Integrate trading in-game
How to fix the trading (yes, it is broken ATM)
1. Add an in-game interface that matches the options of the off-site website. 2. Give players the ability to store items in a folder where the game can access them without player interaction so we don't have to get bothered every 10 seconds or lose out on sales because we are offline. 3. Make the sales COST CURRENCY to list so we don't have 99999999 mirror sales by trolls and list/relisters that use bots to keep their items at a certain cost which lags the interface constantly, fake listings, etc. Plus it keeps the cost creep from becoming a sprint like it is right now. 4. Make the listings only good for a certain period of time which keeps the item database fresh and doesn't include players that stopped playing 2 months ago (going with #2 also fixes this by default). 5. Give us a way to DEPOSIT items that are listed for sale so we don't have to track them in a folder and can still sell them while offline (like most AHs in various games do) Things this would fix: Scammers locking in item values by listing a low-price item then never selling it nor responding to anyone asking about it... so they can get players to list items for LESS and then buy them and relist. Missing out on offline sales Players not responding to whispers Players being bothered by people trying to buy things, etc. Thing this wouldn't break: Player interaction. If your one and only interaction with other players is inviting them to your hideout to do a 10 second trade then you might want to consider joining a global chat channel. It's far more social. Realistically this is just one of the ways the game needs to update to join modern-gaming. Visit my Steam profile here: Last edited by Bacon_Overlord#1834 on Dec 30, 2024, 10:48:16 AM Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 1:01:56 PM
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Do you comprehend that if they add something like that everything what players will drop at maps will be worthless?
On Probation Any%
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" That doesn't even make sense. Please, explain your logic on how making trading more accessible to new players somehow devalues everything. Visit my Steam profile here:
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" Sure brother. Most of the players don't bother selling stuff. In the trade you have like fraction of items competing with each other. Ok, we have auction house. Now everyone is selling basically everything. Competing factor just skyrocket. On Probation Any%
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" So you're saying people actually listing items for competitive prices would slow down the cost creep that's currently in a flat-out sprint?? And... that's bad... how? Also, you've got it backwards. People trying to compete with each other will actually pay attention to the cost of items rather than just throwing everything into a "1 div" or "10 div" box and selling whatever they can. Visit my Steam profile here:
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" Current economy in PoE2 is bad example. The game is in bad state, is incomplete, people don't know what is value what not, it will change completely. It's not problem with trade, it's problem that game is new. On Probation Any% Last edited by Dxt44#4050 on Dec 30, 2024, 11:07:37 AM
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" Yet that's what we're discussing. So, are you trolling or did you just have an epiphany that you were wrong? Visit my Steam profile here:
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" I don't have idea what are you on about. What you're proposing is like a quick band aid for problems that will resolve themselves, but it will make things worse in the long run, especially for new players. On Probation Any%
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" No, guy.. the "quick bandaid" was adding a third-party website to try to make trading happen in a game that didn't include it originally. That was literally the "fix" for something that wasn't included in POE 1. Now they brought that broken process over to POE 2... a process that isn't even explained to new players on how to list items or how to jump through all the proper hoops to even START selling items. A game that hilariously requires third-party APPs to tell players how much things are worth because there is no in-game interface to the AH. I can go on and on and on and on. Visit my Steam profile here:
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like GeGeGe
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