Tried, cannot see your chars for some reason. Maybe site is lagging, whatever :D
The big difference is that you're not blaming the game for forcing you to play that way ;). As I said, fine with him having fun whith whatever he wants (or anyone else). But complaining about how you have no choice is just... I don't know how to qualify it.
It's like in the automotive industry, being a fan of drag races. And then complaining this is the only way to drive, fastest, in a straight line, fastest to the line. Well DUHH, drifting is a thing, you can enjoy it or not, but don't complain car industry forces you to play drag only.
The analogy can actually go deeper : Forcing all cars to have 50HP at maximum doesn't improve anything, it just limits anyone and the ideas they could have for new implementations.
Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Dec 19, 2024, 4:13:40 AM
Posted byrob_korn#1745on Dec 19, 2024, 4:10:37 AM
Tried, cannot see your chars for some reason. Maybe site is lagging, whatever :D
The big difference is that you're not blaming the game for forcing you to play that way ;). As I said, fine with him having fun whith whatever he wants (or anyone else). But complaining about how you have no choice is just... I don't know how to qualify it.
It's like in the automotive industry, being a fan of drag races. And then complaining this is the only way to drive, fastest, in a straight line, fastest to the line. Well DUHH, drifting is a thing, you can enjoy it or not, but don't complain car industry forces you to play drag only.
I feel like in some ways it's actually forced. For some reason GGG balanced PoE 1 around meta builds, making content harder instead of nerfing strong builds. And I remember how everyone used to complain when GGG nerfed everything, but now I realize it was the right decision. They were basically trying so hard to save the game from this terrible powercreep, and even in "nerf leagues" after a couple of days everyone forgot about the previous "killed builds" and enjoyed the new gems. Unfortunately, the backlash to such nerfs seemed to be too strong, so eventually they just gave up.
What this experience teaches us is that by making the game harder all the time, you only increase the gap between the truly broken builds and what enthusiasts create.
Третьего дня, по совету проверенных комрадов, приобрел мегадевайс - пробку "Кудуку3000". По приходу домой жадными цепкими лапами распаковал и заюзал мегадевайс. Размер - моё почтение. Даже мой привыкший к рфу чифтейн отказался принимать с первого раза. Last edited by theslavagame#6814 on Dec 19, 2024, 4:16:35 AM
Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 4:13:19 AM
Impressive games collection exile, but are you a 'default'?
Look.. alot friends payed so much money.. and they love everything about poe2 the way it is. The game is deceloped for millions.. not for 10 players.
Today almost no one plays and speaks about diablo1.. although it was a success to make something new which attracted more gamers
. See d4.. 600 million revenue.. make it real to adress that market demands..
Alot already seasoned poe2 tried poe1.. and they hate it.. if they could they would ask for discontinuation of poe1.. just to further enhance 2.. maybe this should just be done as it is not needed and so that the comparison stops.
I for example love poe2 crafting.. we had in a group a super deep and successfull crafting session in the morning.. it was awesome and thanks for implementing it this way.. (i throw up if more currency is implemented.. its fast paced.. perfect for running). Poe1 crafting is garbage. so old so clunky.. not modern.. and so easy.. lol.. recombinator.. add two rares and get best of two back.. i would be done after day 1 not day 3..
This cant be demand and target group (40/ 50 years..). If you like to read books about a game play dwarve fortress.. it was not super bad.. but.. maybe 500k sold copies. Got that also lol?
Its about develping 600 mil revenue game .. no one would play poe1 2.0 . Oh ok.. maybe you are the fraction or d1 guy.. but .. the market are not the defaults... its the backers who love ggg.. face it.. there.was never a promise to create a second part nor a demand for a new.poe1 season (its complete..and old).. thats why it will not receive a new season in 2024.
Thanks ggg for that awesome game..you would even have my vote to close down poe1 to focus on 2. Please dont develop it for 10.players but for the millions target group.. i fear if we dont speak up here it.will fail.
Want to laugh? 2 seasoned poe1 players discussing they were searching for poe1 skills.. righteous fire and bone shatter..
Ggg already said..rf was wrongly implememted .. it was a fail.. not a w, and boneshatter exists as it is a combo now!! Not.even this they knew..
And i tell you.. 40% of passive tree can be reduced.. i would throw up if i see poe1 tree.. without design and spirit.. looks boring.
If you want easier game.. play poe1.
Its same with hc players...dont balance this tiny fraction.. so many ssf are.in 80s and so many of.my friends done with poe2 leveling.. very performance oriented but would never play hc due to.power.outage chance.. they are decent.. and not no lifers...not defaults. You want to balance around this group.. not the 400 lvl 40 hc players.. which complaint. Lol..
Remove hc.. offer only core and ssf.. balance around this via portals and give players a kill counter + achievement.. if they are deathless and all these meetings discussions and weird balance tweaks which drag performance ..vanishs.. give us fun and engaging challenge.. and not boredom after 3 days with lvl 99.. xx million happy.
IM SHOCKED. How on earth can you think crafting in POE2 is good vs POE1? Its literally just GAMBA. PRAY PRAY PRAY. there is no 'crafting'. Ok, so I want a better bow. To get that I need 2 critical PREFIX (PHYS% damage and another decent roll Damage prefix.)
POE1 = Can roll magic until i get a decent roll then regal, exalt and divine. I could also use some deterministic crafting for certain critical mods. The base types matter and Ilevel matters as i can work out what can roll and increase odds. I have orbs that can further help this process and I have other crafting mechanics to rescue items like harvest.
POE2 = I get the base, I make magic and pray. If i dont get the mods I want or decent rolls Its already bricked. If i get say suffix instead of prefix i have to regal and pray. Could Brick - repeat. Thats it. Maybe I could use an essence i suppose to help?
How is this better exactly? I'm genuinly curious. Perhaps Im doing something wrong.
Posted byIHAXYOMOM#6259on Dec 19, 2024, 4:17:40 AM
i agree on every point, especially about the complete trashed core of the predecessor
imagine tekken 8 as moba, and people say wooo i never liked tekken before, but this feels great
Totally what I am hearing every day. Almost everyone saying these things will not even buy the lowest supporter packs. It only took me one league of play to buy a supporter pack with great happiness for 3 more leagues,. and what we are playing now, though I am fully addicted for the month, will not make me come back for a league and pour more hard earned money on it.
If the campaign is not finishable in 3 days of semi-dedicated play, and I cant farm anything when I'm tired from work because I dont have laser focus to dodge shit constantly, then this was my last purchase from GGG.
IM SHOCKED. How on earth can you think crafting in POE2 is good vs POE1? Its literally just GAMBA. PRAY PRAY PRAY. there is no 'crafting'. Ok, so I want a better bow. To get that I need 2 critical PREFIX (PHYS% damage and another decent roll Damage prefix.)
POE1 = Can roll magic until i get a decent roll then regal, exalt and divine. I could also use some deterministic crafting for certain critical mods. The base types matter and Ilevel matters as i can work out what can roll and increase odds. I have orbs that can further help this process and I have other crafting mechanics to rescue items like harvest.
POE2 = I get the base, I make magic and pray. If i dont get the mods I want or decent rolls Its already bricked. If i get say suffix instead of prefix i have to regal and pray. Could Brick - repeat. Thats it. Maybe I could use an essence i suppose to help?
How is this better exactly? I'm genuinly curious. Perhaps Im doing something wrong.
If using transmute, augment, and regal is all you do, then you didn't even touch crafting in poe2. Creating failed base after, doesn't make you stop from continuing crafting. In poe2 for actual crafting you need to use omens from rituals. So yes, you are actually doing something wrong. And having alts and bench in poe1, doesn't make crafting better. Most people still go to the market and buy items rather than crafting those themselves.
Posted byskorm04#2048on Dec 19, 2024, 4:29:08 AM
[...]What this experience teaches us is that by making the game harder all the time, you only increase the gap between the truly broken builds and what enthusiasts create.
Bringing new things makes the game more interesting and bigger to explore, but at the same time, it makes innovating harder and harder.
At some point, no matter what, when you bring a mechanic, you have to check if the interaction with one of the other 100 mechanics is not through the roof. And it's bound to happen.
This is where there are with PoE1, and it's not GGG's fault, that's the natural consequence of bringing new engaging stuff over time.
PoE2 is a hard reset, which is needed sooner or later, to resimplify the net of possibilities. PoE2 will end up the same way as PoE1, sooner or later. Thinking otherwise is not understanding what arpg is.
The only other outcomes are being a dead game, or becoming a new genre (unlikely because it's too close of a concept, but who knows).
Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Dec 19, 2024, 4:31:12 AM
Posted byrob_korn#1745on Dec 19, 2024, 4:29:43 AM
[...]What this experience teaches us is that by making the game harder all the time, you only increase the gap between the truly broken builds and what enthusiasts create.
Bringing new things makes the game more interesting and bigger to explore, but at the same time, it makes innovating harder and harder.
At some point, no matter what, when you bring a mechanic, you have to check if the interaction with one of the other 100 mechanics is not through the roof. And it's bound to happen.
This is where there are with PoE1, and it's not GGG's fault, that's the natural consequence of bringing new engaging stuff over time.
PoE2 is a hard reset, which is needed sooner or later, to resimplify the net of possibilities. PoE2 will end up the same way as PoE1, sooner or later. Thinking otherwise is not understanding what arpg is.
The only other outcomes are being a dead game, or becoming a new genre (unlikely because it's too close of a concept, but who knows).
You are right. Well, so, we are waiting for the golden era of Poe 2 and after... Poe 3
Третьего дня, по совету проверенных комрадов, приобрел мегадевайс - пробку "Кудуку3000". По приходу домой жадными цепкими лапами распаковал и заюзал мегадевайс. Размер - моё почтение. Даже мой привыкший к рфу чифтейн отказался принимать с первого раза.
Posted bytheslavagame#6814on Dec 19, 2024, 4:32:10 AM
I agree with most of OP's point, but loot doesn't feel bad to me. The increased in drop rate from the earlier patch is welcomed but… on one hand I love the idea that rare items ARE rare, it feels more rewarding when something good actually drops. On the other I reckon it's a lot of additional grind because you rarely get the rare you want.
I wish rare was rare, I don't want to drop legendary items on the first werewolf that happens to be passing by. However drop rate in endgame-specific areas needs to be consistent to encourage engaging with it.
As far as the campaign being too long… well this doesn't have to reflect how long it will be during leagues. GGG may want to provide a fully-fledged out campaign that will provide as much content as any other single player game out there, and decide that seasonal campaigns will be made much shorter through various means (smaller size areas, skipping some quests etc.)
But the campaign mostly feels long because areas are massive and movement is slow. So perhaps the campaign isn't the issue here.
Posted byXunkar#7558on Dec 19, 2024, 4:33:00 AM
You are right. Well, so, we are waiting for the golden era of Poe 2 and after... Poe 3
Posted byrob_korn#1745on Dec 19, 2024, 4:43:59 AM
Impressive games collection exile, but are you a 'default'?
Look.. alot friends payed so much money.. and they love everything about poe2 the way it is. The game is deceloped for millions.. not for 10 players.
Today almost no one plays and speaks about diablo1.. although it was a success to make something new which attracted more gamers
. See d4.. 600 million revenue.. make it real to adress that market demands..
Alot already seasoned poe2 tried poe1.. and they hate it.. if they could they would ask for discontinuation of poe1.. just to further enhance 2.. maybe this should just be done as it is not needed and so that the comparison stops.
I for example love poe2 crafting.. we had in a group a super deep and successfull crafting session in the morning.. it was awesome and thanks for implementing it this way.. (i throw up if more currency is implemented.. its fast paced.. perfect for running). Poe1 crafting is garbage. so old so clunky.. not modern.. and so easy.. lol.. recombinator.. add two rares and get best of two back.. i would be done after day 1 not day 3..
This cant be demand and target group (40/ 50 years..). If you like to read books about a game play dwarve fortress.. it was not super bad.. but.. maybe 500k sold copies. Got that also lol?
Its about develping 600 mil revenue game .. no one would play poe1 2.0 . Oh ok.. maybe you are the fraction or d1 guy.. but .. the market are not the defaults... its the backers who love ggg.. face it.. there.was never a promise to create a second part nor a demand for a new.poe1 season (its complete..and old).. thats why it will not receive a new season in 2024.
Thanks ggg for that awesome game..you would even have my vote to close down poe1 to focus on 2. Please dont develop it for 10.players but for the millions target group.. i fear if we dont speak up here it.will fail.
Want to laugh? 2 seasoned poe1 players discussing they were searching for poe1 skills.. righteous fire and bone shatter..
Ggg already said..rf was wrongly implememted .. it was a fail.. not a w, and boneshatter exists as it is a combo now!! Not.even this they knew..
And i tell you.. 40% of passive tree can be reduced.. i would throw up if i see poe1 tree.. without design and spirit.. looks boring.
If you want easier game.. play poe1.
Its same with hc players...dont balance this tiny fraction.. so many ssf are.in 80s and so many of.my friends done with poe2 leveling.. very performance oriented but would never play hc due to.power.outage chance.. they are decent.. and not no lifers...not defaults. You want to balance around this group.. not the 400 lvl 40 hc players.. which complaint. Lol..
Remove hc.. offer only core and ssf.. balance around this via portals and give players a kill counter + achievement.. if they are deathless and all these meetings discussions and weird balance tweaks which drag performance ..vanishs.. give us fun and engaging challenge.. and not boredom after 3 days with lvl 99.. xx million happy.
This has to be satire right? Or massive brain damage "I for example love poe2 crafting.. we had in a group a super deep and successfull crafting session" to say the POE 2 has crafting is one thing but to call it "Deep" is on a whole nother level of deranged.
What is this? did this guy even play? DEEP CRAFTING.
We threw exalts on some items, it was INTENSE