What to Expect From Content Update 3.3.0

If you enjoyed leagues that involved a lot of monster-killing like Ambush and Breach, you'll certainly enjoy this one.

big bada race ? sweet :}
Yeah I am still missing out a few maps and had to resort to go out of SSF and buy some of them, but they are blocking the way deeper into the atlas, severely limiting my atlas progress and getting a tier 2 map inside a tier 13 map just sucks, make it drop at most 5 levels below, aka a tier 15 map won't drop lower then tier 10 and then make it drop 1-2 levels above (depending on your atlas progress %)
This is definitely the worst league. Unique things are worthless, the drop of fortune-telling cards is cut, the sextants are cut, the cards fall badly, the MF builds are killed. What to do? To catch animals? No thanks!
End this early

Give me races

Give me anything lol
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GGG TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
What's 3.3.0's League like?
When designing 3.3.0's league, we wanted to reinforce the core of what makes Path of Exile fun to play: killing monsters, gaining experience and earning items in every area you enter. We'll talk more about this league when it's being announced next month. If you enjoyed leagues that involved a lot of monster-killing like Ambush and Breach, you'll certainly enjoy this one.

I know that my voice is just a whisper in a storm, but this is making me sad.
Give us an improved Legacy League please :)
Woot. Finally another race!
Can u invest day-two of development and improve UI (overall UIX is disaster), chat and off-course do something with trade because actual is disaster, pm 20 person and get one respond is just waste of time, please some sort of AH it is a time, year is 2018 not 1998.
Last edited by Coolmer on Apr 9, 2018, 3:40:02 AM

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