Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

This is only tangentially related to the announcement, but I see it's already being discussed and highlights something I've also disliked about PoE, so here is my feedback, as a person 98% of whose characters have already been SSF.

I also feel that the current system for trading is a too much of a hassle, and its design is inconsistent with a trading-intended game

I believe it's irrelevant if it works for some people or whether one has all the information or not. I don't believe it matters whether you can avoid being scammed in a badly interconnected system.

If trading is central to the game, the game should be designed to perform that trading internally, not rely on having players trudge through reams of forum posts or on offloading the work of managing the inventory to third parties.

I don't trade because to do so, I have to visit a random third party website to even find what I'm looking for; then I have to message the person and hope they're online/paying attention; and, should both of us happen to be available to trade at the moment, go to the same instance with them, open a generic trading window, and carefully examine what they place in it; because this transaction has no link to the item I was looking for, on this third party website.

With a single exception, every single character I've ever played is already SSF, because of the above.

It's fine to base your game on the assumption of trading. If you do so however, please make sure the trading process is included in your game, so that trading isn't so fragmented between, at minimum, two systems designed and managed by completely different people.

Blizzard's attempt at ARPG trading failed grandiosely, because they didn't intend for players to trade on a regular basis, but they made the system too convenient.

GGG would like players to trade on a regular basis, but they made the system barely existent besides the literal process of two people exchanging sets of items, and thus massively inconvenient for casual (and now I'm guessing, but also probably many not so casual) players.

I can't help but think that Blizzard could have used the current PoE system to get the percentage of players trading they wanted, and conversely

TL;DR: GGG, if you want trading to be a major part of your game for everyone, please design an in-game trading system so players don't have to research good third party websites before they can even start trading effectively.
Last edited by DiamondTiki#5218 on Jan 23, 2017, 4:34:43 AM
This has been a much requested feature from the PC crowd from way back, thumbs up GGG for implementing this.

edit: For those who want smart/increase drop rates, it will no doubt be implemented with Xbox release as I bet majority of their 10 year old's will be insta-gratification button mashing arcade style solo self found and won't last to level 30 without either better loot or significant monster nerf.
Last edited by keepfaith#7761 on Jan 23, 2017, 4:47:51 AM
Finally , great news ,thx!!
AsbelFar wrote:
Tin_Foil_Hat wrote:
I dont get this shit at all because all youre going to end up doing is improving drop rates and stupid shit like that because theyll just start complaining like they already are about "drops are too hard to get", "items are too hard to craft", etc.

This won't happen (since you can transfer items from SSF leagues to regular leagues), and lots of SSF players don't want that at all.

The only thing that COULD happen is to remove the vendor class restrictions for gems... but even about this I'm not sure it's a good idea. You can think about builds not requiring restricted gems, or create an alt char just to buy them, so...
They say it wont but you dont know that. They could easily adjust rates for items and currency and just allow them to go into non-SSF because whatever nonsensical reason they want, like "oh its just items and currency being brought that wouldve been there anyways" or something retarded like that.

And dont say that people dont complain about rates while playing SSF, i see stupid ass complaints like that like daily on the feedback forums.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
Last edited by Tin_Foil_Hat#0111 on Jan 23, 2017, 4:43:08 AM
xmaniac wrote:
Great first step but the SSF league needs to have independent drop rates and (probably) balance. Nobody is going to be able to play a golemancer, CI, low life, RF or any kind of build that requires mandatory items. SSF would be limited to totems otherwise

SSF is not supposed to be played with the same mindset. One has to understand that he cant aim at a certain build if its built around a specific item. Those who don't understand this will leave the league first.
On the other hand, real determined people will make a farming character and collect items that will eventually allow them to play certain builds. That's part of the journey. But every decent drop will feel rewarding and that's what's fantastic about it.

Last edited by veek91#3557 on Jan 23, 2017, 4:46:08 AM
Tin_Foil_Hat wrote:
And dont say that people dont complain about rates while playing SSF, i see stupid ass complaints like that like daily on the feedback forums.

I don't say nobody complains about that, I say lots of SSF players don't. There will always be some people to complain about anything, this doesn't mean most of people do.
Last edited by AsbelFar#6192 on Jan 23, 2017, 4:45:41 AM
Came here to say that I would prefer to have SSF with improved drop rates or a similar incentive, gladly without the ability to merge back into "regular" play. As a player I prefer SSF 95% of the time, yet I still don't see the point of having a self-imposed challenge without an incentive. I'm excited for this idea in general and thought it might bring me back from my current PoE hiatus, but in this form, it just doesn't seem like anything special.

(And I agree with the tangential discussion that significant trade improvements would be a great alternative motivator for me to go back to playing!)
Lol, this is what I always did in POE (except party-for-fun). Thanks, GGG!
passofexhale wrote:
Chris wrote:
Multiple characters in the same SSF league on your account can share items via the stash. This is progress that you have earned alone, without help from other players.

I am not really, never was, part of SSF community but don't those guys take extra care to use just the items that dropped for the character? In implementation of your league I can see people who are serious about tryharding the ladder making Magic Find/Lab Runner/Prophecy runner(lol) character 1st before making their ladder push character.

no, you dont get it. part of the joy of playing ssf is sometimes you find this great unique or gg rare and decide to create a second character with a different build in order to use that unique. part of the fun is in making do with what you find.
have finally gotten used to the lab... I dont hate it anymore.:)
PT jerking off at the corner

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