Once again ,95% players suffer because of elitists which are minority

Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

Man, for 2 divines and few extalts you can have CI monk with 5k ES and 250-550 phys quarterstaff. But yeah, go back to D4 if you don't understand what EA is and that there will be league resets due to big patches drops. I'm level 86 and saw only 2 div drops but I'm not feeling sorry for myself.
Zeturion#7271 wrote:

Man, for 2 divines and few extalts you can have CI monk with 5k ES and 250-550 phys quarterstaff. But yeah, go back to D4 if you don't understand what EA is and that there will be league resets due to big patches drops. I'm level 86 and saw only 2 div drops but I'm not feeling sorry for myself.

Duno why many people keep directing other to D4 when the endgame flow is pretty much the exact same scenario

The difference is that there are no active trade in D4, while gearing in D4 is much easier to do.
"There's nothing wrong with the currency loot drops, look at me, I'm rich!" - By a No-lifer who lives at his parents home and plays the game 20 hours a day / 7 days a week.

if the nerd playing 20 hours a day has 100x more currency than the average player, then they double the amount of currency that drops all that will happen is everyone will have twice as much currency, everything will cost twice as much currency and the nerd still has 100x more currency than the average player.

nothing would change. currency isnt wealth, its the means by which wealth is distributed.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

A few points:

- 5% is approximately the amount of players that reach T16 maps. Yes, the endgame should be balanced for them, not for the huge percentage of players that don't even finish the campaign.

- I am not sure what you mean "twitch builds" and "troll builds". If you mean very expensive builds, they are in no way necessary.

- On that note, if you can't find a build that works for you with a 20d budget, the problem is most definitely not the builds.

- They didn't hint at an economy reset, they said it clearly. Of course the economy will reset, probably multiple times in EA. He haven't even had a league yet.

- Nothing wrong with going back to the games you enjoy. Games like D4 are indeed made for everyone.
AintCare#6513 wrote:
ugh meant to reply to Snorlkkle

that doesn't work like that, its exact opposite lol

not sure what u mean?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

You really are a summer child.

First of all, it is an Early Access so don't understand your complaints, you should know what it means and what you agree to by playing it.
Second point, the game revolves around leagues, bringing new mechanics and economy resets every few months, it has always been this way so again you started playing without checking anything.
Another point is you can still continue playing your character, nothing is gonna stop you from doing that, but people will move on to the new server with new economy

Like you said, go back to LE or D4, which has exactly the same thing instead called seasons.

Really dissapointed with GGG. They seem to prioritize streamers and content creators, nothing changed really since POE1 - should've expected this.
IGN: SparkSkullder / LaSkullder

if the nerd playing 20 hours a day has 100x more currency than the average player, then they double the amount of currency that drops all that will happen is everyone will have twice as much currency, everything will cost twice as much currency and the nerd still has 100x more currency than the average player.

nothing would change. currency isnt wealth, its the means by which wealth is distributed.

The "currrency" in the game isnt money, or gold, the currency has uses, e.g. exalted orbs are very useful for upgrading gear. And currently I dont have enough currency to craft the items I need to progress the game. If you play 20 hours a day your going to be rich no matter what. But the current rate of currency drop is detrimental to players who DONT spend 20 hours a day.
Economy reset means new season btw. There is no wipe, you can keep your current character if you want. But if you want to play in new season, you need to start over like everyone else. For early access i believe both of the servers will get the update. But after launch, only seasons will be getting the new content, just like how D4 works.

Idk what are you saying rn op.

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