Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Kaukus1#7461 wrote:

Here’s the thing: POE1 players want POE2 to succeed in the long term. They care about the future of the game.

If they truly did, they would abandon their obsession with seasonal resets and focus on the cultivation of novel, quality content. They even already know this, but won't admit it. If leagues were actually what bring people in, what impetus would their be for creating POE2 at all instead of just another series of POE1 leagues?

PoE 1 and 2 leagues will be 2 months apart so people can play both games if they want to(so poe 1 league starts, 2 months later poe 2 league starts etc.). The point is more profits. Unless everyone hates PoE 2 and it has horrible player retention, and it's not looking very good atm lol
inethil#2258 wrote:
1. Slow Doesn’t Mean Better

Obviously this is true, but only because it is badly expressed. Slowing down the gameplay and encouraging the use of multiple skills has been great and most people do agree with this, so you'll need to be more specific. If you are talking about travel skills, or the size of maps, then I agree with the latter, the maps could be trimmed a bit, but GGG already included the ability to teleport between checkpoints.

2. Difficulty Isn’t About Tedium

This one is flat out nonsense. The difficulty is not about inflated health pools, it's about distinct monsters representing a real tactical challenge and that's exactly what POE-2 is providing.

3. Flasks and the “Vision”

On this I am somewhat indifferent. It was tuned to be more of a challenge and encourage players not to be careless during fights. From that standpoint, it's a good thing, and the charm system is an excellent replacement for the utility flask, though I really would like to see more charms slots. Given it was designed as a replacement for the tedious situation with utility flask I would have expected to get three sooner.

4. Crafting Is a Mess

Here I have to agree. The crafting bench was one of the best things about POE1 and still is. The current system, the lack of resources, the uselessness of Chaos Orbs and the fact that it all comes down to gambling away overly rare currency, is definitely a drag. I do hope this changes significantly. I made a suggestion in an earlier post about allowing us to choose the affix we want to reroll with Chaos Orbs. Whatever the eventual solution, it really should involve layers of specific, deterministic crafting.

Here I agree it the implementation is not yet ready for prime time. Another example of the mismatch between stated goals and the current implementation of the game is Runes. Runes were meant to provide that deterministic element, but since we cannot remove or overwrite them, every new upgrade throws your build off and is a problem, rather than what it should be - an unalloyed cause for celebration.

5. Drops and Vendors

This goes back to the earlier point on crafting, if the currency was there, runes were adjustable and Chaos Orbs were deterministic at least in the choice of which affix to reroll, things would feel much closer to fun.

6. The Skill Tree Is Disappointing

Sadly, I agree with all your points here as well. Especially the profusion of tradeoffs and downsides which were previously limited to Keystones.

7. The Gem System Isn’t Fun

Completely disagree here. I thought it was limiting when lower level, but after having some builds mature, and playing around with the total package I am beginning to see how well done it is.

8. The Campaign Is Too Long

Completely disagree and so does just about every streamer / content creator I've heard. Not sure where you got that. Endgame maps are certainly potentially too large, yes, but the campaign is inspired and offers real, permanent rewards which make it worth doing every time, imho.

9. Ascendancies and Trials

I have to agree with this, the current systems gating ascendancies are far too hard and punishing. Many people, competent players, gave up on trying to get them early, relegating their completion to when we'll be massively overlevelled. Unfortunately, this also mean we don't get the joy of engaging with our Ascendancies either, it has become a horrible chore for, honestly, highly questionable rewards in many cases. POE1 Ascendancies were flat out terrific across the board. Once you got them you immediately saw the difference in your char. These are not impactful for the most part and come with yet more downsides.

I Want to Love POE2, But It’s Hard
As a veteran, I want to see POE2 succeed. I want it to be different, but it also needs to respect the core systems that have kept players invested in POE1 for years. Right now, it feels like GGG is prioritizing their “vision” over what actually works.

I'm in the same boat, except for one thing. It's EA and it's only been a week. I believe they will come around and intend to give them the benefit of the doubt, which means time to test everything out. Remember, the rest of the game is being developed at the same time. That's a lot on their shoulders.

Look at this, yet another Act gamer chiming in.
Theres nothing tactical about this games combat in Maps.
Slowing down POE2 doesn’t make it feel like Elden Ring—it just makes it feel tedious.

1. The only are slowed down are warriors...you put gear and its almost -10ms..

2. people already have boss erasing builds, so you cannot complain about low dps.. the only ones who get it worst are melee guys...

3. I like roguelite feature, but its pointless when playing wrong build.

i should reroll into those zoom kill everything builds.. but if i did that then where is the charm of poe2???
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.

Perfect example of those unhinged PoE2 tard newbies, some unironic Diablomongrel who has never played a god tier ARPG so he has no understanding of what a downgrade PoE2 is.

PoE has a much bigger stable playerbase than PoE2 ever will at this rate, what are these insane fantasies about PoE having 10 players. It has 250 000 players who come back every league. PoE2 won't have even 50k a year from now if its this unfun.

Pffffffttt ahahahaha

I know what you are referencing and its the concurrent STEAM numbers on POEDB

Not only is it not 250k, its only been 200k for like 2 leagues and it lasts a day

Meanwhile POE2 has had 500k players peak on steam for 2 weeks in a row and about to go on a third

You should learn to read, because PoE2 player count has gone down by -200k in the past two weeks already. Its going to plummet even much further down and never again reach the kind of players PoE keeps pulling with every league, unless huge changes happen.

This isn't an issue of the game being unfinished, the core mechanics of the game are ridiculously dumbed down, restricting, stifling player freedom and build design, the campaign is far too long, player movement is far too slow. Many many issues that prevent this game from being a seasonal live service game, the way PoE2 is, its a one playthrough game for 99.9% of people.
Turddog#8292 wrote:
Just on steam charts alone:

66,442 positive reviews
14,199 negative reviews

POE2 and the base game as is has overwhelmingly gained a new audience. To deny the numbers is just pure delusional.

GGG will not deviate too far from what they have established in game. No matter how much people gripe on here about it.

This guy has never booted up PoE once if you look at his profile.
This is the kind of people who defend PoE2.
Positive reviews dont mean anything, almost none of those people will be playing PoE2 every 3 months for the next decade. This game is not designed to last like PoE is.
mordawf#5376 wrote:
Agreed in general and..

- I don't like the new mapping system. Also forcing you to play lot of maps that you don't want to play. the design is console/lazy based imo.
- I hate only 2 potions. Console based again. Not enough buttons.
- I don't like the campain for most of the reasons we can read above.
- I don't like the crafting system. This is empty.
- I am not a fan of the new gems system at this point.
- I hate trials overall, nothing new, Ultimatum/Sanctum. Choose between different colors of poop. Sorry not my taste. Bring us back Izaro.
- Overall the game is so so slow.

Graphics and sounds are awesome. This is very artistic, and it's the only part that i like in the game for now.

Btw i also have 7515 hours played on Poe1, and i'm not going to do the same in Poe2 for sure.

Ok it's a beta but the direction in my opinion is clear. Hope i'm wrong once again but i already said it 2 months ago and it seems i was right so...

And.. ..Why ppl that absolutly don't know NOThinG about Poe1 and his history talk in this post? I don't want the answer.

We are the past ok. But the past who took you here today..

Not feeling as an Exile anymore, Bye.

Stop dooming for crying out loud. It’s the holiday season, people have families in town etc…the game has a very solid base and is a lot of fun to play.

You POE fan boys keep dooming as if you are trying to scare GGG into making knee jerk reactions.
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:
Kaukus1#7461 wrote:

Here’s the thing: POE1 players want POE2 to succeed in the long term. They care about the future of the game.

If they truly did, they would abandon their obsession with seasonal resets and focus on the cultivation of novel, quality content. They even already know this, but won't admit it. If leagues were actually what bring people in, what impetus would their be for creating POE2 at all instead of just another series of POE1 leagues?

Don't quit your day job to ever start a business...

GGG in fact 100% absolutely does have to focus on making PoE2 into a seasonal, fast and rewarding feeling game, because the game is F2P. Their only way of ever making money with PoE2 is the same as with PoE: selling skins and stash tabs.
And there won't be a returning seasonal playerbase buying those if this game doesn't stop being tedious and slow, among fixing its other issues like a dumbed down skill tree, gem system etc.
I wholeheartedly agree with OP, I hope GGG will do something with the abundant feedback given. Love PoE, but so far PoE2 just doesn't do it for me.
Turddog#8292 wrote:
mordawf#5376 wrote:
Agreed in general and..

- I don't like the new mapping system. Also forcing you to play lot of maps that you don't want to play. the design is console/lazy based imo.
- I hate only 2 potions. Console based again. Not enough buttons.
- I don't like the campain for most of the reasons we can read above.
- I don't like the crafting system. This is empty.
- I am not a fan of the new gems system at this point.
- I hate trials overall, nothing new, Ultimatum/Sanctum. Choose between different colors of poop. Sorry not my taste. Bring us back Izaro.
- Overall the game is so so slow.

Graphics and sounds are awesome. This is very artistic, and it's the only part that i like in the game for now.

Btw i also have 7515 hours played on Poe1, and i'm not going to do the same in Poe2 for sure.

Ok it's a beta but the direction in my opinion is clear. Hope i'm wrong once again but i already said it 2 months ago and it seems i was right so...

And.. ..Why ppl that absolutly don't know NOThinG about Poe1 and his history talk in this post? I don't want the answer.

We are the past ok. But the past who took you here today..

Not feeling as an Exile anymore, Bye.

Stop dooming for crying out loud. It’s the holiday season, people have families in town etc…the game has a very solid base and is a lot of fun to play.

You POE fan boys keep dooming as if you are trying to scare GGG into making knee jerk reactions.

A LOT of the issues are that the games base is not very solid actually.
OP listed many of these examples already. Talent tree, skill gem system, Atlas, crafting - nearly every core system that the game is built upon is absolutely awful compared to PoE's original versions of them.

Your opinions genuinely do not matter, guy who has never once played PoE in your life.
Turddog#8292 wrote:
mordawf#5376 wrote:
Agreed in general and..

- I don't like the new mapping system. Also forcing you to play lot of maps that you don't want to play. the design is console/lazy based imo.
- I hate only 2 potions. Console based again. Not enough buttons.
- I don't like the campain for most of the reasons we can read above.
- I don't like the crafting system. This is empty.
- I am not a fan of the new gems system at this point.
- I hate trials overall, nothing new, Ultimatum/Sanctum. Choose between different colors of poop. Sorry not my taste. Bring us back Izaro.
- Overall the game is so so slow.

Graphics and sounds are awesome. This is very artistic, and it's the only part that i like in the game for now.

Btw i also have 7515 hours played on Poe1, and i'm not going to do the same in Poe2 for sure.

Ok it's a beta but the direction in my opinion is clear. Hope i'm wrong once again but i already said it 2 months ago and it seems i was right so...

And.. ..Why ppl that absolutly don't know NOThinG about Poe1 and his history talk in this post? I don't want the answer.

We are the past ok. But the past who took you here today..

Not feeling as an Exile anymore, Bye.

Stop dooming for crying out loud. It’s the holiday season, people have families in town etc…the game has a very solid base and is a lot of fun to play.

You POE fan boys keep dooming as if you are trying to scare GGG into making knee jerk reactions.

A LOT of the issues are that the games base is not very solid actually.
OP listed many of these examples already. Talent tree, skill gem system, Atlas, crafting - nearly every core system that the game is built upon is absolutely awful compared to PoE's original versions of them.

Your opinions genuinely do not matter, guy who has never once played PoE in your life.

This is exactly why newcomers won’t take you completely serious. You act as if people who have never played POE don’t have an opinion.

Fact is , many people who are playing POE2 didn’t want anything to do with POE1. Your crowd is trying to dictate every decision GGG makes.

You guys are acting like tyrants.

The newcomers are simply saying “Hey there is a really solid game here that is really fun let’s keep the trajectory on this”

POE elitist “ No, we want the whole game to almost be a carbon copy of POE 1”

Ok I guess if that’s what GGG does than bye bye new audience.

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