PoE 2 On death explosions need tuning or removal
Some feedback after about 100 hours in poe2, most of which has been melee.
On death explosions are way too dangerous and not even slightly funny. Especially with the map being dead if you die. Melee is already at a higher risk of dying to random stuff from being in melee range. On death explosions are far from visible enough and deal ridiculous amounts of damage. I have 2.1k hp, 900es 75% all res including chaos, 70% phys reduction and still get oneshotted from on death explosions i cant see between the usual visual clarity of poe, freeze explosions, chilled ground and other on ground effects along with the overlay map. on death explosions in poe1 while annoying are far from as punishing as in poe2. and in poe1 you also have 6 portals so you can keep going in the map if you die. Melee is already at a higher risk of dying to random stuff from being in melee range. On death explosions that you cant see guarantees death and a bricked map. Suggestion: - Remove on death explosions or - Tune down the damage of on death explosions by alot - Make on death explosions much more visible Last bumped on Jan 22, 2025, 12:07:02 AM
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Or add a sound effect, as on DD in poe 1. The technology exists :)
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bump - if nothing is changed I don't think I will main a melee going forward.
playing a monk I'm already laying down ice patches and there is no visual clarity some times to something going off. If I can't see it and I have capped res, AND DIE something is wrong single map death is causing negative reinforcement and same with the iron/copper/ citadels. I had never done breach boss before until last night attempt, 300 breachstones as an investment to learn the fight is ridiculous for one try. By the time I farm those stones again at roughly 15 fragments / breach will I EVEN have the muscle memory for what I had seen previously? -Sincerely, Having fun and frustrated |
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Even as ranged it's frustrating, especially in maps. If it has a delayed on death explosion, I can kill it from afar, then by the time I'm running past it will explode and 1 shot me.
Especially when running a delirium map where it's harder to see the on death effects. |
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You do know they all make a sound, have a pretty substantial aura about them and very few mobs produce after-death effects...You know you all could just see and remember what does it and do what the rest of us who don't die from after-death effects do right? Its called moving out of the way
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" Thats super far away from reality as it can be. You eithier play white tier 1 waystones or you just rage baiting. All the mess and graphical map design make on death effects hardly visible. Maps are eithier hyper bright or super dark and so ice/fire or blood explosions are hardly visible. |
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Plz remove these on death effects and spam explosive spells I'm sometimes dodging 25 different effect from volatile orbs to puddles on the ground covering a huge area no way to avoid then a mob can repeatedly DD mobs ,this experience sucks poe 1 had these effects but there dialed up to 12 here and it feel like shit to loose every map to explosions, the game lags a lot for me to if i get any lag when these effects happen there is literally nothing to do to avoid it why are u forcing ruthless on people!!!
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I play warrior and sorc and not at a high level (tier 10) and its bordering on ridiculous. I don't even care that it one-shots me, the problem is I can't see it. I have literally made it my singular goal to observe this telegraph so I can avoid the subsequent damage and am now convinced that on some maps, it is invisible.
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I'm melee and at Tier14 maps, I don't think I've been killed by on-death mechanics even once. I rarely even get hit by them. I know by now how the mobs looks like that have on-death mechanics and anticipate it. Corpse explosion is very obvious too, especially on bigger monsters. Also learn to recognize the monsters that have build-in corpse explosion mechanics. I honestly don't see the problem. But luckily GGG has the statistics and they can probably tell if it really kills too many people.
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Pls remove on death explosion. It's just there to kill player who are too in a hurry to get there loot.
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