make sure no one could effectively brick a build but the result is not good. Its not terrible by any stretch but as you say removing masteries was a big boo boo imo.
9)Yes, Just YES.
I understand we have many new players and thats wonderful. I also understand a lot of there feedback. The truth is though that us veterans really do know what works and this isnt some strange PRO attitude. Its absolute basics.
Posted byIHAXYOMOM#6259on Dec 19, 2024, 5:08:12 AM