Poe2 Endgame bugged / Citadels do not spawn/appear in the endgame map at all

Same here, 200+ maps not a single citadel and speak to doryani quest. Anyone found solution?

Lvl 90, 288 hours in.

Zero citadels.
Same here, at least a few screens from the center, no citadels, no beams anywhere, legacy of the vaal stuck

Edit: found one! apparently the beam is only visible if you are pretty close to it... for me it was a bit more than 4 screens from the start
Last edited by Kamil432#5837 on Jan 19, 2025, 8:26:12 AM
Kamil432#5837 wrote:
Same here, at least a few screens from the center, no citadels, no beams anywhere, legacy of the vaal stuck

Found a few citidels, killed arbitor, no lights appearing in the fog. stuck on Legacy of the Vaal
i have only found one citadel in 369 hours, and I dont have any lighthouses in the fog at all. scary game why laser wpglhf ggg
Same here, 3 endgame characters, not a single citadel in sight.
I also have zero citadels spawning after defeating arbiter of ash.
I must report you are wrong. Citadels spawn just fine, with or without Doriani's quest. The amount of game time/level/maps competed has nothing to do with Citadel spawn. Just continue in one direction and you'll find one eventually.
Btw, I had Doriani's bug and finished the quest after killing the breach boss, random but done.
Hi there! I have the same issue. Just recently citadels stopped appearing on my map. I tried using my second character however no luck. No citadels to be found.

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