TL;DR, chicken little needs to STFU and go play POE1 if they want to play POE1.
I did read it because I am not impatient like you. And the OP is right on target. As for you, the "new audience", after they reset the whole sever the second or third time you will be gone. The people in POE1 are the ones that roll a char league after league, but MTX and make the COMPANY as a business work.
Posted byKraythax#2592on Dec 20, 2024, 2:28:05 PM
TL;DR, chicken little needs to STFU and go play POE1 if they want to play POE1.
I did read it because I am not impatient like you. And the OP is right on target. As for you, the "new audience", after they reset the whole sever the second or third time you will be gone. The people in POE1 are the ones that roll a char league after league, but MTX and make the COMPANY as a business work.
I see you are also an idiot. Before one makes a comment about someone specifically, it would probably be good to make sure you know wtf you are talking about and who you are talking to.
Posted byValsacar#0268on Dec 20, 2024, 2:31:10 PM
How ironic. You are the only ones who are arrogant and tyrannical. We are giving feedback on the failures of PoE2 and advice on how to fix this game, to make it what GGG wants it to be, a forever playable seasonal game. They want our feedback, your simping for the game doesn't contribute anything at all and they don't need to hear it.
No, you are bitching and whining and claiming the sky is falling. Even chicken little wasn't as bad as you people are.
This is not POE 1. Just in case you didn't get that, this is NOT POE1. It will NEVER be POE1. If you want to play POE1 I highly recommend you to GO PLAY POE1.
This is POE2, where GGG is trying to attract a NEW audience. POE1 isn't going anywhere, it is still getting updates and new leagues. It would be FUCKING STUPID for GGG to make a new POE1 to just cannibalize the players they already have locked in. They need to attract NEW players, ones that are not interested in POE1.
TL;DR, chicken little needs to STFU and go play POE1 if they want to play POE1.
If you have actual feedback to give then be constructive and do so. Whining that it's not just like POE1 is not constructive feedback.
But the issue is that for ages GGG was advertising this game as a successor of everything poe1 was achieved through years of development. Poe 1 was a result of developer work AND community feedback - hence feedback section is larger than any other.
Now people are arguing if they wanted a D3 or D2R. But as far as I understand - poe2 development was mostly funded by poe1 players who were still playing and supporting developer for what the already did. They wanted a fresh engine, better optimisation, more qol, more external features to be transferred into a game and a system that was while being well-known still had a lot to explore and attempt to do. And who are more devoted and spend hundreds of dollaros feel that they were cannibalized for a new audience. And it doesnt matter if that is true, or GGG got Tencent money/orders to make a different game, or they have a working solution and its an out of date aprils fools joke - people who invested will still feel betrayed.
Lets hope that this strategy works out and a fresh flow of poe2 money will allow to keep poe1 indefinetly. Maybe that WILL solve the issue for a while. But they would still need to restart work on poe1 at some point if such case is true, cause the game keeps getting less attention and it simply gets old (insert d2r reference here)
As of now - my opinion is that poe2 community is less sustainable at a long distance - game provides too small for replayability than other titles do now. With six classes I doubt that a number of people who tried to make two 90+ characters is that huge. Another bunch of ascendancies and 3 acts that lead to the same gameplay wont solve the issues people are complaining about now.
And when you start from scratch while competitors have months or years of head start - that requires more than a poe trademark.
Last edited by Querker#1809 on Dec 20, 2024, 2:49:25 PM
Posted byQuerker#1809on Dec 20, 2024, 2:41:35 PM
TL;DR, chicken little needs to STFU and go play POE1 if they want to play POE1.
I did read it because I am not impatient like you. And the OP is right on target. As for you, the "new audience", after they reset the whole sever the second or third time you will be gone. The people in POE1 are the ones that roll a char league after league, but MTX and make the COMPANY as a business work.
I see you are also an idiot. Before one makes a comment about someone specifically, it would probably be good to make sure you know wtf you are talking about and who you are talking to.
Calling me names changes nothing and doesnt affect me personally. All it does is bump a thread that GGG NEEEDS to read the OP of. Because you are just dead wrong about this and the OP is perfectly right.
Posted byKraythax#2592on Dec 20, 2024, 2:51:59 PM
How ironic. You are the only ones who are arrogant and tyrannical. We are giving feedback on the failures of PoE2 and advice on how to fix this game, to make it what GGG wants it to be, a forever playable seasonal game. They want our feedback, your simping for the game doesn't contribute anything at all and they don't need to hear it.
No, you are bitching and whining and claiming the sky is falling. Even chicken little wasn't as bad as you people are.
This is not POE 1. Just in case you didn't get that, this is NOT POE1. It will NEVER be POE1. If you want to play POE1 I highly recommend you to GO PLAY POE1.
This is POE2, where GGG is trying to attract a NEW audience. POE1 isn't going anywhere, it is still getting updates and new leagues. It would be FUCKING STUPID for GGG to make a new POE1 to just cannibalize the players they already have locked in. They need to attract NEW players, ones that are not interested in POE1.
TL;DR, chicken little needs to STFU and go play POE1 if they want to play POE1.
If you have actual feedback to give then be constructive and do so. Whining that it's not just like POE1 is not constructive feedback.
You are just wrong bro...
This is POE2 - not some random new ARPG - its POE2.
POE1 had some flaws and every1 is aware about that. Obviously you would hope for some fixes of those flaws in poe2 as a poe1 veteran?! This would also beneficial to a so called "new audience". But POE2 is trying to fix them while giving up basically everything that made poe1 great.
#1 The accessablility wasnt existant, it was super hard to get into all the stuff that was going on for a new player.
#2 Itemization - you basically couldnt play the game without strict loot filters cause of all the crap that was dropping...
#3 Powercreep & Zoom Zoom - the general pace was getting out of hand, and increasingly so from league to league...
#4 Worst trade system you can imagine
There are a few other points but i guess these are the major issues poe2 shouldve tackled WITHOUT giving up the greats of POE1...
Which are:
#1 Nearly unlimited build creations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2 The feeling to get more and more powerful over the campaign and endgame.
#3 Tons of choice what to play/farm in your mid and endgame.
#4 Unbelievable complexity in the crafting system
#5 and again unlimited build creations, variations and CHOICE - which btw also includes the choice which skill you want to use to evade stuff and move....
With POE2 GGG just decided to kill all of that...
Im almost certain. POE2 wont be a success if they wont change their game design philosophy DRASTICALLY.
Posted bylightgearx#6064on Dec 20, 2024, 2:54:38 PM
With POE2 GGG just decided to kill all of that...
This is the problem. Not bugs or balance issues, but DECISIONS they are making which are very BAD. I agree this wont survive like POE1.
Posted byKraythax#2592on Dec 20, 2024, 2:59:27 PM
How ironic. You are the only ones who are arrogant and tyrannical. We are giving feedback on the failures of PoE2 and advice on how to fix this game, to make it what GGG wants it to be, a forever playable seasonal game. They want our feedback, your simping for the game doesn't contribute anything at all and they don't need to hear it.
No, you are bitching and whining and claiming the sky is falling. Even chicken little wasn't as bad as you people are.
This is not POE 1. Just in case you didn't get that, this is NOT POE1. It will NEVER be POE1. If you want to play POE1 I highly recommend you to GO PLAY POE1.
This is POE2, where GGG is trying to attract a NEW audience. POE1 isn't going anywhere, it is still getting updates and new leagues. It would be FUCKING STUPID for GGG to make a new POE1 to just cannibalize the players they already have locked in. They need to attract NEW players, ones that are not interested in POE1.
TL;DR, chicken little needs to STFU and go play POE1 if they want to play POE1.
If you have actual feedback to give then be constructive and do so. Whining that it's not just like POE1 is not constructive feedback.
You are just wrong bro...
This is POE2 - not some random new ARPG - its POE2.
POE1 had some flaws and every1 is aware about that. Obviously you would hope for some fixes of those flaws in poe2 as a poe1 veteran?! This would also beneficial to a so called "new audience". But POE2 is trying to fix them while giving up basically everything that made poe1 great.
#1 The accessablility wasnt existant, it was super hard to get into all the stuff that was going on for a new player.
#2 Itemization - you basically couldnt play the game without strict loot filters cause of all the crap that was dropping...
#3 Powercreep & Zoom Zoom - the general pace was getting out of hand, and increasingly so from league to league...
#4 Worst trade system you can imagine
There are a few other points but i guess these are the major issues poe2 shouldve tackled WITHOUT giving up the greats of POE1...
Which are:
#1 Nearly unlimited build creations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2 The feeling to get more and more powerful over the campaign and endgame.
#3 Tons of choice what to play/farm in your mid and endgame.
#4 Unbelievable complexity in the crafting system
#5 and again unlimited build creations, variations and CHOICE - which btw also includes the choice which skill you want to use to evade stuff and move....
With POE2 GGG just decided to kill all of that...
Im almost certain. POE2 wont be a success if they wont change their game design philosophy DRASTICALLY.
You hit it spot on. I´ve been playing PoE 1 since beta and sure it has gotten out of hand over the years but PoE 2 is the literal opposite, it´s just really bad and kills creativity. The issue with bosses for an example being so annoying in the campaign forces the player to choose meta-builds, there is no point playing something that isn´t very good because you´ll just die.
I could play Kinetic Blast Wanderer on SSFHC in PoE 1 because the amount of bosses you had to go through were not that many in the campaign and i was okay with having 10 minute boss fights, all good.
PoE 2 you get 10 minute boss fights even with meta builds since there is no crafting system you just blatantly hope to get something and just gamble your gold away, it´s shite.
The game needs a complete do-over which i am sure GGG will not do and that´s fine but they are hurting PoE 1 community since every league will be 6 months apart instead of 3 months, this will kill the community.
Posted byRobinjohnsson#7098on Dec 20, 2024, 3:18:30 PM
Alot already seasoned poe2 tried poe1.. and they hate it.. if they could they would ask for discontinuation of poe1.. just to further enhance 2.. maybe this should just be done as it is not needed and so that the comparison stops.
These are the types GGG listen too, which explains the sad state of POE2.
"Seasoned poe2 players" LOL!
How long has the game been out? Two weeks?
The OP has THOUSANDS of hours playing POE1, I have thousands of hours playing POE1. Our, yes the veterans, FUNDED POE2. Our money spent over the years is the only thing that put POE2 on the books.
The OP is 100% on point, and the reason I have stopped playing POE2.
Posted byCaptSammy#1240on Dec 20, 2024, 3:20:27 PM
If GGG continues to listen to these types they better get a MASSIVE marketing budget akin to Blizzard because their current player base that supported them will be gone.
Posted byKraythax#2592on Dec 20, 2024, 3:37:35 PM
There is a massive influx of bots and trolls on here lately saying OP is not justified or just "wrong".
It'd be nice if there was a big display next to each comment how many hours that user has in PoE1 to see if they are just someone full of themselves or an actual respondant
Posted bySilentTheGray#2578on Dec 20, 2024, 3:49:41 PM