Once again ,95% players suffer because of elitists which are minority


if the nerd playing 20 hours a day has 100x more currency than the average player, then they double the amount of currency that drops all that will happen is everyone will have twice as much currency, everything will cost twice as much currency and the nerd still has 100x more currency than the average player.

nothing would change. currency isnt wealth, its the means by which wealth is distributed.

Devaluing of currency is a good thing, helps to shift the focus on crafting.

What they said could mean things are gonna be made easier, it could also mean they've realised its pretty easy to demolish the bosses right now so they are going to giga buff them.

Thats not necessarily a bad thing. A challenging boss is always more enjoyable than walking loot pinatas. This was best exemplified by one clip of Raiz where before a boss arena door he raises from his slumped position back to a proper sitting position on the desk, saying that "he needs to actually focus on this".
MEITTI#3999 wrote:

What they said could mean things are gonna be made easier, it could also mean they've realised its pretty easy to demolish the bosses right now so they are going to giga buff them.

Thats not necessarily a bad thing. A challenging boss is always more enjoyable than walking loot pinatas. This was best exemplified by one clip of Raiz where before a boss arena door he raises from his slumped position back to a proper sitting position on the desk, saying that "he needs to actually focus on this".

The problem is that what's "challenging" for a best performing build may end up being near impossible for an off-meta one.
MEITTI#3999 wrote:

What they said could mean things are gonna be made easier, it could also mean they've realised its pretty easy to demolish the bosses right now so they are going to giga buff them.

Thats not necessarily a bad thing. A challenging boss is always more enjoyable than walking loot pinatas. This was best exemplified by one clip of Raiz where before a boss arena door he raises from his slumped position back to a proper sitting position on the desk, saying that "he needs to actually focus on this".

It would be nice if the challenging boss was ALSO a loot pinata. More often than not its just a bunch of crap.
Hate to break it to you OP but everything in early access is staying in early access when 1.0 launches so its best not to get attached to things.
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

Brother, you misunderstood everything and complaining over nothing. Get help. They have never said anything about buffing monster or boss life or damage. Also when the economy reset happens you will keep your stash you can still keep playing the same characters. There will just be another fresh league with its own economy. You clearly don't know much about the game. I would suggest go to D4 or whatever you want and wait for the full release of this game. Clearly early access is not for you.
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

- I am not sure what you mean "twitch builds" and "troll builds". If you mean very expensive builds, they are in no way necessary.

That's why every streamer plays same 4 builds , out of 6 classes and 12 ascendancies
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
''Where we want character power to be and where balance of monsters and bosses should be relative to that''

Inc monster and boss damage/hp buff , therefore leaving everyone and anyone who's not playing twitch builds that oneshot 12 screens of enemines in 0.5 sec , with .!. in their hands.

Ofc , let 95% playerbase to suffer because of 5% people who dont know how to play anything else but troll builds.

Also he hinted there's gonna be economy reset . Again , lets fuck over people who barelly scrapped 20 divines in 450 hours , because of some players who had gear worth 700 divines 13 days in Early Access...

Back to LE and D4 i guess...

- I am not sure what you mean "twitch builds" and "troll builds". If you mean very expensive builds, they are in no way necessary.

That's why every streamer plays same 4 builds (its mostly same 3 builds) , out of 6 classes and 12 ascendancies

At the release and few days into it,everyone had different classes/specs , but once people figured out the most OP shit , everyone started playing that.

Just look at Exiled Again videos on YT.He has like 50 different people who's clips he uploads,they all play same builds.
Last edited by Werdx_1#3669 on Jan 13, 2025, 11:40:12 AM
Just say you're bad.
Werdx_1#3669 wrote:
That's why every streamer plays same 4 builds (its mostly same 3 builds) , out of 6 classes and 12 ascendancies

At the release and few days into it,everyone had different classes/specs , but once people figured out the most OP shit , everyone started playing that.

Just look at Exiled Again videos on YT.He has like 50 different people who's clips he uploads,they all play same builds.

You aren't making sense again - streamers play the same 4 builds because it is not necessary to play expensive builds? This isn't even coherent.

You seem to think it is bad that people want to play powerful builds? This makes no sense either, but - again - there is going to be a huge variety of builds of wildly varying power levels, all capable of clearing the game and endgame farming. So where is the problem here?

As for youtubers, they are the same as streamers. They play whatever build will get them the most viewers. How is this even relevant to the rest of the game?

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