Poison Gas Arrow Pathfinder
So the issues I see as I was looking to swap is:
1)conc has a limited range right in front of you. Gas arrow can be shot off the map to start psn buildup or wherever 2) Realistically you need to use with scattershot, which in turn makes it much slower to attack with the GA 3)To make the build most effective is to use widowhail to enhance your quiver skills. But this makes you not be able to do anything else really so you're locked into to just spamming concs. You can't assign a conc to a weapon slot either. Even if Conc does higher damage than GA, I don't think the trade offs above are worth it. GA is much faster all around, with conc probably only being better in boss fights because of it's most likely higher damage overall. The question is what are you gaining really by not using a bow/GA? Last edited by suchacrisis#2704 on Dec 19, 2024, 1:32:56 AM
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I made the swap to poisonous concoction to try it out from gas arrow. The damage of pCon using a cheap quiver and window hail was very noticeable on map bosses. It wasn't noticeable for map clear and map clear was just slower.
I have big defensive issues now as the clear is so much worst. Breach is not near as much fun and I'm now dying quite a bit. 80% evasion, acro, 2.4k life are my main defenses I was doing a crit poison version as I found an insane timeless jewel for 2 div for 20% poinson magnitude on crit and 6% magnitude and 2% attack speed for each notable in the area. I had about 200% poison magnitude on crit. I have a 280pdps crit bow with 60 life gain on kill. Comparing the two in terms of fun is night and day. Just generic mapping you can't tell the difference in dps, rares die in a split second with each. Instead of the map boss dying in 3-5 seconds it dies instantly but who cares on that. tooltip dps with gas arrow was 7.5k per poison, tooltip with my pCon setup was 14k per poison. It's nowhere near double poison dps though. I can confirm that magnitude of poison on crits dosn't add any dps to my tooltip/advanced stats. Getting crit/crit multi does work with the tooltip. I don't see how I can realistically scale the crit chance of pCon, there is a 1% base on tree so we get a base of 6% compared to a bow base of 11%. I think if I had a very good bow like 400pDps, the gas arrow would be just doing more damage than pCon with much better QoL. If you are budget, pCon is probably better. If you can get a bunch of crit stuff going then gas arrow will likely scale harder. Without a POB though it's hard to say exact numbers when a lot of the scaling vectors don't work with the tooltips. pCon could be very good if I just take out a ton of dps nodes and go hybrid evasion/ES and I get very tanky but I haven't messed with that a ton |
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" I have 708 ES from 1750 evasion chest + 378ev/143es helmet and 122evasion/46 es boots. (Edit: ok I had 58% ES on my amulet.) Last edited by maverikki#1148 on Dec 19, 2024, 3:20:21 AM
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noob question but does a bow like this work for us or not at all since its ele damage?
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" modifiers that affect hits dont apply to the poison once its applied, however breaking armour does affect the physical portion of the hit that applies the poison and will impact the poison damage that way. Last edited by MBlueW#7892 on Dec 19, 2024, 5:33:51 AM
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" Poison is based off of physical and chaos damage. The phys roll is nice but the bow doesnt have any physical damage so scale to thats a dead mod specifically on a cultist bow. The elemental damage doesnt play any part in the poison, so really only the mod on that bow that helps is the +1 arrow. Gas arrow doesn't hit so you dont leech with it nor should you need accuracy. Last edited by MBlueW#7892 on Dec 19, 2024, 5:37:48 AM
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I've made this.
Should i use them or any rare gloves are going to be better? https://imgur.com/rmEebb5 Last edited by Anaroin#1921 on Dec 19, 2024, 5:54:47 AM
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" This is incorrect, I just ran tests against an act boss and the damage was the same with or without corrosion. The average damage was within 1% on both cases. I did 10 tries each. |
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Is there anyway workaround to make the clearing faster?I could sarifice a bit of dps or survivability for more zoomy zoomy mapping.
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" Scattershot and do not loot. |
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