Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

patch will be deployed after the holidays?
So instead of BUFFING the minions that have high cost to be on arsonist level, you NERF arsonist to be on higher cost???? man this is fun

For context, this makes a build go from 2 clerics 10 arsonists (with blink and raging spirits ofc) go to 1 cleric and 8 arsonists and +5 spirit. Insane

I would assume it's to bring it in line with other classes rather than minions.
are you all going to fix UI crashes before the holidays so we can actually enjoy your game?
iWarriorKing - Midwest Innovation (King)
I'm in agreement with this sentiment a bit. You stated that nerfs are the result of something being so far and away above its alternatives that players don't feel that there are any choices besides that thing. If the issue here is that Arsonists are disproportionately popular because of they're cheaper, then why not reduce the spirit costs of the caster minions to match Arsonists? While you're at it, perhaps reduce the cost of Warriors and Snipers as well? If the issue is that Arsonists do too much damage, is this relative to the other minion options or the game as a whole? If it's the former, I doubt the reservation cost nerf will address the issue, unless you just kill Arsonists as an option, because Arsonists have more support than the alternatives. If it's the latter case, well, I don't have anything to say to that.

On another note, could you perhaps look at Power Charge generation for Monk? It's miserable. especially at low levels. Killing Palm isn't viable for any boss without adds. Siphoning Strike is okay, but somewhat cumbersome. It probably comes a bit too late as well. I'm sure you guys have noticed that the main ways Monks are generating Power Charges revolve around Combat Frenzy and Profane Ritual currently. Combat Frenzy is fine but feels like it only works well with Cold builds. Profane Ritual just feels bad. It's a "do nothing" button that you're hitting for Power Charge gain only. This button also slows down Monk gameplay and must be pressed fairly regularly. Worse still, it doesn't even address Monk's struggles with Power Charge generation on bosses.

Lastly, some quality of life requests for controller/console players. Could you guys please work on text and UI scaling for consoles? It is extremely difficult to read text from typical living room distances. For the different "offering" skills, such as Pain Offering, could you maybe let us set a minion type preset for it to cast on? At the very least, could you adjust the skill to not eat your mana and go on cooldown if it doesn't cast successfully? Lastly, could you maybe add the ability to disable party member effects? It is impossible to see anything in a group, and all of the effects completely tank my PS5's performance. Somewhat related to this, could you also prioritize the visibility of enemy effects over player ones? Playing Witch, it's very difficult to see enemy effects through all of the fire walls. Given how much damage enemies deal, that's very dangerous.
Patch notes when? :D

Great changes GGG! Keep up the good work and enjoy your well deserved holidays!
I'm in agreement with this sentiment a bit. You stated that nerfs are the result of something being so far and away above its alternatives that players don't feel that there are any choices besides that thing. If the issue here is that Arsonists are disproportionately popular because of they're cheaper, then why not reduce the spirit costs of the caster minions to match Arsonists? While you're at it, perhaps reduce the cost of Warriors and Snipers as well? If the issue is that Arsonists do too much damage, is this relative to the other minion options or the game as a whole? If it's the former, I doubt the reservation cost nerf will address the issue, unless you just kill Arsonists as an option, because Arsonists have more support than the alternatives. If it's the latter case, well, I don't have anything to say to that.

On another note, could you perhaps look at Power Charge generation for Monk? It's miserable. especially at low levels. Killing Palm isn't viable for any boss without adds. Siphoning Strike is okay, but somewhat cumbersome. It probably comes a bit too late as well. I'm sure you guys have noticed that the main ways Monks are generating Power Charges revolve around Combat Frenzy and Profane Ritual currently. Combat Frenzy is fine but feels like it only works well with Cold builds. Profane Ritual just feels bad. It's a "do nothing" button that you're hitting for Power Charge gain only. This button also slows down Monk gameplay and must be pressed fairly regularly. Worse still, it doesn't even address Monk's struggles with Power Charge generation on bosses.

Lastly, some quality of life requests for controller/console players. Could you guys please work on text and UI scaling for consoles? It is extremely difficult to read text from typical living room distances. For the different "offering" skills, such as Pain Offering, could you maybe let us set a minion type preset for it to cast on? At the very least, could you adjust the skill to not eat your mana and go on cooldown if it doesn't cast successfully? Lastly, could you maybe add the ability to disable party member effects? It is impossible to see anything in a group, and all of the effects completely tank my PS5's performance. Somewhat related to this, could you also prioritize the visibility of enemy effects over player ones? Playing Witch, it's very difficult to see enemy effects through all of the fire walls. Given how much damage enemies deal, that's very dangerous.

Awesome feedback!
e_sen#2038 wrote:
guys what are you talking about? im playing infernalist and clearly it is not balanced. she can kill everything without risking anything (except on death ground bombs and it is gone now). It is not balanced (again i am playing infernalist with minions)

Not balanced I agree but unbalanced as in the only infernalist summoner build that matters now are srs+arsonist.

Other minions like frost, storm or cleric are for support only since they lack damage to rely on them purely. Skele warrior lack aoe to clear mobs and no one use reavers.

So instead of trying other build because of the nerf, we got stuck with the less powerful version with no other alternative.

It doesn't help also that only infernalist are good now for summoner build since the passive nodes are too far away for other class to use.

I don't know how you're killing anything tbh. Even T1 maps are griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiindy. It's almost unbearable.
Going on vacation while potentially thousands of people can't play due to freezing/crashing. Wild.
e_sen#2038 wrote:
guys what are you talking about? im playing infernalist and clearly it is not balanced. she can kill everything without risking anything (except on death ground bombs and it is gone now). It is not balanced (again i am playing infernalist with minions)

Not balanced I agree but unbalanced as in the only infernalist summoner build that matters now are srs+arsonist.

Other minions like frost, storm or cleric are for support only since they lack damage to rely on them purely. Skele warrior lack aoe to clear mobs and no one use reavers.

So instead of trying other build because of the nerf, we got stuck with the less powerful version with no other alternative.

It doesn't help also that only infernalist are good now for summoner build since the passive nodes are too far away for other class to use.

I don't know how you're killing anything tbh. Even T1 maps are griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiindy. It's almost unbearable.

I'm deleting T1 with my Blood Mage, which is a waaaaay weaker class than Infernalist. So...?
I've said it before and I say it again, I'm disappointed in the planned changes. They don't touch the strongest builds and they definitely don't help the weakest builds. They definitely aren't doing anything to make up for the builds they destroyed with the triggers. They even nerfed us further.

But If I'm trying to be positive, hey, at least I am happy I got the update I requested. Now I know where this is going.

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