Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

I feel like this is entirely missing the point. Amassing and trading currency for build-enabling items isn't fun. This doesn't do anything to solve that. I have over 650 hours in this game, it's great, but I have barely played over the past year, and unless there is an alternative way to obtain build-enabling unique items, I don't plan on returning.
Last edited by Biopower#5482 on Jan 23, 2017, 5:08:21 AM
harddaysnight wrote:
I think a SF league is great and it's good to see GGG doing something with it.

However I think it totally misses the point. In three years I don't recall seeing anyone brag about being SF. It gets mentioned a lot in the forums, but usually in response to some kind of build advice. Very often it's defensive, not bragging. I'm willing to bet that a large percentage of people who are SSF don't socialize at all, let alone brag.

I've been almost entirely SSF for three years, but I see little motivation to join a league as presented. Unless there is some kind of buff to drops, I don't see joining a SSF league as more than a one-time curiosity.

The obvious problem with buffing drops is exploitation by migrating to other leagues. Simple solution is to allow migration of characters, but not gear. That would mean either a use-it-or-lose-it league (like void racing leagues), or migrating to a perm SSF league. Either is fine with me, but I bet there would be serious protests if it was a void league.

In SSF there is no such thing as currency, except the very small amount used at vendors. An exalt is just an orb, with whatever intrinsic value it has. Same with the other higher level orbs, they are just orbs.

I would suggest killing two birds with one stone. Make a SSF league which is more crafting based. Where higher level orbs are used as orbs, and the drop rate increased dramatically. Maybe add more master crafting options. Make crafting an alterative to trading.

Maybe a compromise to not allowing migration of gear, is something like characters at level 80 can migrate one piece of gear, plus one gear per five levels above that. And it could only be done once per month or something.

It would also be nice to have at least some partying for people who play with friends. Make it perm allocation, and maybe limit it to a party of 2-3.
Pretty much this.

Don't get me wrong - I think implementing this is better than not doing anything, but it isn't for me altough I'd like to play exclusively SF. Solo? Not really.
It is typical for GGG to make SF about challenge or bragging rights while I suspect that this is interesting only for a small portion of SF inclined players. I'm not interested in bragging or additional challenge (doesn't even feel like additional challenge, it's just my baseline).

I want the game to be more enjoyable. Finding more interesting or powerfull items while being unable to trade outside my real friends would give me incentives to make more alts for those items or enjoy more content with the characters I have. I'd probably play such a league even if it went to void afterwards just because it would be more fun.

An idea to distinguish real friends from others by some criteria:
Have been in friend list for at least x months,
Have completed y maps together in the past z days,
Have partied on w days without trading with each other ot of the past v days, etc.
Online delenda est:
When the lifecycle of PoE will draw to an end many years from now,
there needs to be a final patch making it available offline.
this is a nice surprise :)
as one of the old players that would prefer going back to the old difficulty (when was the last time you were FORCED to abandon a map because of a rare you couldnt kill that hunted you all over the map? or to actually kite something?), , I hope if this proves successful (ie enough players like it) we might actually get a hard (optional) league; I want to have to dodge rhoas, I want vaal slam to instagib ( not the stones, that was stupid), I want to see people running away from kole, I want to have to hide behind columns when piety grabs her cold circle.. I know most people like casual play and thats great, but would hope for a hard league option, and this is a step in the right direction.. GGG does not want to fragment player base but player base I think has become big enough that it can withstand some fragmenting
have finally gotten used to the lab... I dont hate it anymore.:)
WOW!! I'm in!!!
Biopower wrote:
Amassing and trading currency for build-enabling items isn't fun. This doesn't do anything to solve that. I have over 650 hours in this game, it's great, but I have barely played over the past year, and unless there is an alternative way to obtain build-enabling unique items, I don't plan on returning.

Then you're never going to come back, the game inherently revolves around trading and the only time a Loot 2.0-type system (which seems to be what you're implying?) would be implemented is in a last-ditch effort to revive this game when it eventually starts breathing its dying moments.

Xeledon2132 wrote:
and the drop rate increased dramatically

They've implied (although not explicitly stated) that while they're comfortable tweaking drop rates generally, it would never be league-specific, and in the unlikely event that it DID happen, it would be a Void league.

So, you'd have to be fine signing up for a league that could never merge to Standard, and everything you accrued during the course of said league would be deleted once finished.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
"Channels Introvert Energy"
M'kay this is pretty neat :) ssf-hc would be even more hc now lel xd
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
I only hope this wont split players even more... im scared to splitting community even more
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TreeOfDead wrote:
I only hope this wont split players even more... im scared to splitting community even more

Splitting players who play solo anyway is a non-issue.
Last edited by AsbelFar#6192 on Jan 23, 2017, 5:30:26 AM

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