I just quit POE2 because of lack of WAYSTONES.

I didn't do anything scientific but I've repeatedly run down my entire supply of T13s when I stuck to those rather than T15

Sustain below T15 apparently doesn't matter because the only thing worth running is T15, at the same time that "don't die" is the core design principle of the game, it's not surprising that some people are coming away from this apparent dichotomy confused as to what exactly they're supposed to do

Some stones get bricked, others barely worth running - the sweet spot for waystones in this game is to repeatedly run T15s until you have so many you can discard them at leisure
Nemacyst#4607 wrote:
I dont get this OP at all. If you cant sustain the current level of maps you are either:

1. Dying too much.
2. Didnt uprade atlas skills.
3. Arent running or uprading your maps to rare.
4. Are not using precursor tablets in towers to uprade maps.
5. Are not running any rarity on there gear at all. You dont need very
much to make a difference like +50%. Also get the charm that adds +20% to rarity on kill.

Also you do have to grind a little bit. You may have to go back to slightly lower tier (like -1 or -2) maps to your current tier to build up your pool.

This is the issue I think people just want the maps to fall into there lap and not play the game at all.

6: are in really need drop seed (GGG never will surprise me)
7: Have 0 rarity
8: Have a very bad luck streak
9: Are on GGG blacklist of making ur PoE life to hell
I made a thread about this the other day. I'm on Doryani's quest to complete T11 waystones. I ran out of T11 waystones, so I did a couple of T10s that I had. Didn't get any T10 or T11s from that so I had to start doing T9s and T8s, which is just a waste of time.

The people on that thread were like "I'm doing T15 maps bro, and I have tonnes of T11 maps bro. I don't see the problem, bro." This community is ass.

I made a thread about this the other day. I'm on Doryani's quest to complete T11 waystones. I ran out of T11 waystones, so I did a couple of T10s that I had. Didn't get any T10 or T11s from that so I had to start doing T9s and T8s, which is just a waste of time.

The people on that thread were like "I'm doing T15 maps bro, and I have tonnes of T11 maps bro. I don't see the problem, bro." This community is ass.

I concure the high and mighty super drop master tend to spit on all that are grinding the atlas points...

As a solution to your problem try to get some Rarity on your items, i know its not easy but it should help you get a bit more waystones and slightly higher level.
Last edited by Kanjejou#7620 on Jan 27, 2025, 5:17:25 PM
I've said this before but was assured it wasn't the case:
if rarity is affecting quantity, then it's broken
I made a thread about this the other day. I'm on Doryani's quest to complete T11 waystones. I ran out of T11 waystones, so I did a couple of T10s that I had. Didn't get any T10 or T11s from that so I had to start doing T9s and T8s, which is just a waste of time.

The people on that thread were like "I'm doing T15 maps bro, and I have tonnes of T11 maps bro. I don't see the problem, bro." This community is ass.

What is ass is you not listening and then rage against others about your own failure . If you are here to add toxicity through attitude you doing great lmao

You don't need to play T11 to finish the Quest , any maps of higher tier will do . And that's the fucking point : you are supposed to invest all your Atlas points into "find higher tier waystone" , "find more waystone" , "more rarity on waystone" , then craft modifiers on the waystone before you use it to increase the % chance to find waystones on your map . Then you loot tablets , spend Atlas points to find more/better tablets . Then you start to do only Breach/Boss maps , farm related tablets , to get tons of loot & waystones . If you are running very low on waystones you have to do Boss maps over & over as these fight have the highest chance to drop ( higher ) waystones . If you want to get higher tier waystones without farming for them , you merge 3 waystones into 1 of higher tier . But frankly if you've done all the above and play with MF you'll get way too much waystones already for needing to farm Bosses or merge Waystones .

Got it ?
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
I've said this before but was assured it wasn't the case:
if rarity is affecting quantity, then it's broken

I am probably not dropping more waystone since, even if it feel like it, but i certainly got same or higher tier one drop more often since I got my rarity up

so in the end it helped me stay more at T15
I'm doing OK sustaining but I just ran a 200% waystone delirium map ,killed delirium boss and didn't get a single waystone from the whole map lmao
By the time you actually get to pushing endgame waystones drop like rain and you have to adjust your filter and your tabs to accommodate them all.

If you get a div, sell it for exalts and use that on your maps (and to get better gear. You can get a lot of decent gear for cheap.)

Target boss maps with irradiation and corruption for the + levels.

Corrupting can help (4-600% waystone chance).

Make sure you are advancing your atlas properly. Here is fubguns starting atlas as an example: https://imgur.com/onIIzHt

When you buy or craft gear, prioritize resists and rarity.

Edit: I've got 300+ hours over 6 chars and one thing became very clear (which is not news), builds are not equal. Just like POE1 it really helps to have a strong meta build (spark, ice strike/flurry monks, lightning arrow, etc.) to farm with and advance the endgame, farm gear and currency, etc. Annoying as it may be it helps a lot to do that.
Last edited by randomurder#2472 on Jan 30, 2025, 7:07:02 AM
I have 5k gold that allows me to buy a single WAYSTONE. I need 81 TIER1 waystones to combine them into TIER4 (my current tier).

MAPS do not drop waystones or drop them rarely even after I put 2 points into wayponts passive. I don't have exalts to upgrade my waysones so I simply ran out.

WAYSTONE drop should be GUARANTEED with your current stupid design (1 life only per map).

This is serious problem for new players, of course not for streamers that have millions of gold.

I have one tab full with Tier1-5 and another tab with Full of Tier 6+ maps, I don't upgrade my waystones until my waystone's tab are full.
- You need to juice tower with table has (x% Increased Quantity of Waystones Found)
- Find area that has more than 2 towers to stack that mods.
- And of course atlas with (Waystone found have x% chance to be a tier higher)
- Don't forget (x% Increased Quantity of Precursor Tablets)
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