Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

This is a great addition to the game, I will try this out for sure :) Thanks GGG!
why don't you keep this a secret too like the console scam..?

damage control for the next supporter packs coming up..?

gonna need a hell of a lot more me thinks 3:)
IGN: Bluntexile
very cool
Good news! I'm glad you're making this step. I'm sure a lot of people are very happy about this change!
I use to play like this except I think I did party but I did not do too bad so I might go back to this.I can imagine things like showing off items will be more meaningful.Actually I will definatly do this and I would not likely find it hard to resist transferring to normal league.I even do labs solo,only did it with another player once.
You mean solo isn't a normal way to play
well colour me surprised
Finally! I`m so happy about this. Thanks!
IGN: VodeniZec
DiamondTiki wrote:

GGG would like players to trade on a regular basis, but they made the system barely existent besides the literal process of two people exchanging sets of items, and thus massively inconvenient for casual (and now I'm guessing, but also probably many not so casual) players.

I can't help but think that Blizzard could have used the current PoE system to get the percentage of players trading they wanted, and conversely

TL;DR: GGG, if you want trading to be a major part of your game for everyone, please design an in-game trading system so players don't have to research good third party websites before they can even start trading effectively.

I agree with you and other, I like Self loot but i admit like also trading but only with trade system like on MMOrpgs with no Auction ( Dofus, WAkfu ... ), dislike AH but not like also exchange trading Poe Actual : waste of time , i never sell anything but buy sometimes also exchange with guild.

But i like idea of SSF league.

GGG : But for Xbox do you change trading system ? Actual system is not good for Xbox , well it is not good for PC too so ... time to change this archaic system. Look at first trading system of Wakfu : Sales Stall in "hideout" ( havre-sac in french Wakfu ) and a market npc to find item to buy (like website , and visit hideout seller to finally buy item , even if seller not connected.

Also for SSF league , don't increase drop rate but maybe do some changes on craft orbs like this post explain :
Beloresin wrote:
First , no increased drops, noooooo

I don't use item filter because it's completely non ergonomic to use ATM, I am waiting for a more completed in game solution, but don't buff the Internal item rarity for SSF.

Chris wrote:
We do not want new players to choose

How bad, how bad it is to commence a design with this phrase.

Chris wrote:
Despite the addition of this mode, Path of Exile is still designed and intended to be multiplayer with partying and trading.


You made the first step, the very basic crafting really hard, very expensive, at low level, just to force "" designed and intended to be multiplayer with partying and trading ""

So yes, SSF is hard because it's designed to be hard, very expensive, at low level, that's YOUR WILL.

ORBS OF ALTERATION is your very best tool to force the "" partying and trading "" and the NEMESIS of the Solo Self-Found. Am I Wrong ?

To bring back a more in between design:

Orb of Transmutation should roll and REROLL the First stat

Orb of Alteration should roll and REROLL the Second stat

Orb of Augmentation should roll the numbers of both results obtained by the first two Orbs.

Or just use two Orbs to begin the crafting process and delete Augmentation, replaced by Orb of Scouring, if you want to keep the grinding relevant.

I don't understand why Orb of Scouring cost 4 orb of chance, that's a brick in the wall for SSF, when Scouring should just be ahead of Alteration.

REGAL ORB: Should be a low level currency, not a " WAIT TILL END GAME TO USE or replace it with Augmentation.

Really, do what you want, but by design, you know it, you can't promote SSF with how Orb of Augmentation is working, to force ""designed and intended to be multiplayer with partying and trading"".

Chris , are you serious when you say this ? "Poe designed and intended for trading" ? It is really a joke for me ... trading in Poe is a very optional feature and poor feature.

unlucky_child wrote:
Rolingo wrote:
I really like SSF!!!
This is going to be so mutch fun!

playing alone is fun? Good job playing singleplayer like offline game.

Yes playing alone is great, online is fine to save characters on cloud , discuss with friends, guild. An offline mode will be great too : for holidays by example.

Ooh, so that means I'll get to play the way I've been playing 'til now but without a random person asking me in Act 1 Normal to give them a Fire Trap? <3 Very nice. <3 To me, that's definitely a QoL improvement.

Though I have to say, I haven't really been aware that playing SSF is something special or a big disadvantage or anything (playing Softcore, though), I've just been doing it because it's more fun for me this way. I mean, that rush when RNG decides you've suffered enough and actually drops you that Carcass Jack/Unique you really wanted, or you don't run out of portals on that "Screw you! Regards, Vaal Orb" Tier 15 map (you already did a little dance for when it dropped), or you finally get something to replace that blasted pair of gloves you've been wearing since Cruel or -- okay, I stop.

In short: Yay!
I think chat needs to be shared with the normal leagues.

And all gems have to be available for all classes at some point, pretty please? Maybe make it a reward for killing merc mala?

Excited for that thou.

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