Once again ,95% players suffer because of elitists which are minority

the double standards are crazy

gas grenade/gas arrow weren't even op and they instantly nerfed them by like 35%

meanwhile archmage, howa, cast on minion death, barrier invocation builds are going rampant and ggg is sleeping, saying "no nerfs until new league"

the biggest hypocrites of the gaming industry
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
LeFlesh#9979 wrote:

There are users that play with intent to stay invested in their toons and don't care about league resets. Why should they be excluded from seeing novel content?

poe1 wrote the book on seasonal content added to economic resets every 3 months in arpgs. its why its the most successful long term arpg. this game would not exist for you to be on these forums posting if it were not for this model.

diablo 3 and 4 adopted this model, its essentially mandatory for any arpg that wants to last more than 6 months.

theres people in poe1 who only play standard not leagues, they usually get a watered down version of the content added to the base game 3 months later. sometimes the content doesnt make it to the base game. they accept this cause they understand without it the game wouldnt even exist.

IRanssom#2660 wrote:

I would be greatful if we could wait a couple of months at least.

dont worry mate it will be at least a month, and theres a good possibility it will be a couple of months.

Werdx_1#3669 wrote:

As of streamers,they get their gear from GGG and viewers. They sure as fuck didnt farm 700 divines. Streamers who play SSF ,t hey simply get gear from GGG and that's it.

I just find it hard to believe,ALL SSF streamers,got their build enabling uber uniques few days into endgame (the only item they ever need in order to showcase how awesome PoE2 is to thousands of their viewers,possible customers)

nah you simply dont understand the game and its economies. you say how do they have this stuff when you have been playing same time and dont have the same stuff?

well with what you are posting here you are showing you dont rly understand the game and the economy. the people you are talking about do. thats why they are doing better at it.

you should probably spend more time watching them and learning the game than ranting about stuff that isnt true. youre always going to be falling behind if you dont accept that its an even playing field and other people are just better at this than you. the people you are talking about are literally streaming and making vids showing you how to do what they are doing, its not hard to learn, all the info is there. you just have to not put yourself in a box and make excuses.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

Don't go too hard on him, its probably the first time playing a game with an actual live economy. Btw you misheard what was said, what the devs said is the transition between campaign and maps is too abrupt in many ways, if anything they implied early maps will be nerfed and that will be in conjunction with a balance+ new content+ economy reset patch...
did you mis the bit where they said they were going to make entry maps a lot easier and then smooth the curve up to the higher tier maps? or the bit where they said they were going to buff up all the underperforming skills?

Snorkle you've been here long enough to know that unless given an explicit number chances are GGG's ideas won't coincide with the players.

What they said could mean things are gonna be made easier, it could also mean they've realised its pretty easy to demolish the bosses right now so they are going to giga buff them.

Or both in different places.

Balance is absolutely all over the place right now and due to launching at Christmas when everyones going to have well deserved time off they've also missed the entire "fast nerf" window aside from 2 skills that wouldn't even look busted now.

Its a mess, and how they make it less messy if I know GGG will be almost completely random.

ya the balance is almost non existant.

i expect those builds that are destroying bosses in seconds are going to be completely nuked, thats how that one is gonna go.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Sidushi#1349 wrote:
skullder#7274 wrote:
Really dissapointed with GGG. They seem to prioritize streamers and content creators, nothing changed really since POE1 - should've expected this.

How do the prioritize them exactly? Why is this any concern to you that other people play the game more and get more items, it seems rather logical; you farm more you get more. Play the game and farm, ignore other people.

Who is most interested in first world problem which is balancing pinnacle bosses at this stage of early access? Majority of player base or streamers who can produce dozens of more content about it?
What about instead fix RNG-f***fest which is getting 3rd and 4th ascendancy? I think more people would be happy about this but I guess no new content for streamers that way, isn't it?
IGN: SparkSkullder / LaSkullder
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

Sry dude but this a beta test and will be up to change until live
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

I'm level 86 doing T15 MAPS and I have

One fkn divine, that's it.

Htf are all you cheaters getting 100s and 1000s of divines
rarity is the only problem, not stacking it feels like going to a boxing match but with one hand tied behind my back..
Just popping in to point out that ad populum is a logic fallacy and also no one has numbers that support any ad populum arguments.

Until you have polling data you should stick to making sound arguments instead of trying to self fluff your posts with popularity you're making up out of thin air.

I expect that the total shittier players are in fact a majority, but I also know that pandering to shit tier players is how you end up with a steaming pile of gaming dog doo.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Jan 13, 2025, 8:18:15 PM
Just popping in to point out that ad populum is a logic fallacy and also no one has numbers that support any ad populum arguments.

Until you have polling data you should stick to making sound arguments instead of trying to self fluff your posts with popularity you're making up out of thin air.

I expect that the total shittier players are in fact a majority, but I also know that pandering to shit tier players is how you end up with a steaming pile of gaming dog doo.

No need to pander, they just need to fix their game, which they as much as admitted in the interview is crap right now.

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