Acolyte of Chayula - League Starter/SSF - Off-Meta - Hexblast Monk to get to Endgame (and beyond)

drabo89#6635 wrote:

For this build to work, you need to have good items! I'm currently changing the build, so if anyone wants to buy it, I can sell the set for a few Divine Orbs.

Text to me in game: drabo

That's not true at all. I made this build work with using only blues and SSF. Please don't turn the forum used for legitimate questions as a place to advertise your marketplace.
This is a more general question but since you were sporting 2 6L-gems in this build, maybe you found the way:
How do you get to 6L? 5L seems to be somewhat doable but 6L seems to be tough!

In my variant, I also put in a 6L, but that was mostly to have something to aim for, and it works with fewer links. Are you doing the same with your buildplanner? I did not play a major grind session so far so maybe the perfect orbs are not as rare as I think? Or is there some crafting recipe or something?
Grule#2367 wrote:
This is a more general question but since you were sporting 2 6L-gems in this build, maybe you found the way:
How do you get to 6L? 5L seems to be somewhat doable but 6L seems to be tough!

In my variant, I also put in a 6L, but that was mostly to have something to aim for, and it works with fewer links. Are you doing the same with your buildplanner? I did not play a major grind session so far so maybe the perfect orbs are not as rare as I think? Or is there some crafting recipe or something?

Excellent Question!

In general, this build absolutely does not need 6L to work. I finished out the campaign and into maps with two 4L and that was definitely enough.

Just prioritize the big damage support gems like Controlled Destruction and Concentrated Effect.

You can move clarity off of blasphemy and into withering presence which will also help with links.

For Example:
Hexblast: Controlled Destruction, Concentrated Effect, Considered Casting
Blasphemy: Temporal Chains, Despair, Magnified Effect
Withering Presence: Clarity

Hope that helps!
Last edited by Kobyjoe#5354 on Dec 23, 2024, 10:32:06 AM
I've been playing a build similar, ish, to this the last little while now, though I'm still going through the campaign and haven't hit endgame yet.

My goal was to focus on chaos damage over time (terrible idea I know, because hexblast is the Chosen One atm lmao), and I've been eyeing up the potential of using a chaos damage bow and adding poisonblast arrow and poison gas arrow to my setup which is primarily just chaos occult spells at the moment.

My passives are primarily chaos damage boosters and not necessarily spell damage, but I am not 100% sure if the poison skills would scale well off that alone? Is it worth the dex requirements?

I'm aware it's far from meta I just thought it was worth asking people who knew more about the damage scaling than I do, since I don't have a path of building equivalent to feed into to test yet
qw12po09#0815 wrote:
I've been playing a build similar, ish, to this the last little while now, though I'm still going through the campaign and haven't hit endgame yet.

My goal was to focus on chaos damage over time (terrible idea I know, because hexblast is the Chosen One atm lmao), and I've been eyeing up the potential of using a chaos damage bow and adding poisonblast arrow and poison gas arrow to my setup which is primarily just chaos occult spells at the moment.

My passives are primarily chaos damage boosters and not necessarily spell damage, but I am not 100% sure if the poison skills would scale well off that alone? Is it worth the dex requirements?

I'm aware it's far from meta I just thought it was worth asking people who knew more about the damage scaling than I do, since I don't have a path of building equivalent to feed into to test yet

Hello! Really enjoyed reading through your thought process on your build here. Keep in mind, this build was made to be off-meta, not sure if that has shifted and folks have made this type of build broken at this point. Honestly, wouldn't surprise me considering how insane this was scaling when I hit maps.

Chaos Damage over time actually seemed fine while I was playing it. It's just way more buttons to press. Decaying Hex (non-blasphemy), Contagion, Essence drain, effigy and poisons are all great, but are a bit tough to gear for.

It's worth noting that poisons will spread with Contagion which I found pretty neat. Acolyte of Chayula probably isn't the best choice for that set-up unless you are just grabbing it for the defensives. There are some damage improvements, but unless you are casting spells that actually "hit" things, you won't see a ton of benefit. I would probably focus more on Pathfinder (Poisons), Chronomancer (cast speed, debuffs and Defensives) or even Blood Mage to remove Blasphemy from the equation and get infinite curse duration + great defensives.

Anyway, going pure chaos damage over time definitely seems like it would take more brain power, but I'm pretty sure it would work well!
Hey ! You are mixing 2 wand spells :
Mana drain and Power siphon = Mana Siphon and it do not exists.

As far as I see on Maxroll you mean Mana drain :)
Pouloum#0891 wrote:
Hey ! You are mixing 2 wand spells :
Mana drain and Power siphon = Mana Siphon and it do not exists.

As far as I see on Maxroll you mean Mana drain :)

Indeed! I mention this earlier in the forum that we should be getting Mana Drain for the instant Mana leech and defensive heal, which is a big deal. We don't use Power Charges at all so a Power Siphon wand would do absolutely nothing for us!
Been running something like this for a few acts now. Love it. Can confirm that throwing chaos freeze on my contagion and then hitting it a few times with hex blasts freezes so many things. It's amazing. Even without chaos freeze, I was staggering bosses reliably.
Been running something like this for a few acts now. Love it. Can confirm that throwing chaos freeze on my contagion and then hitting it a few times with hex blasts freezes so many things. It's amazing. Even without chaos freeze, I was staggering bosses reliably.

Nice! Yeah, I'm fairly confident just bumping this up to a two button build with Contagion and Chaotic Freeze is a good idea.
Question about the build, and I have been loving it so far, although I am still in the campaign. Based on experience in PoE 1, chaos resist was always a big pain to get?

With damage coming from mana essentially, is there a reason we don't take Chaos Innoculation?

We'd be immune from chaos (less affixes to hunt), and our damage is coming out of mana anyways, not life

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