One Death Maps is a monumental failure.


Oh okay. I understand now. So basically they get more attempts at certain league mechanics. I don't really see this as a problem.

It wouldn't work with Breach because it would close by the time you re-enter. It would work with Ritual & Excavation though but I don't see this as a problem at all. If anything, it tells the devs that those league mechanics are overtuned if people are too afraid to do them in red maps. Ritual right now is overtuned for example. I can't do Ritual on my SSF character. I'm literally forced to avoid it. I think this is a bigger problem. Players shouldn't be incentivized to skip league mechanics IMO. I want to do Ritual but with only 1 portal I have no choice but to avoid it.

I have the same impression. If people are avoiding the mechanics at higher levels something is wrong with the mechanic.

Ritual is just broken, not because it is hard.. but, because the spawn locations. The Ritual tree always spawn in a cramped or very obstructed space, and looks it was caoded this way intentionally. If we can't one shot the spawning mobs, embrace the fate of death.
Fhrek#4437 wrote:
Ritual is just broken, not because it is hard.. but, because the spawn locations. The Ritual tree always spawn in a cramped or very obstructed space, and looks it was caoded this way intentionally. If we can't one shot the spawning mobs, embrace the fate of death.

NGL, I wouldn't even say its the obstructions that make it broken (though they certainly don't help). I would argue its mostly that the rewards are almost always a hot load of fresh detritus. Most of the time when I clear a good ritual set, I open up the ritual shop, see a whole lot of blue and yellow items with bad mods and low enough item level that they aren't interesting, spend the 1000 to refresh, and see the same thing and spend the remaining points on some augs and mutes.

One time I found an omen of ameleoration; so to find an interesting item one in maybe 20-25 ritual maps? Pretty sus.

I wish I had the talents though; reviving a bunch of extra yellow monsters sounds fun.
It wouldn't work with Breach because it would close by the time you re-enter.

It actually would work with breach so long as you are playing solo, and you have the presence of mind to put down your portal near the breach before you open it.

I have actually had game client crashes mid breach and come back in a couple minutes later once my potato sorts itself out and carried right on; I'm pretty sure that the server suspends all ongoing processes when there is nobody left in the map.

That's because the server side of the instance pauses when you disconnect. It wouldn't pause if you respawned. Theoretically it shouldn't.
That's because the server side of the instance pauses when you disconnect. It wouldn't pause if you respawned. Theoretically it shouldn't.

To be fair, that's a bit of a schrodinger's cat. Kinda difficult to check it without looking under the hood.

I would hope it works that way as well though yeah.
litler#9087 wrote:
That's okay. You're not a dev. So I'm going to continue to voice my feedback because I do not care what some meaningless know-it-all player of 0 consequence cares about his fanatical and sycophantic repeating of what some dev said in a livestream.

Listen here buddy; this is the real world.

If 90% of the playerbase complains, and nothing changes, they will leave.
If they do that, the map system will change.

I get that you worship GGG, but get with the program.

Money talks, bullshit walks.

And this One Map Death system is total bullshit.

You're in the minority.

It's the one thing that I really f'ing hate and could possibly lead to me just quitting at some point.

I'm ok with the 10% exp loss. I'm used to it from PoE 1.

But then you also:
- Take away the rest of the map, losing that waystone, as if waystones are super common.
- Take away all the bosses, mechanics, etc on that node making it so pointless I might as well just run it with a Tier 1 map to get to the next asap.
- Take away all the loot that was on the ground that I didn't get a chance to pick up.
- Force my friend to either finish the map alone while I sit their with my thumb up my ass waiting, or to just leave the boss/events/etc as well ... great way to make your game enjoyable, forcing me to sit on the sidelines.

It's a horrible mechanic. Just ADMIT IT and change it.

Stop trying to shove Hardcore mechanics into softcore.

It does really suck. I don't know what they're thinking tbh. They'll probably slowly do away with it. First arbiter, then other pinnacle bosses, then citadel bosses, then in general...
My biggest issue with death is the node being bricked. Take my waystone for a single death, fine. Want 10% of my exp? Take it. But removing all the modifiers and content on the node just feels like kicking me while I'm down. Especially when I need to clear the node to get to the next one. Now I'm stuck running a map with no content after having just died so the entire map I'm just thinking about the terrible death mechanics with no content to even distract you from it.

POE1 had multiple portals per map that could be used for dying or loot, had XP loss, but way less oneshot mechanics and much stronger defensive layers than POE2.

I think they may just be trying to do too much too fast.

Making the game more deadly, making people have to pay more attention to where they stand and whats around them. That seems like a fine idea. Making people suffer for dying? Fine idea. Making people suffer MASSIVELY for dying? Ehh....

I've gotten my characters to the point where my waystones are not an issue and I progress through the map fine, but there were tricky moments where I felt like I had no waystones to run and had to go do low level ones to work my way back up.

This isn't horrible, and I learned from the process, but the penalty for death is so severe that it is encouraging a meta of "kill and CC it to the point where its modifiers have ZERO effect". Good builds don't see boss abilities or the modifiers of strong rares (save mana donut if it leaps at you), they simply delete them before they can matter.

GGG has said they do not like how quickly bosses die. One assumed big rares and map bosses would be included in this (maybe?), and that people would actually have to have builds that take time to kill things.

If they nerf the outlier builds down to a more reasonable level, deaths will REALLY start to matter. Heaven forfend if they try to get people to actually melee monsters that are not chain frozen so you can ignore their abilities.

Death will matter. Alot. It doesn't because you can make builds that just don't die, because they offscreen kill everything to the point where you don't know what things can do. I do this on my warrior with Shockwave totem. I rarely know what a rare can do unless it has a big graphic on it because they die before they can get near me.

However that hardly feels fair. I'd like to melee on my warrior, but that is just foolishness.

GGG should tone down what builds can do, and tone down how punishing death is. Otherwise the only things viable will be the broken builds that never risk death.

The devs wasted all their time to make poe2 endgame just a texture pack of poe1 while expanding play time without raising rewards. They simply don't understand the fundaments of fun. They will end up having the same poe1 audience with this, which will copypaste the same meta builds spamming aoe to blow everything up before death can occur. It's amazing how immune to common sense these devs are, reproducing every single cringy and clunky step of poe1 to make poe2 the same unfun niche bs, that nobody asked for.
Last edited by AngryGekko#0233 on Jan 19, 2025, 8:26:54 PM

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